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Josh Brolin guests on the Rosie O'Donnell show!!

Here's a transcript of the interview he had!
Dutifully copied by Tanya


Rosie: Our next guest is a young, talented, handsome actor you can see this Sunday in the TV movie "Picnic." Please welcome cutie patootie, Josh Brolin!

Josh enters and waves hands upwards to the audience.... trying to get applause? He kisses and hugs Rosie.

Rosie: Well hi Josh. How are you?

Josh picks up a publicity photo of himself and Minnie Driver off of Rosie's desk.

Josh: I'm fantastic.

Rosie: You are awful cute man! (woos from the audience)

Josh: Look at this. You know what's cute? (holds picture toward camera and points to Minnie) That's cute.

Rosie: That's you and Minnie Driver.

Josh: That's cute.

Rosie: Yeah.

Josh: She's a hottie. (audience laughs)

Rosie: She's good.

Josh: She definitely is.

Rosie: She's your girlfriend, right?

Josh: I saw her on the show a couple of days ago. She was great.

Rosie: She did well.

Josh: She did really well!

Rosie: We played the Celebrity game

Josh: I know -- but your head -- do you have a scab? (referring to some incident during the game, which I didn't see)

Rosie: I had a scab.

Josh: You had a scab??

Rosie: Feel it, it's still a little rough

Josh touches her forehead and pulls his hand away and shakes it as if it hurt

Rosie: See that?

Josh: Yeah. Oh my god...

Rosie: It's not good. My headband fell off so I just slapped it on my head and the velcro... it wasn't good. But you know she's [Minnie] very competitive.

Josh: She's very competitive. You know we play that at home.

Rosie: Celebrity?

Josh: Yeah.

Rosie: Do you have the headband?

Josh: Yeah but I'm not really good at it.

Rosie: You're not?

Josh: No, I'm not really good. You know she... the English, they have that gift to just get neurotic and crazy (shakes hands to demonstrate) and you know (Rosie: yeah yeah yeah) that's why she got a 10. But she cheated on one didn't she?

Rosie: I think she did.

Josh: Tinkerbell.

Rosie: Tinkerbell. She said (in British accent) 'Ooh it's a tinker -- with a bell.'

Josh: (also in British accent) Tinker. Bell. The thing that flaps! (shouting in American) TINKERBELL!

Rosie: Right, right. It was not good. But you guys... how long have you been dating? A long time?

Josh: A year and a half.

Rosie: Oh good! Congratualtions!

Josh: Thank you (audience claps)

Rosie: That's wonderful. (pause) Now, you look a lot like your dad.

Josh: Well thank you. I think that's a compliment. I hope.

Rosie: Yes, he's a very handsome man as well!

Josh: You look a lot like Barbra [Streisand].

Rosie: (laughing) Thank you! (Josh gives her a KISS on the lips!) I feel like she's my mom. But she's not... But it must be strange, your dad marrying Barbra Streisand.

Josh: You know, I think it's stranger for you than it is for me.

Rosie: (laughing) Really?

Josh: Every show, every "Rosie" show that I've seen, no matter who is on, it's like 'Barbra Streisand. Can you believe it??'

Rosie: But you don't understand -- I love her.

Josh: I know you love her. You know what? I saw the show that she was on and you bawled, didn't you? You cried.

Rosie: I know, and you know what? My siblings were all in the front row and they were all crying too. (Josh: wow) Cause she has a big place emotionally in my life.

Josh: Now why did she sit on that side as opposed to this side? [of Rosie's desk]

Rosie: I don't know. I think we were at the time period where we were doing the desk differently for lighting.

Josh: I see, I see. Well you know what I saw? I don't have any reference to her [Barbra] at all.

Rosie: At all?

Josh: No no no no. I grew up with Country/Western music and all that kinda... But I saw her rehearsal concert... when was it? Like a month --

Rosie: For the New Year's Eve show?

Josh: Yeah for the New Year's Eve show. ...I bawled.

Rosie: Did you?

Josh: I cried so much. (Rosie: Yeah, she's amazing) I tried to be super masculine out there and it just didn't work. You know, I was on the side just watching and (starts to imitate crying with the face scrunched up and noises)

Rosie: (laughing) I know. What song got you? What? "Memories?"

Josh: No no no no, it was "Evergreen." I loved "Evergreen."

Rosie: "Evergreen?" It's beautiful.

Josh: It really is.

Rosie: Imagine if you had loved her since you were born, like I do. (Josh: I know) Imagine what that must have felt like.

Josh: Well for her to be on your show, I mean no wonder you started bawling.

Rosie: I still haven't even watched it.

Josh: You haven't what? You haven't watched the show?

Rosie: No, and we showed a clip the other day when I was at her house interviewing her, and I honestly thought to myself 'that person is so lucky, they're at Barbra's house,' and then I had to go 'oh my god that's me!' Like I forgot that happened to me, it's so far removed from my experience.

Josh: Yeah, yeah. I'm happy for you.

Rosie: Oh thanks. (pause) Good to meet you. (Josh: Yeah) You're very cute! You are!

Josh: Well thank you very much.

Rosie: So tell me about "Picnic."

Josh: Picnic is...

Rosie: I saw the play. Is it the same?

Josh: You know Debra was in the play. Debra Monk was in the play. [Another guest on today's show]

Rosie: That's right she was.

Josh: And it's basically a TV rendition of the play itself. We changed it a little bit -- we contemporized it a little bit. It takes place in the 60's now. And it's about a drifter who comes into town and he kinda wreaks havoc on everybody's life. He comes in, you know, as a force of change. (Rosie: Right) And he's accepted, and then once he's accepted he falls in love with this girl, and then everybody, you know, all the veils are suddenly lifted off of everyone and they don't trust him. So...

Rosie: And you're very good in it -- I saw the clip.

Josh: Thank you very much. Thank you.

Rosie: Take a look at this clip with the cutie Josh Brolin in "Picnic."

Josh: (Corrects her:) 'Cutie patootie.'

Rosie: 'Patootie.' This Sunday night it's on.

Josh shrugs in embarrassment about correcting her on the patootie thing.

[Clip from "Picnic"]

Rosie: Josh Brolin, it's on CBS (applause) Great cast you worked with... Mary...

Josh: Yeah, Mary Steenburgen was wonderful. Gretchen Mol was fantastic. There was a thing I wanted to tell you that Mary Steenburgen did. I played a couple of jokes on her -- I'd leave voices on her message machine, and she'd fall for it every time. So what she did -- and I'm a paranoid guy, so it's hard to play jokes on me (Rosie: Right) -- So what she did, and we were in Austin, Texas and I was eating a lot of fried food. So she had wardrobe put pants that I was wearing on the show one size smaller, but she had them change the number so it was still a [size] 33 everytime I put em on (Rosie laughs). And then for two weeks they said 'hey man, have you been eating a lot?' and I said 'I don't think so.' You know, 'have you been gaining some weight?'
So I put the pants on the first week and I saw and I did this (squats to the ground to stretch out his pants) you know, all day. (Rosie: yeah, yeah) And they said, 'what's the matter with your pants?' I said 'I don't know...' 'Have you been eating?' 'No, I haven't been eating.' So finally by the end of the two weeks they put pants in that were 4 sizes too small (audience gasps) and they waited outside my trailer and watched the silhouette from outside my trailer as I was going like this (demonstrates stuggling to pull his pants above his hips).

Rosie: (Laughing) You know, I can help you with that. What you do, you take a cold shower so your body contracts, and you lie down on the bed with a hanger hook in the little zipper thingm and you lay down, button, and then pull! That's the way it works! (laughter and applause from the audience)

Josh: Actually I had two pulleys from up top and I was holding them like that (grabs hands up in the air and flexes his arms and thrusts his body upwards! During this you can see the tattoo on his right triceps!)

Rosie: Exactly! It's great to see you.

Josh: Thank you.

Rosie: You can come back whenever you like. You're so enjoyable.

Josh: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Rosie: You're happy, you're fun, you're cute, you're smart...

Josh: Thank you. Thanks for having me on your show.

Rosie: ...and you smell good! Josh Brolin, ladies and gentlemen!

Josh looks embarrassed/confused again and waves some underarm air Rosie's direction

As the camera pans back for the commercial break they kiss on the cheek again!!

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