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October 20, 2000

Eric has sent another message!

Check it out!

September 5, 2000

Eric sent a message to you all!

Check it out!

June 14, 2000

Eric has formed his own production company!
Currently developing some ideas and working on
getting funding.
More details in the very near future.

April 17, 2000

Eric is currently in Los Angeles for the screening of
"Big Eden" at the LA Independent Film Festival.
The film is slated to be screened April 18,2000
and is expected to do very well.

March 24, 2000

Eric has returned to Vancouver after appearing
at the Winds of Change Festival, sponsored
by the Barcole Foundation in Coral Springs, FL
We have heard from many fans who attended
and will be adding some photos to our photo page
in the very near future.

February 1st, 2000

Word from Vancouver is that Eric is
enjoying some personal time now.
He is hanging out, mountain biking and carving.
No release date for Big Eden yet!
Will give you the news as soon as we get it,
meanwhile we all hope Eric is having a relaxing break!

December 9th, 1999


No confirmed details yet but you might want
to keep an eye out for a new TV series called "Hollywood Off Ramp".
You just might catch a familiar face.
As soon as an air date is available we will let you know!"

December 7th, 1999


Eric has filmed a "Lipton's Side Dish" commercial which wll be airing soon ...
but alas! only in Canada! He plays a "retired Tonto"!
He has also done a Canadian piece for the History Channel.
Eric will return as ... Joseph Brandt.
As soon as we have a confirmed air date we will let you know. Happy watching!

November 8, 1999


The work on Big Eden has been completed.
No release date has been announced but we will post it here as soon as we can!


October 2, 1999

"The recent disagreements on other sites regarding The Chicora-Waccamaw people
in no way reflect the views of Mr. Eric Schweig.
While at this time Mr. Schweig in not endorsing any charitable organization or group,
he has worked with both the Barcole Foundation and The American Indian Center of South Carolina.

Mr. Schweig was honored to be a guest of both organizations at events they presented.
However if you know of a needy group in your community that requires assistance through
donations of time, goods or money, please don't hesitate to lend a helping hand.
If you offer aid to even one person you have changed the world a little."

Deidre Sam - Prime Talent Inc.



September 9, 1999

Eric and Leah were married today.

We are working on getting a photo!


September 23, 1999

Eric will begin filming "Big Eden" in Montana


Filming of "Big Eden" in Montana has been completed, although it did run a little over schedule. Eric is presently in Los Angeles "looping". More details as they are released.

Click here for storyline

October 31 - November 9,1999

Eric is confirmed to do a TV special called "Indian Vision",
a documentary about Native American actors, and will be
interviewed by Johnny Depp (Benny & Joon, Edward Scissorhands).
At this time the program is scheduled only for European TV.
Perhaps we need to write to TNT or HBO and try to get them to pick up this program!

March 17th & 18th, 2000
Barcole Foundation Winds of Change 2000

Eric is planning to attend this event, schedule permitting.
However, a large group of fans are planning to make this trip
in support of the Barcole Foundation and a very good cause.

More projects in the works
Check back often for updates!