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Brenda in Bergerac

To see Elton John in concert

Posters everywhere

As soon as I got to the first train station, after leaving the Carcassonne airport, I saw a big poster of Elton, advertising the concert in Bergerac, even though it was 3 hours train ride away. The poster was the same as the ONO poster, that I don't like, so I didn't look at it very much. (screaming Elton has always irritated me;-)

Once in Bergerac, I felt at home. Medieval town, with a lot of character. Posters of Elton in just about every window, restaurants, bars and shops. Huge one in the Tourist office. The town was also preparing for a weekend of music, so lots of mini stages were being put up all over the place, including in front of the 16th century house that I was staying at, next to the statue of Cyrano. The Old town is full of quaint narrow lanes of cobble stones and historic buildings, which make for a very quaint romantic scene. It was delightful. ("right up my alley" as we say in England;-)

Quaint narrow Medieval cobble-stoned streets

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