Big Hit Magazine Interview

Source: Big Hit Magazine

Special thanks to Backstreet Unlimited for this article.

We put wild boy A.J. to the test by asking him to finish the following sentences.....

If I could be anything else in the world besides a Backstreet Boy, I'd.....
Be Geena Davis archery equipment, I've had a crush on her for ages.

If I could steal someone's else's clothes, it would be.....
Mick Jaggers. I always thought he had the coolest, most sophisticated clothes although I am sure they wouldn't fit me.

If I could have more free time, I'd spend it.....
At home sleeping and also catching up on listening to new CDs I bought.

If I could change my body, I'd.....
Have bigger arms and thighs!

If I could change some things about the world, I would.....
Want world peace. I would also want people to stop being bigots. I know this sounds very idealistic but you asked an idealistic question.

If I could meet anyone in the world, it would be.....
Well, I would like to have met JFK Jr, but it's too late now. Very sad. My heart goes out to his family.

If I could go on the ultimate holiday, it would probably be.....
A week in Ibiza, then a week in Bali. I think those are probably the two most exotic places in the world.

If I could change one thing about myself, it would be.....
My nose. I don't think that I would actually ever change it, but its something I've always thought about, like when I look at myself from a side view, or when I see pictures of myself at certain angles.

If I could change something about Nick, I'd.....
Want him to stop acting so silly sometimes. I also would like to see him in less conservative clothes.

If I could change something about Howie, I'd.....
Want him to stop being so damn saintly! (Laughs)

If I could change something about Brian, I'd.....
Want him to read some of my spirituality books and be more open-minded about material we record.

If I could change something about Kevin, I'd.....
Want him to calm down and not worry so much about our schedule and making deadlines.