The Introductions;
Do you remeber in episode 1 when all Tie introcuded all the kids to all the Digimon? Do you rember what exactly was said? Well, here it is! (warning, not in correct order *I think* yet)
Tie - (he was doing the long introduction, I'll get that up later)
Matt - "No autographs, please."
Sora - "Nice place you got here, except for the bugs."
Joe - "I'd shake hands, if you had any."
Izzy - "Do you have internet access?"
T.K. - "Call me T.K., and I'm not as small as I look."
Mimi - (she wasn't there, sorry Mimi fans)
This is just what is sounds like, Digimon Quotes. If anyone has any that aren't listed here *or you catch any errors in this*, please send them in.
~*~ "It's to bad your brain isn't as big as your hair." -Sora
~*~ "The attention span of a gnat." -Joe
~*~ "Sometimes, when the small and weak band together in the name of good, they can defeat a larger evil. Then again, sometimes they don't stand a chance." -Gomamon
~*~ "Now that you boath have holes in your heads, maby your brains can get enough oxogen." -Sora
~*~ "Tentomon to Izzymon, do you read me?" -Tentomon
~*~ "They're, they're everywhere!" -Joe
~*~ "Oh give me a home where the buffalo rome!" "Avoiding your drone." -Mimi and Joe
~*~ "Just another day in paradice." -Sora
~*~ "Your really becomin a nusence son." "Ovcource, it's because I'm a teenager." -Etemon and Joe
~*~ "Time's up for you and your gote!" -Etemon
~*~ "Now now, her name is Mimi." -Tie
~*~ "I wana take him home with me." -T.K.
~*~ "Ya, fraid so. He called you some other things, but I don't wana repeat 'em." -Demidevimon
~*~ "Ya know, you really ot to consider renting yourself out as a football." -Demidevimon
~*~ "Don't forget to wash your hands, or claws, or whatever they are." -Tie
~*~ "Nice hair, I like the color." -Mimi
~*~ "Oh really, you call that a hand?" -Joe
~*~ "It's forgoten, remember?" "Oh ya, I fogot!" -Patamon and T.K.
~*~ "He's got alot of anger." "Ya, and he sure gets mad easily." -Matt and T.K.
~*~ "I forgot, when you get bigger you really get bigger." -Mimi
~*~ "Bad dog, bad dog!" -Joe
~*~ "Koromon, couldn't you wait?" -Tai
~*~ "You don't have to get all puffy." -Patamon
~*~ "Stop being a stick in the mud." -Gomamon
~*~ "'Kay." -Izzy
~*~ "And I added a new screan saver too. You know the one with the colored fishes swimming around? I love that one." "Great minds do think alike." -Gennia and Izzy
These are the joke flokes, be ready to laugh. Well, actually, we don't have any Digimon jokes yet, but we will sometime, hopefully soon.
"I really miss . . . "
Did you see that episode, "Togemon in Toytown", where each of the kids told something they missed from home? Well, if not, here's your chance to get caught up.
Tie; Playing sports then takeing a hot bath.
Sora; Singing while doing her chores.
Matt; Grilled steaks.
Mimi; Going on vacation at the beach and drinking soda.
Joe; Doing his homework.
Izzy; Accessing satalites to look at the stars and planets.
T.K.; Playing vidiogames.
The Digimon Alphabet
This is something started on Ilasu's Digimon Discussion Mailing list (the DDML). Well, we thought it was kinda fun. =) Contrabutions to this *anyone I left out* always welcome.
A is for Agumon, Angemon, or Andromon
B is for Biyomon, Birdramon, Botamon, Blosomon (Lilimon?) or Bukamon
C is for Centarumon, Cockatrimon, or Chuumon
D is for Datamon, Digitamamon, or Drimogemon
E is for Elekmon or Etemon
F is for Frigimon or Flymon
G is for Greymon, Gomamon, Gabumon, Gatomon, Gazimon, Gekomon, Garudamon, or Genai
H is for Hikari *Kari*
I is for Ikkakumon or Izzy
J is for Joe
K is for Kabuteremon, Koramon, or Kowagamon
L is for Leomon, Lilimon (Blosomon?), or Lord Bakemon
M is for Matt, Mimi, Motimon, Mozaemon, Meramon, Monochromon, Mojamon, Megakabuteremon or Miotismon
N is for Nanomon or Numemon
O is for Ogremon
P is for Patamon, Palmon, Piximon, Punimon, Poyomon, Pagumon, or Pabumon
Q is for ?
R is for ?
S is for Sora, Shellmon, Sukamon, Skull Greymon, or Seadramon
T is for Tai, T.K., Tentomon, or Tyranomon
U is for Unimon
V is for Vegemon or Vademon
W is for Whaemon
X is for ?
Y is for Yokomon or Yurimon
Z is for Zudomon! =)