Erin's Thoughts

BSB fan Erin went to the November 18 concert in Kansas City, Missouri. This is what she has to say about her concert experience.

The Backstreet Boys Rocked! Well we arrived at the arena at 2:00. We started to walk around and found about 7 or 8 buses of theirs parked along with about 12 girls waiting. We started talking to them and they said this is where the boys would be coming into the arena through the tunnel around the corner, so we waited, waited, and waited.

While we were waiting, about 100 people gathered behind us, but of course, we were on the front row and on the edge of the door to the tunnel they pulled into. Around 5:00, 4 more buses pull up that match the ones already parked, slowly but surely one by one the band started comming out of the bus. First was Mindi and Tommy. Tommy stopped and let me give him my present I made for him and everyone else. Then came the rest of the band, Dennis, Guy, Louie, and Bubba. I was the only one who knew their names I guess, so they each waved at me, and I got great pics.

Then came the Dancers. I each got pics of them too! We waited for a while, along with the friend we made behind us who's 20th b-day was that day.

We saw a girl get out of a limo. By this time it was getting dark, so we couldn't really see. She stopped to talk to a guard. The three of us started yelling Amanda to see if it was her. Sure enough it was! She stopped and talked to us. She put the video we made for the guys in her purse, and said she would give it to them personally. Then me and my two friends got to take a pic with her.

Then Tommy came out to smoke and talk on his cell phone to Leona. I got to get a picture with him (I was the only one). Then later he came back out to talk on the phone, and I asked him about Guido (his stuffed animal pet goose). He made me ask the person he was on the phone with, Leona. Then he had to go

Then RORO (their dancer) was hiding behind the other lady I was with, so I started talking to him. He said he was looking for a friend. I got to take a pic with him too. In the package, I gave Tommy I didn't leave my name or anything because I never thought I would get it to him. So RO RO took it for me and told me thank you for the necklace I had for him. Then he had to go b/c everyone realized who he was and was asking for a pic and stuff.

Then Nick pulled up in a black van and I got a really good pic of him, and my mom got him in the van on video.(Hi mom! I know you will be reading this from Florida. Don't forget to go to Howie's house for me).

About two hours later, the rest of the boys pulled up in their red van. It pulled in right by us, and we could see them in it. Brian and Howie were in the back, and AJ and Kevin were in the middle.( No Leighanne or Tyke at this concert.)

Then from all the way down the tunnel, Brian came running up almost touching distance and waved. We would have gotten to talk to him, but the people up above saw what was happening and ran down, so the guard held him back.

We could have seen Mandy Moore come in right after them, but we wanted to get to our seats.

Well the concert was great. We got a little of each song on tape. The best has HOWIE's rap and the first all the way to the last song. They all looked great.