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Hylands House Concert

Chelmsford, Essex July 15th 2000

Well, I've just got back from Essex, after seeing Elton at Hylands House in Chelmsford. Fortunately it did not rain, so the concert was dry, warm and wonderful!!

My brother and I had pretty good seats, near the front, but there were some empty ones even closer, so after a few songs, I moved forward.
The crowd were cheerful and the people behind me kept putting their arms in the air, whenever the camera came onto the audience. I was wearing a bright pink mohair cardigan (jacket) which seemed to stand out in the crowd and they pointed me out on the huge screen above the stage, a few times. (the jacket is very much like the one Elton had on the rack for his 'Audience with Elton John' that he said would suit William Haig (the politician)

Elton was in good form. Wore a bright orange jacket and black trousers and shirt. He looked good. (nice earring too) He played the usual songs, including 'Someone saved my life tonigh't, which I haven't heard him sing, since 1975. He was exceptionally brilliant and I loved every note!

Before the autograph break, he did something that I can't quite fathom. He walked around the piano and picked up a piece of paper, (not sure where from) and read out a message, which said, "This is a message from backstage ~ Will Mike Hewitson please come backstage to tend to his poodle and pick up his Spartican Gay Guide Book! So, if you'll come back stage please and tend to your poodle, as it's going beserk back here!" (something like that) A few laughed, but I think the audience must have been as baffled as I was!

I must say I chuckled to myself, because we know that this "Mike Hewitson" is who Clive Franks told this newsgroup, is the person that Elton nicknamed "Brenda". Confusing though, since the Brenda that Elton often refers to is supposedly "too ill and old to go out any more" and has been heard to have been wished a happy birthday, last September and again in June, when he said "Brenda is 98 today"!! (Also blamed for being a "noisy nosey cow" at Elton's house in Nice!) My brother, who knew nothing about all of this, said he thought it was a "cryptic message for someone" hmmm? (Elton's sense of humour?:-)

At the start of one song, someone shouted out "I love you Elton! and then another person called it out, (and I even quietly added, "Me too!") Elton laughed and said "Oh, a Menage de trois,ay" Inaughty boy!;-) Some laughed or chuckled.

I saw Clive Franks in his enclosed box towards the back of the concert, and I really wanted to pop in and introduce myself, but he was busy and I thought I'd wait until the end of the concert, before he left, but there wasn't time. I was going to just say "Hi Clive, I'm Brenda from the newsgroup. Now you can say you HAVE met me!!";-) (Maybe next time)

After Elton finished singing Burn Down the Mission, (which was absolutely brilliant!) I watched to see if anyone went up to the stage, and sure enough, they did, so I joined them, feeling rather strange, considering all that has gone on beforehand. (at his rehearsals and on this newsgroup). Just as I found my spot at the stage, someone near me called out "I love you Elton!" and I got a bit embarrased (in case he thought it was me:-)

Lots of people were holding out their programmes for the show, and different things to be signed, but all I had to write on, was my ticket, so as Elton made his way down the front of the stage (and the guy next to me kept shouting "Elton! Down here!! to which I replied, "He's coming!"(so he didn't need to shout) my little ticket could hardly be noticed, but sure enough Elton saw it. Took it out of my hand, scribbled his name (at least I think it's his name!;-) and handed it back, saying "there you are" and I said quietly, "thank you". He then returned to his piano and began playing "The One"

I was ushered back to my seat, with the others, by a kind, soft-spoken usher, with the promise that we could all come back later.

Elton later played a few numbers that I did not expect and one I had never heard before. It was all instrumental and he played it beautifully. I have no idea what it was! I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched his fingers move so fast across the keyboard! My brother was especially impressed and said that Elton is a genius!!

There was a wedding in Hylands House that day, so I couldn't visit the house, but I think the bride and groom may have been in the audience, because he dedicated a song to Tony and Tara (or Tanya) who I presumed were the bride and groom, since I heard other people mention it.

The whole show was exceptionally good and Elton put in overtime, I think, by adding a few numbers that weren't on his set list for the previous tour venues. It was so hard for me to sit still, as I wanted to dance, but I bopped about in my seat occasionally, and at one point had to get up and walk about, as it was beginning to get cold, when the sun set. I walked around Clive Franks' box and each step seemed to go in time with the music. I soooooo wanted to dance!!! ("when your feet just can't keep still!")

Towards the end, when Elton started playing Crocodile Rock, I told my brother I was off to the stage, and left him sitting alone. (he was not confident enough to come with me) This time I had plenty of room and managed to get to park myself right in front of Elton and joined the others who were dancing and singing along with the song. Elton looked at me several times and smiled. I could not help smiling back at him.(the first time I have ever smiled at Elton! I used to always frown at him!:-(

Then after he sung "Don't let the sun go down on me" he began playing Song for Guy (no singing though) and my brother suddenly appeared beside me. He said he just loved that music and had to come and join me. He was beaming from it all!

Well, Elton never stopped smiling at us! He looked at my brother for so long, that my brother said he felt Elton was not just a superstar, but a "buddy!" He felt very close to him. Elton also kept looking at me, as I moved to his music, and especially during Bennie and the Jets, which I normally hate, but actually participated in this time! When Elton shouted out "Bennie!!" and waited for the audience to shout it back to him ~ I even joined in! He also did that boogie woogie bit, that sounds like Glem Miller's "In the Mood" and I really began dancing to that. I even asked my brother to jive with me, but he wouldn't. (I had taught him to jive when he was a little boy and we used to love dancing together to the 50's rock song "At the Hop" but he was too shy to dance in public)

After Bennie and the Jets, I think Elton did one more instrumental piece and then went off stage (I can't remember exactly the order of the songs) He was gone quite some time, so I presumed he was changing, but he returned still in his bright orange jacket. He only changed before his finale, Candle in the Wind, which he sang more like the original, rather than slowly as he has been doing lately. (seemed to be combining both the Marilyn version with Princess Diana, by changing the tempo)

He thanked the audience for being so great. (earlier had said "I can't believe it's not raining!") and said to the audience "Thank you for your years of devotion"
I felt a bit guilty then, since I haven't been the most supportive fan, as you all know (in fact, I never considered myself a "fan" until a few months ago!!)

Elton played for 3 hours and seemed to be really happy. He finished at 11:00 p.m and we watched his helicopter take off from a field next to the stage.

On our way out, we were stuck for a ride to Chelmsford, as the last train left at midnight and as usual there were a lot of cars trying to get out of the Park, but fortunately a taxi had arrived to pick someone up and I asked him if he'd come back for us, and he said he would. We waited for a about half an hour and got talking to some other people who needed to get to Chelmsford to catch a train, so we ended up sharing our taxi with them. As we chatted, my brother told them how Elton kept looking at us, and they said "Oh I wondered who Elton kept looking at! We thought it was us, but realised it was someone behind us" (they were apparently in the first row at the stage, and we were behind them.)

My favourite memory of last night was when I was at the stage and I looked away from Elton for a moment, but when I looked back at him, he was looking at me again, with a warm, but curious look on his face. He seemed to like me!! :-)

I wonder if he knew who I was? Felt like he did! Perhaps he's finally remembered me, after all this time:-)

Still baffled by the Mike Hewitson message though! What was all that about! It's a bit of a mystery, especially since after he made the announcement, I never saw anyone moving towards the backstage area! (especially a 98 year old who is too ill to go out anymore;-)

Obviously Elton was joking! (but why?)

All in all, a great evening, and I wish I could go again tonight, but last night's ticket's wiped me out financially, especially since my brother was not in any financial position to pay for his ticket, so it ended up as my treat (but he sure was grateful and he deserves it!!)

Anyway, now I MUST see Elton again at Castle Ashby!! It's closer to where I live, than Chelmsford was. Wish I was a Rocket member, though, so I could get a backstage hospitality pass! Oh well, my day will come, I'm sure! (perhaps when I stop criticising him!;-)

In order to see Elton last night, I had to take 3 trains and it took me 3 hours to my brother's home. (then another half an hour for us to travel to Chelmsford) I had to stay overnight with my brother (and we were up until 5:00 a.m. talking and copying Elton tapes!) My brother said it was the best concert he's ever been to! (and he's been to a few. He used to work for EMI records and saw lots of stars!)

We both agree, though, that Elton is the greatest!!!!

Hope someone else can write and tell us more about the concert, since I can't remember everything. I saw Hercules Fan Club were there, with their banner. Hope one of them writes in!

Looking forward to Castle Ashby!

Love to all Elton's fans and to Elton himself!!! (keep smiling!!!)

Brenda P.S. Oh yes, and Elton's lookalike, Ray Johnstone was there too. He had a few people baffled when he first arrived! People were standing up to see if it was really him or not! ha! I saw him later at the stage, when it was all over, and I gave him a pat on the back as I passed him, and said, "I've seen you on TV!" (duh!)

Other concerts 2000

Castle Ashby 2000
Hyde Park
Burghley Park
Paris April 2001
Bergerac July 2001
