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Brenda de Bergerac (Page 2)

My accommodation was a sturdy medieval house in a quaint cobble-stoned alcove next to the statue of Cyrano de Bergerac. A leafy, peaceful and cheerful resting place.


After being met at a nearby station by the landlord of my temporary "nook", a warm, caring long white-haired intellectual, who treated me like Royalty (so he said;-) and driven into Bergerac, I was shown around the old town by his friend, a pleasant Australian music teacher, who was also staying at the same B & B and had a (rare) drink and chat in an "artistic" bar. (a cheerful marrionette came in, dressed in Masquerade clothes ~ a mimer?) We then walked through the tiny cobbled streets (with no traffic) and I was shown a restaurant and recording studio, run by some gay guys.

Finally, after a glass of Bergerac wine, brought to my terrace by the landlord, I retired to my very quaint old medieval beamed attic room, with terrace, and sunk into a cosy antique wooden bed. It had been a long day and I was exhausted from lugging a suitcase from airport to train to train.

My first morning I went for a walk, through the maze of cobble-stoned streets and when I returned to the little B& B house, in a shaded courtyard, I was greeted with a friendly landlord and a French breakfast and an invitation to be shown the stadium afterwards.

The owner of the lovely old house ~ was an interesting 65 year old retired American psychologist, with fairly long white-hair , who' probably been immersed in the Hippy culture, during the 60's, since the house was full of the things that were around in those days. (Muslim covers, cushions, and renaissance ornaments, amongst other things, including a nice tapestry cushion cover of JFK)

He told me that Elton John's management had contacted all the British people in Bergerac to invite them to meet Elton before the show, and that they'd called him also, (probably because he had a British surname) but when told he was American, he was politely refused. (I don't think he was too bothered though)

Possibly Elton wanted them to meet his friends, who he said run a business in Bergerac. Not sure if he'd said it was a restaurant, or a recording studio, but I stumbled across both, when being guided around the town, that first night. From the looks of the restaurant, that my guide told me was owned by two gay guys, I didn't think it was "classy" enough for Elton, so didn't give it any more thought, but the next day, on my walkabout, (with my T shirt on) I stumbled on the place again, (it was near to where I was staying) and spoke to a cute guy with a fluffy white puppy, who said it was "Eltun Zhun's baby"
I thought he was joking about my T shirt, as several people had that morning, but thought afterwards that Elton may well have been inside, and that guy was a friend walking one of his dogs around the courtyards. (who knows). It didn't really matter anyway. I was just happy to appreciate such a cute dog and Frenchman)

Bergerac is a very warm and hospitable place. I certainly recommend it. Elton's visit was good for the quaint old town. Certainly helped the tourism there, which was much needed. (help with much-needed building repairs) Bergerac is a little like Venice without the water, but not quite as elegant and beautiful, so not as popular and rich. Old buildings need a lot of upkeep though. Perhaps Elton cares not only about British heritage but other country's too? (especially if he has some sort of connection to the place)

Romantic accommodation

After breakfast I was given a personal guide to where the concert would be that night, and had a pleasant "cool" 10 minute walk through ancient streets and boulevards, with my new Australian friend, (a 52 year old director of music in Stockholm) to the small open-air stadium which didn't look any bigger than my local sports field. Quite cosy. Little French houses surrounding the quiet streets. Charming.

Through the gates, I watched the stagehands getting it together and smiled as I saw Elton's piano, all ready for the evening's festive occasion, (and according to some folks in Bergerac ~ "historic " occasion)
I tried to ask some workman near the gates if there were seats at the concert, but couldn't seem to get anyone to understand, since the staff by the gates were all French, and I can't speak the language. The guy I was with knew some French and asked if I knew any staff's name, to ask for, and I couldn't think of any, except Bob Halley, and he began to ask for him, but I stopped him ~ realising that I coulnd't possibly talk to him, and I doubt if he'd have been there with the crew setting up the stage. (I should have got the stagehand's name that I met in Burghley House, last summer!:-( Anyway, it didn't really matter. I was going to accept whatever the situation. Seat or no seat. Everything was sunny and cheerful and I was very happy to be there.

On my walk back, we passed several little cafes that were open for lunch (a big thing in France) and first I heard Elton's voice singing "It's two hearts living in two separate worlds" and then later on heard an accordion (man with a monkey) playing "I will follow him" which made me chuckle, since I felt like I was following Elton 'wherever he may go.... there isn't a mountain too high, or ocean too deep that will keep me away ~ away from my love...etc."
and then heard one of my favourite songs, "Desperado" which really touched me. There was music everywhere!

The guys back at the B&B went out for the day, and I headed for a siesta in the sun, so walked a few blocks out of the older part of the city, to a nearby park with flowers, fountain, trees and lawn. Thought I'd get a little colour, before the concert (saves on make-up! ~ not that I ever wear any!;-)

After sunbathing in a local park for a few hours, I returned to my cosy nest in La Colombier de Cyrano et Roxane and rested in my little oak-beamed nook. Enjoying the rest, the peace and the wine I'd been given for lunch, and then took a nap. I was still exhausted from the journey of 2 trains to the airport, then a 3 hour flight to Toulouse and then 3 train changes to Bergerac. (with a lot of luggage) I hadn't slept too well, either, being still wound up from it all, plus kept waking up all night. Then woken just after dawn, by birds whizzing down the street's rooftops, swawking at the artificial Ravens on my Terrace rafters! ( I had to cover them up with some of my clothes to shut them up and go back to sleep)

After a few hours afternoon nap, I was woken by a knock on my door by a concerned landlord, telling me it was 7:30 pm. and had to rush to get ready, if I wanted to be one of the first in line at the stadium and get close to the stage.

Getting dressed wasn't a quick job though, as I'd brought far too many clothes! I had a bit of a chuckle to myself, when I viewed my wardrobe, which was layed out on a convenient rack, amidst the rafters, and the choice of glasses, laid out on an old wooden chest, with a cute carved heart on the top.
I felt like a mini Elton John!!;-)

Unfortunately, when I looked in the mirror I saw I had overdone it in the sun and my face was a red as a beetroot!! Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!;-))
I looked as ugly as Cyrano!!!

The famous statue of Cyrano de Bergerac outside my lodgings

Continued on
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