* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

*whats new in my life (Like anyone really cares)*

* a funny cartoon about me and Doodles *

* a rather disturbing cartoon my brother made (dont ask!)*

yo yo yo! long time no update! i added more pics, and soon i will have frames available on here, and also you will be able to view my page "jesus style" so keep checkin back with me kids!!! ps--happy new year, merry christmas, and also i had a birthday in november.....damn i need to update more often...
ok first i wanna say that steeb turned 19 and now hes a big boy...one more year and hes like, a full blown ADULT! DUNH DUNH DUNH! (are you happy steeb?!?! youre in the news!!) ok well anyway... i recently signed up for an online journal and you can go read my entries at THIS SITE now, if i write anything that pisses you off, tough cookies, you dont have to read it. ok well thats all for now. later taters!
FUCKIN OZZY MAN! WOOOOOO! YEAH ROCK AND FUCKIN ROLL!!!! *BLLLLLUUUUUUHHHHHHHH*......thats what a lot of drunk people were saying yesterday, at ozzfest! yes yes it was a wonderful day! i got to meet steve and mike from TAPROOT and also i got to talk to mike and brandon from INCUBUS...i had met them both before but it was cool to talk to them,and brandon remembered me and my bra from meeting him in june in columbus!!!!! ack!! and it was Leelee's first time meeting brandon boyd and i was so glad to get to be there and see it! YAY!!! i wanted to meet disturbed but nope. joe got to meet reville (spelling?) and he was happy about that i think hehe. it was a wonderful fucking day all around and we all had fun!!!!!!!! and now i must go put lotion on my sunburn!
woo 900 hits to my page! im so damn cool. well lets see havent updated in ages...i got some pics of doodles on here finally! yay! i had to delete hella shit to fit em on tho so I HOPE YOUR HAPPY EVERYONE!!! hehe. im getting a haircut tomorrow people, isnt that some exciting shit? right. ok thats all i got for now. later taters. also, LANCE PAYLOR IS A FAGGOT!!!
i finally added some more pictures to my pics page. i need way more up, but Doodles has a scanner so as soon as i can i'll have way more, hehe. go check out what i put up there now tho.later!
well havent written anything on here in forever! hehe . happy july 4th everyone, yay america! ok got that outta the way. i have something important to report...last night at Leelee's dads annual 4th of july bash, no one was killed or nearly killed. that is a dissapointment 'cause someone always carlessly knocks over the fireworks and we have to run for our lives......well anyway. ive been rather busy with work (bleah!) and such...doodles and i went to ohio fro a week and went to cedar point, and the rock and roll hall of fame. if you havent been to either, i highly reccoment them, ohio is fun as hell, crazy as that may seem! hehe well........i havent got anything else to say. not like anyones interested in me babbling anyway. alrite later taters!
well, let me say the concert was so wonderful. the most beautiful weekend of my life. so far, this sumemr is the SHIT!!!!!! during incubus, i was up front and got to look at beautiful brandon. and he asked for people to throw gifts on stage so you better believe my bra was off me and at his feet in -3 seconds. hehe. after they finished the song, he singled me out of the thousands in the audience and thanked me and tied the lingerie on the drum set. oh my god. after the concert, i met him and dirk lance. DUDE !!! afetr brandon touched me i was hyperventilating and shaking uncontrollably. it was euphoria. 311 played an awesome set. i couldnt be up front cuz i knw i woulda died, but we were real close and still ahd plenty of room to get our groove on. it was the best nite of my life. LATER TATERS!
hey kids...welp im just chillen here waitin on everyone to get ready and get on the road, its about ten thirty am and we're about to go to columbus OH for 311 and INCUBUS!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! but the most exciting part is that we get to meet our bud joe (YAY!!!!) and stay all nite in a hotel. hotels are the shit, thrill of my life, im tellin ya. hehe, well theres not really much to say until after saturday, I'll make sure i fill ya in on all the details....later taters
woohooo guys, its 5:23 am and im still awake, no i havent been to bed since uhm 7am sat. morning. NO SLEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe anyway..lets see....damn this has been the best weekend ever.let's recap......FRIDAY------uhm i forget.oh yeah LAST FUCKING DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe NOW I'M A SENIOR!!!! im a little excited. friday i got a new car...well not NEW but a different one....had a badass water fight at Doodle's house.....went to see LIFT but missed the show...SATURDAY---------woke up at 7 to give doodles a ride to take her SAT's couldnt go back to sleep........didnt do much all damn day, went to see tubring (the best show ever, even tho there weren't that many people there, but it was still hella fun) talked to rob and kevin an mike, those guys are all so nice and funny. every musician should be like them cuz then when they turned into rock stars they wouldnt turn into total asswipes.......whoa im babbling...then we came home and moms was gone so the peeps chilled here and got quasi-drunk, went to dennys and lost my buzz. suck! now its 5:30 am and im still awake. time for a cigg............later taters

helloooooooo muffins! I just wanna tell everyone to go see ROAD TRIP, cuz its funny as hell! seriously! hehe. well, dirtfest starts tomorrow (if you dont live here, then you dont know about dirtfest) i can't wait....TACO IN A BAG BABY!!! too bad all my friends gotta work this weekend (suck!) everyone who can, go see LIFT at the emerson saturday, it promises to be a lot of fun....for more info go to www.get.to/lift and look at "shows" well thats all i got......

hello boys and gurls! lots to say...i got my job as a dental assistant, i start week after next. im gonna be rollin in cash this summer, yeehaw! schools out in 2 weeks, next week is our last, oh man i can't wait. after that i'll be a SENIOR!!!!!!!!!!! yeah!!!!!!! im goin to be so mean to the freshmen next year. it's gonna be great. well in other news, my buddy brian was voted Prom King at his prom this weekend. thats cute, ain't it? hehe. i saw tubring this weekend and they were wonderful as always. also, i had one of those salad shaker thingys from mickey d's, damn b those things are AWESOME!!!!!! im tellin ya, everyone go get one RIGHT NOW!!!!! alrite thats all i got to say, later taters!

happy sunday kids. well lets see.....Lift played a wonderfully fun show friday and I had a really great time, Indy is an awesome city, every time i go there i make a new friend...like Caleb...who i met friday. he's so adorable. okay anyway, now for the important stuff..... Saturday Ellie woke up and wanted some coffee but there was no creamer. so that kinda ruined her morning. Later that day, she took the SAT's. and then watched her husband, Kyle run around in circles for 3 hours, and shake his bon bon. thats all i got for this weekend. buh bye!

hey guys did you all know that MAY is national masturbation month?!??! and it is also hamburger month, and cookout month. woohoo. well then now that we have the important news outta the way. hmm anyway, what to say?? goin to see LIFT tomorrow! woohoo! uhmmmmmmmm well i hate my car and if anyone wants to buy it (after i fix it up) let me know!!! the damn transmission is all messed up. grrrrr! I'm mad at the weenis. i want to get a Neon so if anyone knows where i can do that without getting a loan tell me. i'll have some cash after this summer. ok im outta here.OH YEAH i almost forgot, today in Gym class, Leelee almost died cuz some dildo who wasnt wearing underwear under his gym shorts, hit her in the face with a volleyball. i was scared i thought she was gonna have a nosebleed.

haven't updated in a while, sorry guys i know how everyone in america just sits around biting their nails in suspense of whats gonna be on my next update....ANYWAY!!I might get this awesome job guys, i wont get it till the summer tho so i will elaborate then. prom is coming up, we got the boys all fitted for their tuxes and oh dear everyone is gonna be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay! hehe!! anyway, guess what (what arin!?) yeah i got boxes now! that means i can start packin up my stuff to move! wahoo! also i love tubring, they played at the Cathedral this weekend, and damn i love them (still love lift the most tho) but yeah id do it to kevin. whoa. yeah and one more thing, Bob is an asshole. later taters!

well guys,today we have an actual update, nothing about leelee's hair or anything of that nature, actual news that is really really important (it is to me anyways, very important)...guess what...this is something i've wanted to announce for a long ass time.I finally get to move out of the crackhouse I live in, and get far away from my stepdad. my moms, brother and i are hauling our selves and our belongings to the garden quarter apartments and were finally gonna get some sleep, be happy and not FUCKING HAVE OUR EVERY MOVE AND CONVERSATION RECORDED!!!!!! YEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

well last nite Leelee got a centimeter cut off her hair, she didn't tell me tho or it woulda been on the update. i did notice it today tho, I bet i was the only one too. lets see....what else....oh yeah she discovered the big secret i've been keeping from her for 3 weeks, that i've been going tanning. why keep it a secret you say? cuz Leelee is the queen of skin cancer lectures that's why. yeah i know it's bad for me, but hey it's dangerous to walk down the streets. you can get shot or hit by a car or an asteroid can kill you or a snaike could bite you. so anyway, thats my day.

later today... i just talked to Leelee(ellie) and it seems as thought she has a new tooth coming in. word is that it's a molar,on the right side,and on the top. she says it may be a wisdom tooth, but she hopes not. ooohh folks this could be big. hope it doesnt mess up her nice straight teeth...she just got her braces off not too long ago!

wazzzuuuuppppp? welp aren't i a dork? hey im bored leave me alone. i stayed home today, well i went home from school after luch cuz my tummy hurt. so i had to do something. In other news, i heard throught the grapevine that a bird shit on Ellie Ray's car today after school. that sounds amazing. if anyone has questions or comments about the Ellie Ray-birdshit-incident, sign the guestbook and leave an address, i'll get back to you ASAP! later taters!