*Glo and Shelly, in their endless scheme to end N SYNC, have snuck onto the set of "Bye Bye Bye" to have a little fun. ::Grinning:: Once sneaking through a buttload of teenyboppers surrounding the studio, and sweet-talking a couple security guards, they'd made it in. Now for the REAL story : ) *

Glo: Man...I really don't like this place..it's kind of scary.

Shelly: I know. EEWW... hide here they come!

((Glo and Shelly run like crazy and hide while the Ghetto Kings pass by))

Glo: Ugh that was close. Oh dear...look, the wardrobe department. *Evil grin* Come on!

((The two oh-so-clever girls enter wardrobe department))

Wardrobe Chick: Who are you?

Shelly: Who are you?

Wardrobe Chick: I'm the wardrobe chick.

Glo: No, you're not. We are.

Wardrobe Chick: What??

Shelly: Get out of our wardrobe department, you poser!

Wardrobe Chick: Are you telling me they fired me already?

Glo: Yes. It's all Lance's fault too. I suggest you beat him up.

Wardrobe Chick: Don't worry. I will *Steam comes from her nostrils*

Shelly: That was easy, wasn't it?

Glo: I'm not surprised.She's working for those losers, afterall. ClIcK 2 gO bAcK