*Our Interview With 'N SYNC*

Recently, Emily and Shelly (hey! That's us!) caught up with the 5 members of 'N SYNC for a way too close interview. This is what they had to say.

Emily: **Whispering** I'm scared....and I need a barf bag...

Shelly: **Whispering back** Who's stupid idea was this anyway?????

Emily: I dunno....aw crap they saw us....

**The members of 'N SYNC gleefully prance over to them, not knowing the amount of anger and frustration (not to mention lunch) they were holding back.**

Justin: Yo's to da both of ya....

Shelly:**Rolling eyes** Umm...I'm taking it that's hello...

Chris: Hey let's get this interview goin....

Emily: Yeah, whatever. OK, Chris....what the BEEP is wrong with your BEEP BEEPIN hair!!!????!!!????

Chris:**Laughing and obviously not getting that she really means it** Nothin, the teenies seem to like it this way I MEAN our fans...fans..yeah....not teenies....

Shelly: Umm...yeah. But why the crap are you wearin frickin braces when you're almost freakin 30????

Chris: **Still not getting it** Hehehe cuz I need em...and stuff....ya know....

Emily: Yeah...whatever. What's all this crap we've been hearing about your misquito clothes--FuManSkeeto crud...what is it?

Chris: Well, I didn't want to be broke when the group folds...so I hire 10 year old factory workers in Malaysia to make cheap clothes.

Shelly: **Exhausted from their stupidness already** OK whatever...what's your message to your **gulps** fans?

Chris: **Eyes light up with the word "fans"** Well I want to say thanks for making Millennium number one!!

Emily: Chris, dude, Millennium isn't your album. It's the Backstreet Boy's.

Chris: Huh? Oh sorry...being just like them is hard work ya know...ya forget what you've done and what ya haven't....

Shelly: Don't go there dude. Don't go there. ANYWAY let's move onto Justin...since we have to....

Justin: **Looks up from his make up mirror** yo wat be up???

Emily: Oh gawd....

Shelly: **Sarcastically**The sky is up.

Justin: **looks up at the sky** Really? Nah man that is like so awesome..never noticed it before....

**Emily and Shelly look at each other pitifully.**

Shelly: Learn something everyday don't you...anyway..Justin who's your current girlfriend?

Justin: **Smiles** I be lookin for two more....**Emily and Shelly scream at the top of their lungs in horror**...Butz right now mah honies be Britney...wait NO SHE'S NOT...I thank....oh yeah she's skank...I be memberin now...Hmmm...and den dere Samantha, Beth, Angie, Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Amy, Jessica....**continues list as Emily and Shelly fall asleep from boredom**.....and Rachael. I think dat bout covers it all....

Emily:**Yawning** Yeah that's nice pretty boy. Do you like being an 'N STINKER?

Justin: Yah I be guessin so's. I means dis be's ok...I be luvin all the huniez...I be hatin da lip synchin I MEAN singin....

Shelly: Uh-huh. Justin, do you know you're white?

Justin: **Shocked** Yo, g, let's not be goin dere...

Emily: My name is not g you freak. **Sighs and grits teeth** OK, Joey..what is all that stupid stuff you're wearin with Superman on it???!?!?!?!?

Joey: Huh? **looks up from eating a bag of chips** What?

Shelly: Nevermind Joey. We see your busy schedule won't allow you to answer us.

Emily: And umm...J.C, umm...GAWSH I CAN'T TAKE YOU FREAKS ANYMORE!!!!

Lance: That was slightly uncalled for!

Shelly: SHUT UP!!!

Justin: Yo, what show you be from anyway?

Emily: **Picking Up Chair and throwing it** Jerry Springer!!!!!

Lance: Oh no! Before they tell you anything, Joey, I want you to know that I didn't mean to two time you!

Shelly: SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!! **throws shoes at them**

**Thousands of girls run after Emily and Shelly, but are just too slow for Emily and Shely's athletic abilities (hehe) and Emily and Shelly escape.....**

Emily: Hehehehe...they ain't heard the last of us!

Shelly: **Grins evilly** I've got an idea......

cLiCkIe 2 Go BaCk

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