AJ Fans Should Not.....

  • become too obsessed

  • While it is true that AJ is loveable, please please don't waste your life thinking you'll get him. There is a BIG chance you won't.

  • disrespect his girlfriend or any of his girlfriends

    Don't go to a BSB concert and throw things at Kristin or go to a chatroom and call Amanda names. Leave them alone and support AJ's choice to be with them.

  • fight with other fans

  • So what if so and so thought that the Larger Than Life video wasn't as good as she expected? People have different opinions. Instead of fighting and cursing each other out like what often happens in chatrooms and clubs, listen and discuss the issue in a civilized way. Fans should unite, not fight.

  • dislike anyone esle who is named AJ

    I'm pretty sure these people did not get to choose their name, so don't knock them for it.

  • hate people who are not BSB fans

  • Everyone does not have the same taste when it comes to music. They have a RIGHT to do that, you know.

  • make fun of other boy bands

  • Jut because you think BSB is better than 'N SYNC and 98 Deggres doesn't mean you have the green light to bash them all you want. Respect them as you would want their fans to respect BSB.

  • make webpages or join clubs that promote hate

  • Believe me, there are plenty of these around. I'm sure all of you have seen at least one of these anti-whatever crap usually aimed at BSB girlfriends and so called "rival" boy bands. Don't waste your time participating in these. They are for people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

  • hold up gigantic signs during concerts

  • If you are going to make huge, and I mean HUGE signs, don't hold them up. Unless, you are in the very last row, there will be people behind you who would want to see more than the back of cardboard.

  • flash him

  • We all know AJ loves women, but for the love of God, please don't flash him while he's performing. He can be so shocked that he might forget the words and stand there stunned.

  • dress inappropriately

  • It's understandable that fans would wanna look their best for AJ, but showing up almost naked is insane. Show more class and less a$$.

  • throw things on stage

  • Don't throw stuffed animals and other things on stage while AJ and the rest of BSB are performing. AJ is very friendly with the floor and often get hit in his *ahem* by unidentified flying objects. Just give them to someone like a bodyguard who can HAND it to him or throw them before the fellas come out. Be careful though. Try not to hit any of the band members and the equipment.

  • grab him

  • AJ, I know, is extremely sexy, but fans please control yourselves when you see him. Don't grab his a$$ and *ahem*.

  • faint when you see him

  • Don't pass out because you'll miss all the action. That would definitely be a shame.

  • fall for internet impostors

  • There are a lot of men on the net who pretend to be AJ and would easily take advantage of young female fans. Don't buy their lies and give out personal information. It's very dangerous.


    This section of AJ McLean Pride was put together with the help of Amanda, the maker of AJ Mclean Home Page. Her site is also copyrighted, so please don't take anything here without asking for our permission. Since this part is actually a combination of our ideas, you would have to ask both of us if you want to use any info on this page. You can check out her site by clicking on her website title above.