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Just a few funky quotes I located for your viewing pleasure. Let Nsuck show you what dumbasses they really are.

"Let's play some basketball, baby!"-Justin
Is that what they call "playing" Basketball nowdays?

"Hey what's up wit that ya'll"-Justin
Yeehawww thats a mighty fine lookin gal you got there ... (OMG it's Lance).

Finally showing all the boppers that you are taken by the skank queen herself huh J?

"I hope he doesn't puke on me, that would be really bad"- Justin
Another usless fact from JUJU... *sigh* Such words of wisdom.

"Don't judge a book by it's cover"- Justin
In this case the story gets worse, the cover is just the best part *sniggers*

"She was mockin' my man's dreads"- Justin
Wow, can i mock him like that?Look at that go girl.

"There's a lot of funky things goin' on right now"-JC (when asked what he would change about the world) from FANatic
Won't go there. The picture speaks for itself.

"I just want to sit down." -- Justin
"Justin, you can sit on my lap!" -- fan
" Excuse me ? I don't know you." -- Justin
She was just trying to help you out. No need to get nasty.Nope... that was the real side of your lovely Justin.