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Hyde Park Concert

Well, having finally recuperated from going to four Elton concerts, this Summer, I am ready to share my experience of the last one.(a refreshing change from my usual off-topic posts, ay?;-)


After travelling to London (40 minutes train ride) I visited a friend in Kensington, and then walked to Hyde Park corner, which I had been told, was not a long walk.....but it exhausted me! If I hadn't been rushing, I think it would have been much better, but for socialising reasons I didn't set off until half an hour before the concert was due to start, and I had to pick up my tickets, beforehand.

My seat was close to the front (8 rows back) but to the far right, so I felt quite far away...especially after having been so close to Elton on other occasions.

Elton was due to start at 7 p.m. (due to the Park closing at 10:00) but he was late coming on stage, and people weren't even in their seats, but still mingling around the grass areas, enjoying a rare sunny day. I decided, since the music they were playing, was not the same they play when Elton comes on, that I'd go to the ladies room, to freshen up (I was very hot from the walk, as it was a rare humid day)

I was just coming out from the portaloo when I heard the entrance music begin, so rushed back to my seat as Elton was just coming on stage. The excitement was envigorating. Everyone stood to applaud. He wore a pale green suit with white pattern on, which I didn't like. (It was the same colour as some of the paintwork in my rented house)and light green glasses. (as can be seen from the review I sent in from the Evening Standard) no earring, again, as far as I could see.

I couldn't see Elton easily, so often looked at the large screen in front of me (there were two either side of the stage) Seems silly though, to watch a screen, like a TV, when the star is performing live in front of you! One thing I did notice was that soon after Elton come on stage he called to someone backstage and they came on and handed him something.

The stage was different, (as my concert knowledgeable younger sister had said it would be) but was much higher than at the Stately Homes, and there was a strong barrier between the audience and the stage, with security staff standing in front. Much more security at this venue, who checked everyone's bags before entering. (City concerts are not as casual as country ones, it seems) Obviously no autographs, handshakes or eye contact that night!)

He sounded and looked good and played the full set list, including a powerfully moving "someone saved my life tonight" (wish I could show the video!) and Empty Garden (which actually brought me to tears) I always loved John Lennon and felt somewhat close to him, too. (not as much as Elton though;=)

I don't recall Elton playing Song for Guy, as he did at some other concerts. (one of my favourites) After he'd sung, my latest favourite "The One" he put his arm in the air and pointed up, and naturally I thought it meant he was pointing to the One Lord of all, but then he put both arms up, so I wasn't sure what he was expressing there? My favourite out of all of them, at the moment, is Tonight. I had forgotten that song, and am so pleased to hear it again. After catching the tail end of it, on TV, at Woburn Abbey in May, I have wanted to hear it again. (actually today my daughter has gone shopping and I asked her to pick up a copy of Blue Moves, since my original one is still in storage, in America. I shall be playing it a lot when she gets back!:-)

When I was walking about the concert area, I saw a few people who I recognised from previous concerts. Rob, stood out immediately, with his light ginger hair, and his gentleness, and an American lady named, Priscilla, who had been up at the stage with me at Castle Ashby. We'd smiled and exchanged a few words, and I helped put a child on her back, so as to see better. Her large bag (purse) was in my way of being closer to the stage, but we were both so happy to be there, I certainly wasn't going to complain! (I'd left my own large bag under my seat.)

I didn't speak to anyone I recognised though, or those who looked interesting to talk too. (although I would have loved to)

One black dude, with a cool cowboy hat, standing up at the back, was really "getting down!" and singing along with every song, and dancing with a sort of sway back and forth. He seemed to be enjoying the concert more than anyone else. (or just expressing it more) I really dug watching him for a while, and almost forgot to look at Elton. I walked around several times (just can't sit still) and noticed a variety of people, (mostly couples) from all age groups. Several were happily relaxing on the grass, at the back, with drinks. Everyone seemed to be thoroughly enjoying themselves. During the song, Sacrifice, I walked over to the food stalls and got some chips (fries) as I hadn't eaten all day. I felt somewhat guilty doing that, as I could have waited a few more hours! (at least it wasn't to buy alcohol, which a lot of other people were doing)

Having walked from near Kensington Palace, to Elton's London concert, I had a sort of "Diana mind" so while Elton was singing "Candle in the wind" I looked down the park, toward Diana's former home and thought of her. (I think we, in England now associate her more with that song, than most other countries) Made me think of what good came out of her life ~ love and compassion for people.

Before that final song, though, I noticed some people were leaving, probably to avoid the rush, (I'm sure they could still hear it, as they walked through the park) I got up again, and walked boldly over to the centre aisle, to be closer to Elton, where I found 4 empty seats, near the front... so stood, with everyone else, and watched him. He seemed to notice me, because I felt a connection (as I'm sure you all do, too, when you have any personal interraction with Elton)

I've certainly been noticeable at the last three concerts, wearing my bright pink mohair cardigan (that even Elton acknowledged, when I was at the stage, at Castle Ashby, as he sang "she's got a mohair suit":-) (Kept me very warm though, in the chilly evening air)

I felt somewhat sad, after it was all over, knowing I may never see Elton again, and walked back to my friend's apartment quite exhausted. So, after a rare few glasses of wine, I fell asleep in a King size bed, covered in satin. (Kensington and Park Lane areas are where the wealthy live in luxury:-)

Well, it's hard to describe one's time at an Elton concert, but I've just mentioned certain things that stood out at that one. I don't get out much, these days, and seem to have lost interest in many material things in life, except Elton! He still makes me feel like dancing! (which has always been my greatest love:-)

It's been an unusual year, being around Elton again, after 25 years, and I would never have gone to any of the 5 concerts, I attended, if it hadn't been for this newsgroup and

For those who feared I might be a threat to Elton, you can now see that I have no harmful intentions at all. Just a love for the man that has grown over time.

For an unexpected reason I don't want to write on this newsgroup any longer. I have gone far too deep and stirred up a lot of muddy water, so I feel it is really time to either stay away, or just comment on superficial things. To finaly enable this newsgroup to calm down. ("He leadeth me to still waters")

I may be going to Paris for a week, to stay with my friend, Christine, who was with me the first day I attended Elton's rehearsals in 1975. She always asks after Ray Cooper, just as I have done. (we were both more impressed by him, than Elton!)

Anyway, I wish you all a great summer and pray that Elton and his entourage have a very restful, pleasant vacation, that renews them in every way. (and that they put together a video of all the concerts this summer!:-)

God bless,


Other Concerts

Burghley House
Hylands House
Castle Ashby
Paris, April 2001
Bergerac, France, July 2001
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