You Are An AJ Fan If.....

  • you've created an AJ webpage.

  • you've created an AJ fan club.

  • your e-mail addresses all have something to do with him.

  • your whole room, not to mention your locker, is covered with AJ pictures.

  • you named your pets AJ, AJ Jr.,Bone, and Bone Jr.

  • you talk about AJ with your friends every chance you get.

  • everyone in your whole school asks you for the latest news on AJ.

  • people you know, including your teachers, refer to you as Mrs. McLean.

  • you know his lines in every BSB song.

  • you talked about him enough that your family knows every single little detail about him.

  • your family knows all the words to every BSB song because you listen to them both at home and in the car.

  • you buy everything that has AJ and the rest of BSB on it, including watches, pencils, notebooks, and stickers.

  • you, not only daydream, but actually dream about him.

  • he is the inspiration to all the stories and poems you write for your English class.

  • you won't date any guy who doesn't at least remotely resemble him. Now, that's scary.

  • you tape every show and commercial that he is in.
  • you start talking like him.

  • you match your hair color with his.

  • you regularly visit every McDonald's around your neighborhood hoping to run into AJ someday.

  • you've looked up and called every person in the phonebook with the last name McLean asking if they are in any way related to AJ.

  • you beg your parents every summer to let you vacation in Orlando, Florida, so that you might be able to catch a glimpse of him.

  • you're studying to be a dancer, so you can be with him in a future BSB video.