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Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire

*Brenda's Experience at Elton's concert. Sunday 23rd July 2000*

Well, what can I say? (that Paul hasn't already said in his review) Last night was a great concert, as always. (well, I've only been to 4 in 25 years:-)

Elton walked on stage in a sparkling light torquoise suit, (one of my favourite colours) with matching clear lensed, framed glasses and black patent leather shoes. (no earring) His smile was equal to the love and cheers that he received upon his entrance. Looked like he loved us, as much as we loved him:-)

He sung most of the songs from his set list, and got standing ovations, from his fans, for most of them, as far as I could see from the 4th row at the front, (I didn't look back) I think he only omitted a few songs (including Empty Garden) Still, every song was wonderful, and very much appreciated.

It was quite chilly yesterday, and no sun, but at least it didn't rain! (Thank God:-)
I think if it had been warmer, Elton might have played for longer.

*~The Journey:~

My daughter, Emily (15) and I travelled to the concert from North Hertfordshire, by train, having to go south into London first, and then back up north to Northampton. (where my grandfather was born in 1877) It took 3 hours. I was already exhausted by the time I got to the venue, especially after having hurriedly walked from King's Cross station to Euston Station, in order to catch our connecting train, which we missed and had to wait an hour for another, but enjoyed being in London again, for a while.

After another hour's train journey and taking a taxi from Northampton station, to Castle Ashby (8 miles away) we arrived at the concert. (My daughter Emily's first time ever, for any concert!)

*~Four complimentary Tickets!~

We got to the ticket booth around 5:30 p.m. and found they had given me four complimentary tickets, instead of two! ~ because apparently when Craig French first signed me up for the Rocket, he had accidentally given the wrong email address for me, and I didn't notice it until after I'd ordered my tickets.
When I changed the profile, I was offered tickets again, and got two more for the show!

So, I spent the next hour calling people to invite them up, but it was too late. No one could get up to Northampton, at such short notice. I stood by the box office for some time, to see if I could offer them to anyone who didn't have a ticket, but it seemed almost everyone did, (those who didn't, wanted more than two tickets) so I finally gave them back to the box office, to hold for a friend*, in case she managed to get to the concert, or to give them to someone who would like them.

(*the friend, Valerie Harris, lives in Chesham, where Elton's grandparents lived and is the neice of a woman who married one of Elton's relatives. I think his name is Howard.)

The booth shut at 9:00 pm. and no one took the seats. £100 worth of 4th row Elton John tickets ~ wasted!!!

Wish I'd gotten there earlier now, but since the house wasn't open to the public and the gardens were not open for tourists, during a concert, I didn't bother getting there until late afternoon.

*~"I guess that's why they call it the blues"~

Because of all the travelling, I wasn't feeling very energetic all evening, and in fact felt quite tired and blue, in a way, especially knowing that some newsgroupies, who didn't like me, were at the concert. I felt a bit like the odd-one-out. Unwanted:-( (aahhh, poor Brenda;-)

Still, as soon as Elton appeared, I forgot about everyone else and felt much better.
He looked so happy when he came on stage, that I leapt to my feet, along with other online fans near me, to join the standing ovation, but later on during some of his slower songs, I kept yawning and wanted to close my eyes, but had to resist, because what's the point of having front seats and not watch the star of the show!?

The crowd were a variety of ages and types. Only one nasty incident. When some fans next to me, got up to cheer, some angry man behind them grabbed one of them and thrust him back down in his seat, saying "Sit down!! We can't see!!!" He was very rough, and I told him that we would all be getting up soon, to dance closer to the stage. He seemed to be pleased to hear that. Later on he asked me if there was going to be an intermission and I said there wasn't and he asked "Is he going to sing for 3 hours!!?" and when I told him that he was, he was amazed. Next time I turned to look at him, he had gone. (guess he took his own intermission)

After Burn down the mission, I watched many fans rush up to the stage for autographs, but I didn't bother going because I already had one, from the last concert. (plus it looked as if he had enough to sign!) He happily rushed along the front of the stage signing everything that was being held out to him, and at one point sighed and pulled a funny face, because of so many autographs he had to sign. (but he loved it!;-)

I had to leave, during Sacrifice, because my daughter needed to call home, after receiving a message, on her mobile, about a lot of teenage boys that were hanging out in our garage "pad" and refused to leave. (I facilitate a sort of "after school club" for young teenagers, in my large converted garage, but only when I'm home) While she was on the phone, sorting it out (she's very responsible and mature, for her age) I stood by Clive Frank's box, towards the back of the concert area, and was surprised at the size of the concert. It was very small and intimate. They hadn't even put half the seats up! Looked like an even smaller crowd than Woburn Abbey!

My daughter had walked out of sight and was gone a long time, so I walked back down the aisle towards the front, as Elton was singing "I guess that's why they call it the blues" but I couldn't get back to my seat, since I hadn't brought my ticket with me (it was left in my bag under my seat) but a friendly guard kindly escorted me back to it.

That reminds me, the place had stricter security, last night. They even searched our bags, before we entered the concert, which never happened at the other concerts. No food or drink was allowed in. Well, we couldn't afford the high prices at the concert stalls, and had brought some sodas and snacks with us for the evening, which I politely refused to dump in their trash can, telling the guard that we had travelled a long way and this is all we had to eat or drink and couldn't afford concert prices, so he kindly agreed to let us in with it:-)

We sat through lots more great songs, and enjoyed every one, despite me being so tired. I thoroughly enjoyed Someone Saved My Life Tonight, which has always been very special to me, that I fondly remember from his rehearsals, in 1975.

At the Stage ~ I see Rob in the middle. I stood behind him and to his right.

The finale is best!

Towards the end of the show, Elton began playing 'Song for Guy', which I love. It brought tears to my eyes, for some reason, so afterwards, when he went into crocodile rock, and my daughter grabbed my hand to get me up to dance, I felt too low to move. (I was just too tired) I got up though, and stood in the aisle with her and tried to dance a little, but my heart wasn't in it, and when it was over, my daughter sat down again, but I suddenly decided to move up to the front of the stage. (the closer the better:-) So I squeezed past a few people, to stand in front of Elton, behind a mother and her two young children.

After singing one of the last songs ~ (can't remember which one ~ either 'Don't let the sun go down on me" 'Bennie and the Jets' or 'circle of life') he walked around the piano, and I thought to myself, "Oh, what is he going to do now?" (because last time he did that, at Hylands, he came back with a funny message for Mike Hewitson;-) He surprised me, once more, as he went down the line of fans, again, in the front of the stage, touching their outstretched hands. ("give me five!") but I never held my hand out. I was in the second row of fans, lining the stage, and didn't feel like moving closer. (although Elton looked over at me, as he reached where I was standing)

Made me think of what someone wrote recently about Elton being inspired by God ~
Here's the post:~

Elti wrote: >

> "I hear God's voice thru Elton's music! I wish Elton would start his own church!! I know that if he touched me, I would be healed"


So, perhaps I should have touched hands with him and I might have been healed from my heart problem!;-) (I wonder if anyone has ever felt healed from touching hands with Elton?)

I guess it would have been a buzz though! ~ Static!!?:-) He must have powerful hands ~ to play such great music! Next time, I think I shall offer my hand for a special "Elton touch";-) not for any healing power, but just to finally say "hello, baby, hello" after all these years!

Despite not feeling up to par, last night, Elton's "charm" drew me close to him again and that closeness brought a few smiles to my face. I managed to even move to the music a little more, to Bennie and the Jets, (of all songs!) and even shout back "Bennie!" (albeit rather quietly) I love the bit he adds now, that sounds like swing music from the 1940's. Funny really, since that song was always the one I hated the most, and now it has become one of my favourites! (time changes all sorts of things!:-)

Elton left the stage a second time, and came back in his comfy "travel clothes" to sing Candle in the Wind. He sang it with his eyes closed but opened them briefly and looked directly at me! After he'd finished, he then thanked us all and said "God bless you" at the very end!

(and God bless him, back!:-)

When it was all over, I looked at the empty stage for a while and my daughter joined me. I pointed out to her, a travelling case that was similar to the one I sat on, when Elton sang Harmony to me, all those years ago, and then decided to ask a stagehand what they were called. He said they were "flight cases" (I had called them Anvil equipment cases)

My daughter and I had an hour to wait for our ride home (from a friend who drove to pick us up) so we sat under a tree, in the grounds, near the car park, where several others seemed to be continuing the party atmosphere around their cars, parked in a sheep grazing field. (who'd left little droppings everywhere:-)
We watched the procession of security staff leave, and some policemen take some guy away (possibly drunk) There was still lots going on after the show was over.

We then walked over towards the house and watched the men take the stage down.
It was interesting seeing the skeleton of the stage, before it was collapsed and moved by trucks to the next venue. Must be quite a caravan on the roads, along with trailers for some of the staff.

The drive home took only 45 minutes. A lot quicker than the trip up there!! (I'll be glad when I can drive again!)

So, once again Elton John has enhanced my life. No matter how I feel, internally or externally, he always seems to make me feel better!

I'd like to thank Craig French for making it possible for me to go to the concert. (At least I got to meet one newsgroupy, last night, who has a big heart!) and for for the complimentary tickets!! We were all thrilled to find they were in the front rows, close to "The One" (as some call him:-)

A special thanks to Elton John himself, for a wonderful evening of great music and love!

Brenda (still glowing from the concert!:-)


P.S. So far I've sat quite close to Elton, but never in front of him. I'd love to sit in the front middle section some time. (perhaps if I could afford to go to Hyde park!??)

Still, at least last night I got to watch his fingers play the piano, which I loved to watch. Reminded me of when I was a child and I'd watch my dear grandmother play, while I danced!

Isn't good music wonderful!!!??

Praise the Lord!


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