Past Updates

Feb. 6;Lookie lookie, I've got the new MOVIE POSTER FOR THE 4TH DIGIMON MOVIE! Yup, the rumors have been confirmed, Diaboramon's Revenge will be out in Japan in Spring 2001. That and there are new pics in the episode guide. I'm still trying to confirm the other rumors, but nothing's deffinet yet. Anyway, the movie poster is just a few clicks down, enjoy. ((-^)
Oct. 31; "You've Got Mail!!!" ~Koushiro "Izzy" Izumie (Digimon: Our War Game)
Well, it seems my time here is almost at an end. Soon your normal web mistress will be back . . . for a little while at least. So, as a parting gift, I have left you a new banner with myself and my digimon companion, EvilGomamon, on it. Till next year! ~Lady Kuronue
Oct. 11; Well now, it seems that Gomamon didn't do a very good job at getting her back archived pages up. Well, I might as well spruce up the place while I'm here. The Digital Reviews page (personal ratings from your normal webmistress about everything and anything Digimon) is now up for viewing. Worth checking into I think. There's an article up about the new Digimon Movie there too. ~Lady Kuronue
Oct. 9; "Dandy." ~Zechs
This page is going to undergo a compleat re-vamping, starting now with the page introduction *please read*. ~Lady Kuronue
Sept. 29; You know you've had enough coffie when . . . you win the Deytona 500 on a tricicle. ~KaraMel
Another pewny update!! Actually, I've been working really hard on an RPG that will be up and ready sometime in the near future. Also, Cybra said that she'd get me some more of her wonderfull fan fiction (yay!!) also to be put up sometime in the near future. Thanks much! ~Gomamon

Sept. 6; "I can fly around the world in 20 minuets!" ~Puck
Alright, I know the quote makes no sence, but hey, I like it. ^-^ Anyhow, big time updates to the 02 Episode guide. More fan fics (by myself and by Cybra), an RPG, Digimon Dreams, run by the wonderfull Gabumon, and more to be posted up soon!!
Sept. 6; "I can fly around the world in 20 minuets!" ~Puck
Alright, I know the quote makes no sence, but hey, I like it. ^-^ Anyhow, big time updates to the 02 Episode guide. More fan fics (by myself and by Cybra), an RPG, Digimon Dreams, run by the wonderfull Gabumon, and more to be posted up soon!!

Aug. 8; "I guess this would be the time to say something profound . . . I can't think of anything so, let's do it." ~Jack O'Neal
Sorry b'out the super late update notice everyone, but hopefully it's worth it. There are big updates to the Zero Two Episode guide, and _really_ big updates to the Zero Two Charactor guide (including pictures of Ken, Wormmon, and the older versions of Tai, Matt, Sora, Joe, Mimi, and Izzy!! Also, those two new fan fics I promissed are actually up! Yup, the un-expected Epilogue to New Beginings and part A of the first chapter to Child of the Digiworld are both up! Just check out my section of the all to small fan fic page to read them. Thanks everyone!! ^-^ June 14; " . . . like the rise and fall of the tide, the waxing and waining on the moon, and the fact that nearly every rock song on American radio has the word "baby" in it." ~CJB
Hehe, sorry about that little quote thing, but I just couldn't resist. Anyway, There are updates and majour chainges to the Zero Two Episode and Charactor Guides. Enjoy! Also, there are deffinetly going to be new fan fics (some of my own and hopefully some from Cybra) in the next update.
May 26; Another update, this makes the *counts* 8th one this month. Man, I really _have_ been buisy. Anyway, I've not got information up about the Digimon Cards!! (yay!!) There's online check lists up for the American collector cards, the Japanese collector cards, and the Battle cards. Well, that's all for now. ^-^
May 24; *a bunch of ladys in white dresses start dancing around a may pole and singing* Ladys; It's May, it's May, the lusty month of may! *Gomamon the author/Webmistress (aka Pix), who is at this time very angry at the ladys for messing up her nice updates notice, runs in and nocks over the pole, making the wierd ladys run away screaming*
Gomamon TW/A; Get our of hear you sick puppies! *turns to the readers* Hi there everyone. Actually, contrary to the belief of some wierdos, May is not the month of "Yes you may" *shudders and turns slightly green*, it's the month of updates! Yes, there's another May update (they have been on 3, 4, 13, 20, 22, 23, and now 24 for anyone who's not been here in awhile), though this one isn't very big. I've officialy finished my fan fic series "New Beginings".
Lady from b4; Thank the Lord! *gets glared at and runs away screaming . . . again*
Gomamon TW/A; Anyway, you can read it on the Fan Fiction section if you like. *Gomamon the muse comes in*
Gomamon TM; Uh . . . Pix, I think you broke the May Pole.
May 23; Just a little bit of an update; 3 new summerys and 1 new pic in the Digimon 02 episode guide. Like I said, just a little bit. ~.~
May 22; Yahoo!! My newest project is compleated; Digimon Virtual Postcards!!! Yes, now you can send a friend a fun and color full Digimon theamed post card from the internet! There are pictures from Digimon: Digital Monsters and Digimon: 02 up (not that many, but I'm trying to get more!), so enjoy!! ^-^
May 20th. Hello again! Not much of an update this time (different from the past few updates) but there are chainges to the two episode guides (the first one's almost finished; at last!!!!). That's it for now (I wanted to do a special, secret project, but there's no time now, so it's going to be re-scedualed). Over the summer, I'm going to be recording *trumpet sounds* Gomamon's Summer Vacation!, so be ready for that to start comming up some time in Aug.
May 13 Hi everyone! Well, I got that new counter banner I promissed made and up. Also, there's a new section; the Awards Section!!! That's still in the works, but I _do_ have up information on 3 of the 4 awards (there's another award to add to this list, but It's not made yet). A bit of a warning about that; the two awards that have their information up are the only ones you can nominate sights for. I won't except nominations for the other awards. Also, there's a new Past Updates section and the start of the new History of Digimon Central Page. Enjoy! ^-^
May 4. Sorry, I just forgot to mention that I have two new fics up (yes, of my own) in the Fan Fiction section; Part 6 of New Beginings and The Child of the Digiworld Part 1: Cherrymon's Daughter. Thanks and read on!
May 3. Okay everyone, this time I have a majour update! It was done over the cource of a week (which some of you may have noticed) so there's alot to talk about. First, I've gotten up the three main sections for the new series; Digimon: 02! This includes the basic charactor information, my own little sketchy start to the story summary, and the first 5 episode pictures, titles, and summary. These pages focus mainly on the Japanese version of the series, but I do have a place for American translation names and things. ^-^ Secondly, there's been updates everywhere!!! Yes, there are new things in the (NOW COMPLEATED!) Episode Guide as well as some new Mega forms and attacks added to the Charactors section. Digital Tai has made some new prediction on the Digimon Fact or Fiction page (really cool!) and the links set up for the main pages has been slightly chainged. Also, there's a new fan art up by Ucchan (a very VERY good one) and a new fan fic by Cybra (highly recomended!). DIGIMON CENTRAL GOT MENTIONED AND RATED IN THE FIRST ADDITION OF THE BECKETT DIGIMON COLLECTOR MAGAZINE!!!!! Yup, I got mentioned with two other Digimon pages on the very back page and got a cool rating thing and small summary! So what if I only got a *** out of *****, I still think it was pretty cool considering I have nothing at all about the cards (and that's what they focus most on)! Things To Come; New info on Digimon: 02, a page on The History of Digimon Central, something about the Digi-Battle Card Game, another new counter banner (this one actually features an acurate picture of me, though I don't know why I'm putting it in there since I'm sure nobody's going to give a flip), and the hopefull return of the Digi-Fanatics Club.
Feb. 24; Important new changes to the Charactors and Episodes pages as well as some great news; I've found a picture of HolyAngemon (Angemon's ultimate form). If anyone would like to see it (I haven't found a good place to put it yet), they can e-mail me. I've also joined a new webring with a really cool graphic *check out the front page* and put up two new Hentai Free banners. I hope that, this time, the Frames page is fixed, but it may not be so give me a little time to make sure. Everyone be ready for the 7 houer Digithon on Fox Family Channel this Sunday *information on a special contest will be given then!!*. I'll have a new counter banner up sometime soon (I got an idea I couldn't resist) and, by the way *if anyone cares*, my birthday is in 4 days. Thanks.