~From The Heart~

Hey!Welcome to my little world.My name is shadow,well some people call me shadow...it depends.Heh Yeah i know it look's boring right now but hey what can I say.I try?Anyways It's not finished yet,and it will be a while before i do get finished.So please be patiant with me.Um just read the things you wish to read,and sign my freaking guestbook will ya?!?!If you have any questions or comments on this page,then email me.If you wish to know more about me or something another i will be putting up that section of the page.And no there will be NO pics = )
Yes i'm aware my page sucks but i try...tried whatever.I am still trying.Angelfire is only so fast,and i am trying to make my own images.So continue you...leave a message in my guestbook!
© 2000 "SilverShadow"
- Oct10th 2000-Wow,so long since i've even wrote.Well i am back everyone!!
- nov 30th-to damn long haha i haven't updated in so long
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Poetry Of Others
Who Am I?
Things I Hate
Art-comeing soon
My Poetry
Email: poeticlittleprincess@hotmail.com