~*~ Ilasu - I don't know that much about Ilasu yet, but that doesn't matter much. She's very VERY tallented, has a great web page (Ilasu's Digimon Garden), and is a great friend.
~*~ Cubone - Cubone is one of the most interesting people I've ever met. Don't get me wrong, thats' a good thing. No, a great thing. She's a lot of fun to talk to, even if it is through e-mails. She has her own page as well.
~*~ Seferin - Another interesting person, Seferin (or Sef) is the classic 'you've got to meat' person of this group with a spectactular page as well as a good imagination (who else would think of makeing a Gabumon mask, wow!).
~*~ Tiger - Ah Tiger, also known as Grace with her page; Grace's Place. How can she not be listed here? She's my friend, boath in real life and on the internet. She's helped me out with my other two pages as well as provided someone I can talk to about anything that's annoying me. Even though she has not helped out with this page she is still, and always will be, a part of my online family. And plus, she's one of the funnyest people I've ever met!
~*~ Hotaru Remieno - What is there to say about Hotaru, my spirit siser and best friend? Easy, this; she rocks! She's a bit time Tai fan, and is going to start her own Digimon sight! It's my theory, and this is mearly speculation, that if she was ever chosen by a crest, it would be the crest of Curage (and mine would be the crest of Knowledge or the crest of Reliability, but that's not the point here), b/c she's got lots of it.
~*~ The Digi-Fanatics - I won't list all of the Digi-Fanatics members here, b/c I'm putting up new ones soon and besides that I'll forget to update or accidently update, but they all belong here. There great people with wonderfull pages and good imaginations. It's people like them that keep me from closeing this page . . . well, that and high count on the hit counter, but mostly them.