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I was able to sneek into AOL's log manager and upload a conversation Between Justin and JC, it went a little something like this:

LanceJTJC: LOL, I'd be a great poser, like "yo I was in my ned last nigh and JC was teasin me yo, he was making me cwy and then he wouldn't give me his dolly dawg!!
Tmbrlakluv: And then he was gonna tell my momma yo!
LanceJTJC: ya know LOL!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: won't even yell at..(looks around) Gremlins
LanceJTJC: LOL-yeah and then he was telling me dat they come if you say the magic word mr.peepee 3 times, and he said it 2 and he said if I didnt go to sleep he'd say it again!! then he threw joeys dirty underwear at me!!
Tmbrlakluv: LOL!!!!! AHHHHH OMG!!!!!!
LanceJTJC: WHAT!??!
Tmbrlakluv: LOL!!!!!!!!! THE DIRTY UNDERWEAR!!!!!
LanceJTJC: oh!!! that would be kinda scary though!!!
Tmbrlakluv: For real!!
Tmbrlakluv: But then Yo I straight got up and rubbed them in his mouth Yo!
LanceJTJC: LOL, yeah remember to keep that thug attitude u, you know what really happened you cried and went and told your mommy what that bad JC man did
Tmbrlakluv: Then he said...pee-pee Dawg and man I got soooooo scared! I almost pissed my pants!!
LanceJTJC: LOL-your turtle PJ's!?!?!?!??!!? dude they were cool
Tmbrlakluv: Almost! I just down and danced to the bathroom Yo!
LanceJTJC: LOL!!!!! we are so mean!!!!! its funny though!! he's so easy to make fun of!!!
Tmbrlakluv: I know!!!!!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Gremlins!! SOOOO CUTE!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Jc Dawg?
LanceJTJC: isnt it!!!!!!!!!!????!!!!!!!!!!!!! my friend use to tell me that mornalocks, or something like that lived in my room and if you said mronalock 3 times and then spun around they would eat you!! so we would make these thing in the bubble tape things I should tell him how to make it so he wouldnt be scared anymore!!
Tmbrlakluv: U gonna give me a dolly tonight?! Cause man if we say the p phrase again the Gremlins will come..
Tmbrlakluv: LOL!
LanceJTJC: just sleep with Joeys underwear!! If you hadnt pissed yourself like you always do then I woulda given you one, but now you just keep them!
Tmbrlakluv: Jc...Man....his underwear...have....trailmarks Dawg! You sleep with them or u wanna eat em again?
LanceJTJC: stop bullshiting!!! you didn't touch me your just trying to impress your fans cause you know if you touched me, me and lance would beat the sh*t outa you so just go to sleep or I'll have to say MR PEE PEE!!! oops i said MR PEE PEE!!! OMG I said it again!!!! you better go to sleep!!!
Tmbrlakluv: JC DAWG!!! THEY COMIN NOW!!!! MAN!!!! MOMMA!!!! HE CALLED THEM!!!! MOMMA!!!! CRAP I PISSED MY PANTS!!! Sorry JC did it get on your head this time?!
LanceJTJC: DUDE!!!!!! why the hell you gotta jump in my lap anyway!!!!! if you kept your white ass, yes you are white, over where you shoulda been you wouldnt have pissed on me in the first place!!!! LYNN!!!!!!!!!LANCE!!!!!!! guys get in here!!!!!!!!
LanceJTJC: see you made me call your mommy and lance!!

Tmbrlakluv: Momma!!!!!! no!!! it is aight everything is aight momma!!! STAY!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Dawg why u gotta call her!!
LanceJTJC: (we are sick!!) I told you!!! thats what you get!! no go to sleep!!!!!!!
LanceJTJC: are you gonna go to bed, or do you need another pair of joeys underwear!!

Tmbrlakluv: NO!!!!!!!!!!! Not the underwear ANYTHING But that!
LanceJTJC: go put on some clean PJ's dude you smell like piss, and for GOD'S SAKE GET OFF OF MY LAP AN LET GO OF ME!!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: And Dawg I am 18 I can stay up until 8:15 if I wanna!!!!!
LanceJTJC: NO YOU CAN'T!!!!!!! i dont care how old you are we have a concert and the last thing we need is you being all cranky for the show!!!!
LanceJTJC: I'm gonna say it the 3rd time if you dont stop mr.......

Tmbrlakluv: If I have my 4 bowls of cereal I am fine!!
LanceJTJC: NO we are out of crackcaffine dude, you'll be a mess
Tmbrlakluv: JC Did u put it down your pants again!?!?!?
LanceJTJC: MAYBE!!!! I like the dance it makes me do!!!!! and what are you gonna do about it!?!?
Tmbrlakluv: I'm tellin Chris and Lance!!!!!
LanceJTJC: dude why do you gotta bring them into this?!?!?! Lance likes me better anyway!!! and I'm gonna tell chris who REALLY pooped in your bunk last week!!! I know it wasnt busta, do you want chris to know too??
Tmbrlakluv: I got scared!!!!!!!
LanceJTJC: TWICE!!!!?????!!!!! two days in a ROW!?!??!?!?!? you're messed up ghetto boy!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Well the second time was just fun!
LanceJTJC: I knew it!!!! I should have never left you alone with my crackcaffine that day!!! you cant handle it
Tmbrlakluv: Sorry Dawg!
LanceJTJC: DAMMIT!! dont call me dawg, you know I hate that!!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Sorry Dawg!
LanceJTJC: you are so stupid!!!!i was never that dumb when I was 18, I am so glad im the mature one of the group!!! if I was that stupid then please just shoot me!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Dawg!!!! talk normal!! I don't understand anything but Ghetto talk u know dat!
LanceJTJC: I said, yo dawg I wasn't that whack when I was young g, but if I was yo, you gotsta bust a cap upside my ass!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Ohhh!!!! Why didn't u just say that!! And quit acting like a Thug Dawg!
LanceJTJC: OMG!!!!I HATE YOU!!!I QUIT I QUIT I QUIT!!!! I cant live with this!!! OMG, never will I sing with you people again, I'm leaving!! I hate you!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Dawg Calm down!
LanceJTJC: STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!! MY NAME IS Joshua Scott Chasez!!!! but I would rather be called JC I am not DAWG!! G or whatever the hell else you say!!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Aight Dawg whatever
LanceJTJC: DAMMIT!!!! MR PEE PEE!!!! HAHHAHAHAHA I SAID IT!!THERE are you happy!?!? mr pee pee mr pee pee mr freakin pee pee!!!!!!!!!! and no get the hell away from me don't you dare sit in my lap!!!!!! damn I gotta get my crackcaffine I need it!!!!!!!!!
Tmbrlakluv: Ha ha I hid it, nanner nanner!!!!
LanceJTJC: I'm gonna get the gremlins to come get you!!! FIND T!!!!! I'm gonna tell your mom that youve been using it EVEN THOUGH she said not to!!!
Tmbrlakluv: No!!!!! I hid it to good. I don't remember! HMPH! (Sits on bed and crosses his arms!)
LanceJTJC: well remember dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!its really gonna hurt you when I rip your head off and shove it up you...oh hi Mrs. Harless, how are you, yes we are fine, nothing is wrong yeah you can go back to sleep, me and Justin are just playing a game, buh-bye!-ASS!!!!! now shut up find my stuff and go to sleep, or we'll see if I can forget where I hid the cereal!!!
Tmbrlakluv: My Cereal!?!?? MY CEREAL!!?!??! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (A tear rolls down his cheek)
LanceJTJC: (oh I can't see him cry!! this is too mean!!!) fine Justin, just go to sleep and you can have all the cereal you want okay
Tmbrlakluv: (Sniffles) o...k...Dawg...Can I have a dolly?
LanceJTJC: which one!?!?
Tmbrlakluv: The pretty baby blue one......
Tmbrlakluv: (Wipes tears from his eye)
Tmbrlakluv: HEY!!!!!!!!! We should put this on the humor site!!!!!!!!!!!
LanceJTJC: LOL-you should!!!! did you delete any of it!?!?
Tmbrlakluv: Nopers!!!
LanceJTJC: you should!!!!
LanceJTJC: (I feel bad, he's too cute to make him cry) ok man you can have your damn doll but if you drool on it I'm gonna kill you!!!now go to sleep (picks Justin up and sets him his bunk, pulls covers up around him)

Tmbrlakluv: (Sniffles) ok...I promise. Nity nite Jc!
LanceJTJC: good night!

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