NSYNC Lawsuit

A lawsuit was filed against 'N Sync member Justin Timberlake by a 15 year old fan claiming Timberlake was verbally abusive to her at the Chase Park Plaza Hotel after a concert given by the group.
Fans were in the lobby of the hotel when the members of the group came by to greet the fans. Timberlake snubbed the fans and kept walking.
Danielle McGuire screamedout to Timberlake that "JC was cuter anyway".
Moments later, a security guard approached her and asked if she had been the one to make the remark, when she said yes, she was escorted upstairs. Her mother was not allowed to go with and when thefrightened girl got upstairs, she was subjected to drill-seargent behavior by Timberlake.
He backed her against the wall allegedly and berated her. He let loose with a barrage of insults and intimidation. When a local news anchor showed up, Timberlake backed off limping, claiming his leg was hurt...............

Nsync Splitting up

1) Justin is off screwing Britney...it's only a matter of time before she get's pregnant and Justin has to marry her!

2) Jc is looking into other (better) groups...and writing their music for them. Like "Wild Orchid"

3) Lance has a record company. It's called "Free Lance" records. The only thing free about Lance is his pants. Haven't you noticed how many "hot" girls he coincidently has signed to his label?

4) Joey is looking into movies. Joes and Lance are currently doing a movie called "On the L". Joey is also in other movies called " The brothers" and "My big fat Greek Wedding".

5) Chris has a clothing line he is getting into. Which is kinda ironic seeing as to how he has terrible fashion sence for his on cloths!

6) Justin is doing a solo album. Ewww...as if he doesn't sound bad enough with 4 other guys sharing lyrics. Now Justin gets to sing all by him self...and no one to take solo's or atleast cover up Justin's chip munk voice!

7) Ahhh...lucky number 7! And the last reason why Nsync will split up...Nsync sucks! No longer will 10-year-olds be subjected to pelvic thrusts, lip-syncing, or their lies! Nsync's 15 minutes are up. And they know it too. Why else would they all of a sudden become involved in all that stuff?