You know you a teeny if......

1) You claim to be (Justin's, Nick's, Brintey's, etc) cousin...twice removed
2) You sign you name (Mrs. Timberlake, Mrs. Carter, Mr. Spears, etc.)
3) Your room is covered in posters of your fave artists.
4) You would eat a slug to get tickets to a concert
5) You have a dream about Marrying (Britney, Justin, Nick, etc)
6) You claim you've dated or are dating (Justin, Britney, Nick, etc).
7) You know all the words to every song.
8) Your note books are covered with pics of (Nsync, BSB, Britney, etc)
9) You have "I LOVE (insert group/girl/guy here) all over your books and arms.
10) You've recorded (insert group/person) on TV every time you've seen them on.
11) You've gone to 2 or more of the same concert.


0: You need to watch MTV DESPARATELY!
1-2: Your not a teeny bopper...just a fan
3-5: Okay, your a teeny bopper. But not the bad kind.
6-8: You definately a teeny bopper! But it's just because you love them/her/him
9-11: Teeny bopper alert!!!! have wwwwaaaayyyyy too much time on your hands! there are other thigns to life than "Bye, bye, bye" or what have you! I mean come on...why take this test? You already knew you were a teeny bopper!