AJ Quotes

Here are cute and funny things that AJ has said.

  • "Sure, why not?"

  • "Welcome to Mr. Rogers' neighborhood. Mr. Rogers couldn't be here today, so I'm taking his place."

  • "Nick needs a buddy to play Nintendo with...or else he is lost."

  • "I change my hair as often as I change my underwear."

  • "Bass me!"

  • (Pointing to an electric fan) "Brian, now this is the perfect fan."

  • "It's gonna be funky!"

  • "I am a big horror movie freak! I can probably recite every line from Pulp Fiction!"

  • "I'm not good with secrets so don't tell me any!"

  • "Why are you putting it all on me?"

  • "Music is love, love is music, music is my life and I love my life!"

  • "It's scary being tugged at and pulled and grabbed at in places that you don't want to be grabbed."

  • "I wear boxers except for when I'm sleeping and I don't wear anything at all!"

  • "Bring on the women"

  • "I'm a big ham and I gotta be out there doing crazy stuff for apparently no reason especially on stage."

  • "I'm still waiting for Carmen Electra to give a call back to me, didn't happen yet, but oh well."
  • "Yeah, I'm gonna let you go now...I'm on um, uh, on the toilet seat right now."

  • (Refering to his legs) "I think they look better shaved."

  • "I got a big heart"

  • (Talking to a camera) "I want a divorce"
  • "I look like Elvis"

  • (Refering to the toilet on the plane) "That thing flushes forever".

  • (Talking about how he likes his clothes) "Too big, extra, extra large"

  • "I like funny girls who will pop in and say, 'Here I am!. It doesn't matter what she looks like, though- honestly!"

  • "If I ever had plastic surgery, I'd change my nose. I hate it because it's too big. I'd need a super-sedative though!"

  • (Wearing Phantom of the Opera make-up) "Maybe now I can have a girlfriend"

  • "Girls are like diamonds- at first they are rough on the edges, but once they are polished and smoothed, they are beautiful.

  • "I'm the king of hotels when it comes to not paying my bill"

  • (Talking about his hair in the "I'll Never Break Your Heart video)"I hate my hair in the video, Carson."

  • "I look like a convict."

  • "I hate clowns, they freak me out."

  • "I think I'm a man."

  • "I love cooking"

  • "I had a crush on my teacher."

  • "I read somewhere on the net that I have 101 tattoos."

  • "Everyone was afraid of me cause I was such a freak. No one would come near me, they were like, 'What the hell's wrong with him, he's so weird?' I didn't fit in."

  • "I'm friends with Justin [of 'N Sync]. He lives close to me, and we used to play basketball in high school."

  • "I want to get a new tattoo on my left breast - even though my mom and and our manager are against it."

  • "I'd like to have a run-in with Gwen Stefani. . ."

  • "I know, I'm sick, aren't I?"

  • "We have a huge phone bill!"

  • "I dreaded Easter every year because my mom made me go around hospitals giving out Easter eggs dressed as a fluffy Easter bunny!"

  • "Same receding hairline!"

  • "Which one is the one that I like?"

  • "I never used to pray before, but now I pray everyday."

  • "The vibration of a moving vehicle puts me to sleep!"

  • "I have to have it. I was raised on it. Everyday after school, from when I was in grade school, if I got an A or even a B, my grandmother is like 'You want to go to McDonalds?'"

  • "I love a girl who has long fingernails, because I like the way they feel on my skin. When a girl rubs the back of my neck and she has long nails, man, that's really nice."

  • "You see Howie, that's how you gotta do it man, Howie, Howie! Yo yo, D!"

  • "If it had been our show, I would have got security to find out who threw it!"

  • "It's too cold outside!"

  • "You've been a mute, buddy!"

  • "Nick's a real prankster. Last tour, he put a sock filled with different odds and ends that really stank (he won't reveal the exact contents) behind the drums, and during the show, it started smelling real bad. Revenge is being plotted as we speak."

  • "I shop more than most women."

  • "I love you all!"

  • "I think that's me."

  • "It's gonna be a kick butt show!"

  • "Nick's gonna be on a sugar rush."

  • "We'll stay up all night and party."

  • "He takes the little slippers out of the bathtub."

  • "Rok, behave yourself, we're on national television."

  • "Howie's good at making hot pockets."

  • "Howie, nice shot, dawg!"

  • "Good God, it's Kevin!"

  • "I like Nick's butt."