And nobody needs to say it Good cuz you know I'm too good to hear it *LOL*
They love the clothes you wear you know you could really buy your own?
- they compliment you and I
Just love the way you play it
But the only thing you dream of - money can't buy for you Excuse me?? You know what I dream of???!!??? And in all my dreams I make your wish come true *GAG*
For the girl who has everything I bring you love Well I don't need it, cuz I'm too good for you, remember?
Cause the girl who has everything can't get enough *GAG AGAIN* Why do you run and hide? - say what you feel inside OK--I feel nautious when I see you if you really wanna know
Why must you always fake it? I'm not, I really DO get sick when I see you!!
Girl you need to understand
You're heart is safe within my hands and Well I'll remember that if I ever need heart surgery...
I promise I'll never break it Yeah I know you won't cuz you'll never get it in the first place!!
I know you still dream of what money can't buy for you Once again, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT I DREAM OF!!! And in my dreams I make your wish come true Fine then my wish is for you to DIE!!
For the girl who has everything I bring you love Well can I get the reciept and exchange it for the new BSB zine?
Cause the girl who has everything can't get enough Of the BSB zine? you're right!! If you just let me try - my baby listen This song is startin to remind me of "I'll never break your heart", no?
I'll help you find what you've been missing Well I lost my sock in the washer the other day...I've been missing it...
You gotta listen to your heart and not your mind Scuze me...listen to your mind? I swear, REDUNDANT!! For the girl who has everything I bring you love ONCE AGAIN, I DON'T WANT IT!!! Cause the girl who has everything can't get enough GRRRRR DON'T YOU GET IT??? cLiCkIe 2 Go BaCk