I found this on a kickin site (Frick Chicks we salute you!! All hail Frick Chicks!!) I altered it a bit and decided to share it wit ya. My opinions in italics. Enjoy!
1)My question is, what the heck is up w/ everyone saying they are gonna run for president? *scary thought* What if the Backstreet Boys were in charge of
the country? Dude, people were stupid enough to elect Bill Clintion, they could surely be stupid enough to elect a BSB. So, uh...what would the world be like with them in charge???
*Leighanne would be the Official Whitehouse Intern.
*Ebonics would be declared the official language.
*The anthem would be "Larger Than Life"
*Any chick that is showing less than 2/3 of her body would be considered an outlaw. (If you haven't been to a concert..you wouldn't understand)
*Who needs state borders? Nick could re-draw them into comic strip characters! (Hey...then Indiana wouldn't look like a boot...and New York would be a separate country.)
*Teenieboppers would face the death sentence.
*Winking 24 times per millisecond would be considered "normal".
*Any blonde with curly hair Nick would put in jail. (Natural or not.)
*If you ever sign your name Carter, Littrell, Dorough, Richardson, or McLean...prepare to face the consequences.
*At noon everything stops for pelvic thrusts (Thanks Brandi!)
*Lou Pearlman would be immediatly deported. (Goooo Brandi!)