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Elton John (and fans) in Paris

April 2001

Rocket members get backstage pass

Norma, Jasmin and Brenda

(Brenda wearing her daughter's Barbie Glasses:-(

What a great couple of days we had together! Dining, sight-seeing (including visiting Diana's tunnel:-( Staying up almost all night in our hotel room talking about Elton!! and listening to his music. A unique first-time experience as a fan of Elton John!

Trip home was another story!:-)

Brenda by Elton's Piano

Thanks to Jasmin for her camera! (and editor for taking the photo)

**The Concert**

Date: 2001-04-05 03:42:07 PST

Well, what a trip!
So much happened that I am putting it on a webpage, but for now I'll just say that the show was great, but the hospitality room was disappointing.
Naturally everyone was hoping to see Elton, and many fans had been preparing for days for this eventuality, and of course many had only travelled all the way to Paris from various countries in hopes of seeing Elton backstage, but he did not show.

The snacks and drinks went untouched, it seemed, but we were still happy to be there. Many of us were mingling and getting to know one another and it was good to socialise.(I don't get out enough!:-)
The friends I was with, had all spent the day sightseeing together, and were in exceptionally good moods! We'd had a great day! (although I think they were somewhat nervous about possibly meeting Elton)

There was a very nice hostess, in charge of us all, who I think works with and she spoke to several fans. When she got to me, she said "Oh so you're Brenda!" (as if I was well known or something;-)

While some of Elton's staff were telling people what they did, and answering questions, Clive Franks appeared at the door momentarily.(sporting a very nice bushy beard:-) I caught his eye, as I was chatting with other fans, and then a few minutes later the hostess (I've forgotten her name) said that neither Elton nor Clive would be able to come to the hospitality room, due to some reason or other. (can't remember what it was) I looked at the fans that I'd come with and saw the disappointment on their faces.

The hostess tried to help with the disappointment of not seeing Elton by giving out free ONO 'T' shirts to those who answered certain questions. (such as who has the most interesting Elton-related name for their pet) I did not get a T shirt, for the puppy I had named, Eltonetta, but I didn't mind, since I don't like the photo on that shirt, anyway. (but it's lovely to hear the various names fans have given to their animals:-)

So, after a very brief stay in the hospitality room, we were taken outside to the stage area. (Half an hour would have been a decent amount of time for us fans to get to know each other, but it all went so fast, I was only able to speak to about 3 people.
(NOTE to EltonJohn.Com * Please give fans more time to mingle, next time!)

We were shown the ropes (or rather the cables;-) and got to stand on the stage by the piano while the hostess took our photo. (I was with two other female fans) We took a quick look at the set list and I was saddened to see that Elton had dropped Harmony. (in more ways than one!)

Before I went to my seat, which was in the very front row by Elton's piano, I noticed a fan whose photo I'd seen on a previous hospitality event. (I think it was Woburn Abbey, last May) He had been wearing a Watford football shirt, in the photo.
I mentioned to him about having seen him on the site, and he said it wasn't him, but his twin brother (not sure if that was a joke, or not) I then mentioned it being a pity that Elton didn't come into the hospitality room, and he turned to me and said, "Well, that's your fault! He's not going to come in with you there! Not after all you've said on the newsgroup!"

I was stunned! He was blaming me for Elton not turning up! ~ and having seen that Elton had dropped "my song" from the setlist, I began to get worried.

Despite my pleasure at being in the front row (a seat, which was cherished so much that another fan offered me 20 pounds if I'd swap with her!) I was not able to see Elton very clearly, since the stage was so high and when Elton put his head down, all I could see what the top of his hair!
Also, after having been told that I was to blame for Elton not appearing, I didn't feel too happy.
Nevertheless, it was a real joy to listen to Elton play, although he seemed to be going through the motions when it came to interracting with the audience. Also, seemed to be going from one song to another as if he was a robot! (I mean, it seemed like he'd done it all a million times and it was not spontaneous) Guess I'm not used to him "acting"

Elton seemed to be enjoying himself, though, but then that was only because he kept smiling. He certainly played some songs beautifully, but some were not as good as I'd heard them done before. He seemed to have that cheeky look, at times, and at one point when he turned to bend over to get his drink, he stuck his bum out in rather a rude fashion, I thought. (naughty boy!;-)

He was wearing a dark green jacket with a Greek pattern on, (rather like the backdrop) and black pants with a white stripe (I think) He looked thinner, but not too well, in my opinion. Perhaps he was just tired though.

Despite feeling unwanted and rejected, I enjoyed Elton's first three songs very much, Yong Song, The greatest discovery, and of course Someone saved my life tonight. One of my favourites at his rehearsals. Then, to my surprise Elton turned to me, whle everyone was clapping and gave me the most respectful bow. Looking at me all the time. I then realised he was not mad at me and enjoyed the show much more.
(more, later)

Pity I kept the stupid glasses on all night though! I could hardly see him at times!:-(
Made up for it, in the end though, when I went to dance at the stage with all the other "fanatics":-)

Crocodile Rock

Up at the stage. I finally took my stupid sunglasses off! Elton seems to notice;-)


After this I found I had a front row seat by Elton's pia

When it was all over, my new friends and I went back to our hotel (after waiting ages for a cab!) and while they chatted about Elton for hours and hours and hours (I think they stopped around 4:00 a.m.) I lay on my bed thinking about what the guy had said about me being the cause of Elton not turning up, and I felt very sad. Not for me, but for the fans who lost out, because of me.

I guess Elton has let it be known that he really does not like what I say on this newsgroup and I am being punished for it! (along with about 50 dedicated fans who had high hopes of meeting him personally that night)

Well, what can I say? "Sorry seems to be the hardest word" but I truly am sorry. If I was the cause of these fans losing out on meeting Elton, then this is indeed terrible.

I wasn't sure what to believe. My intuiton or what others were telling me?

More to come........soon........:

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