Top Ten Lists

Top Ten Things WE Would Do At An N'SYNC Concert...

Top Ten Things We'd Say/Do To N SYNC

10. Run after them with a flaming stick.


8. Hypnotize them into thinking they are hippopotamouses from East Africa.

7. Act like fans and..never mind, we aren't THAT good of actors....

6. Roll our eyes till our heads hurt.

5. Become extremely scared, and whimper and hide in the corner.

4. Give Chris a bad home perm to improve his looks.

3. Once again, throw some self-tanner at Lance.

2. Hit them upside the head with Millennium.

1. Ask Justin about Britney. =0)

Top Ten Things To Do At An N'sync Concert

10. Address Justin as 'Mr.Carter'

9. Throw various sharp objects on stage..see if you can hit the guys...

8. Make a sign that says "Lance spends a little more time on Justin than he should!!"...have a picture depicting this for a good mesure.

7.Yell "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO RAPED ME!!" at JC...see how he'll react.

6. Say that Nick Carter is better than Justin anyday, and see how the teenies react.

5. Ask them when they are going to sing 'I Want It That Way'?

4. Yell at Chris "Where's my child support??"

3. If number 7 didn't get a rise out of them, tell the teenies that Britney isn't Justin's girlfriend..U are..

2. Throw cans of slimfast on stage for Joey.

1. Bring a sign that says "I LOVE YOU BRIAN"..see if you can confuse them....

Top Ten Ways To Tell If You're An N SYNC Fan

10. You spaz everytime you hear the name Justin, out of hopes it will be "Your Ju-Ju"

9. "Synchronized" has not been a word in your language since they came out--it's in sync (just so you can say their names.)

8. You're in denial that they copy the BSB.

7. You can actually *STAND* Chris.

6. You think that FuManSkeeto clothes are nifty.

5. The term "gay" refers to happy when someone mentions them.

4. You've actually uttered the words "Nick Carter who"

3. You forget what color paint you have because your posters cover it.

2. When someone says "Lay's" your brain thinks of Joey.

1. You've considered TOS'ing us at least 3 times in the last 2 seconds.

Top Ten Ways To Tell If You're NOT A Fan

10. You cringe when they are mentioned.

9. When beating someone up, you imagine they're N SYNC so you are sure to get an adrenaline rush.

8. You buy all N SYNC magazines just to get a kick out of watching them burn.

7. You have gotten into arguments, TOS'd people, broken a promise, or gotten violent with someone JUST because they like N SYNC.

6. You wrote "BSB Forever" on the window of their car! (Props to whoever did that in the video, I heard about it!)

5. You refuse to dance with someone you really like just because the song is "God Must've Spent."

4. You have an anti-N SYNC site. = 8^)

3. They are your target practice either by arrows, darts, guns, or tanks.

2. You break something when their name is mentioned.

1. You're us. =-)

Top Ten NEW Names and Puns For N SYNC

These suck...sorry.

10. N'Bred. (Inbred.)

9. N'Britney. (if you don't get're not old enough.)

8. N'Toilet (Ya know, instead of N' SINK?)

7. N' Tolerable (Intolerable)

6. N' and OUT

5. N C Curly NC (DON'T ask.)

4. DeeplyRevoltingExtreamlyAnnoyingDruggies

3. N the Doghouse

2. N' Trouble

1. N'Stink. (Original, eh?)

Top Ten Reasons Justin and Britney Should Get Married

10. To make all N SYNC fans mad.

9. So scientists could see what happens when cross-breeding occurs.

8. To make all N SYNC fans mad.

7. They could move both of their houses together and have a double-wide!

6. To make all N SYNC fans mad.

5. Their children..a NEW generation for us to make fun of!

4. To make all N SYNC fans mad.

3. So Justin fans would stop signing their names "_____ Timberlake"

2. So Justin will shut up with the "Single and ready to mingle" crap.

1. So the tradition of lip synching can continue!

Top Ten Reason’s BSB Are Better Then *N SYNC.

10. They could kick *N SYNC’s butts if they ever had too.

9. They aren’t associated with Britney Spears.

8. They have songs for their fans.

7. They got rid of the Wrights.

6. They write some of thier own songs.

5. They are better looking then *N SYNC

4. They CAN dance.

3. They CAN sing.

2. They CAN sing and dance at the same time.

1. They don't "giddy up" with Teenyboppers.

Top Ten Things Nick Should Say To Justin

10. "Man, get a life!"

9. "You give blonds everywhere a bad name."

8. "Soooo....I hear you and Britney are together. That’s low, even for you."

7. "You and JC have fun last night? I heard noises coming from that end of the hall."

6. "Who are you again? Oh that’s right, you’re the me of that other ‘group’....if that’s what you want to call it."

5. "And everyone says I'm blond...."

4. "Have you always acted this way, or is it just the bleach?"

3. "BSB or MMC? there is a diffrence"

2. "Baby blue is one UGLY color !"


Top Ten Things I Would Say To Justin If I Ever Saw Him

10. "’s you......" *smacks him upside the head*

9. "Um.... can you tell me where I can find Brian Littrell?"

8. "Save Your Breath ... You'll need it to blow up your date! "

7. "Wait a’re not Nick Carter"

6. "Ah! They said I was gonna meet someone important!"

5. "Oh, look. It's whats-gis name. There really is NOT any intelligent life down here."

4. "If you lick me, I will kill you."

3. "Your NOT black, get that through your thick skull"

2. "Oh’s Ghetto Boy...."

1. "I'd insult you, but you're not bright enough to notice."

Top Ten Signs To Hold Up At A BSB Concert

10. "How exactly do you want it?"

9. "Is that the way you like it?"

8. "Smile, its the second best thing you can do with your lips!"

7."You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever.Right Brian"

6. "Backstreet's Back! OH NO! Someone please alert the Power Company."

5. "Hey AJ, A peach is a peach, a plum is a plum, a kiss isn't a kiss without some tongue! So open you mouth and close your eyes, and let your tongue get some exercise with mine!"

4. "Hey Brian! Wanna play a little one-on-one after the show?"

3. "How many times do we have to tell you....PLEASE keep the clothes on!"

2. "Does your mother know you do that?"

1. "Please Tell Your Pants Its Not Polite To Point."

Top Ten Jobs For N SYNC When The Group Folds

10. Crash test dummies

9. Extras on Jerry Springer

8. For Lance--a Cover Girl model

7. For J.C-- an add for coffee

6. For Chris-- celebrity sponsor of Brissle's new line of Mops. 4. For Joey-- Fill him with Helium and fly him in the MACY's parade

3. Pharmaceutical experimantations

2. A new Fox Series called "When Fame Turns Bad"

1. Nuclear bomb targets

Ways To piss off N'sync

1. Cut Justin's Hair Off.

2. Tell Justin that he is not black.

3. At there Concert Throw BSB Cd's at them.

4. If U Are a N'stink fan backstage with them, dont have sex with them.

5. Go up to them directely and insult them (Wait, they are to thick headed to understand)

6. Give them danceing lessons

7. Make your own boyband called N'wcsbty (We can sing better then you)

8. Tell them that you are straight.

9. Tell Joey that he is from Brookland not Orlando.

10. To Ask JC why he collects Hard Rock Cafe Menu's. (Well If You dont Get it, He Steals them)

Top Ten Ways To Tell You're A Teenybopper

10. You have a framed restraining order from Justin on your wall.

9. You look at people blankly when they tell you you're a teenybopper.

8. You can't take a joke about your fave band (AKA SEND US A FREAKIN STACK OF HATEMAIL...its REALLY not gonna do any good people..)

7. Your screen name involves NOT only the letters "BSB", it also contains the numbers 98, 5, and the word NSYNC

6. Your idea of a fun Saturday night is writing letters to your fave boyband member...and actually thinking they'll respond.

5. You dress and tatto yourself to look like____

4. When you go to a swing around a FREAKIN glowstick and FREAKIN hit me on the shoulder REPEATEDLY *growl*

3. You use cheesy phrases that they do, (eg) N SYNC Has Got The Flow

2. (If you are legal) you put their name for the write-in vote at election time.

1. You don't know what a teenybopper is!

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