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Wassup With Justin's Hair????

Ok...Ok...I know it's on everyone's minds, What the hell is going through Justin's head?? Or should I say hair? I mean, it changes more than NSYNC was actually number one on TRL! An anonymous donor even brought to my attention how when his hair was red it looked like a tampon! I mean come on Justin, make up your mind! Do you even what color your hair REALLY is? You use more bleach than a laundromat!


All I can say to this one, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? I can't even tell what color your hair is! I think I'm gonna PUKE if I look at that one too long, can we say "Do it yourself" Hair Dye??

A LITTLE better

Ok, I have to admit, Justin does look pretty hot in this picture, and I know it's not hair related, BUT what is up with the beanie? Or is it a turbin? Wait, it that my knee-high?????? I mean, does that serve a purpose at all? Does it make your hair curlier or something???? If it doesn't, 2 words, DROP IT!

WHAT?? There are MORE colors??

I know u thought it was impossible, but Justin does it again, yet ANOTHER hair color! I've ran out of things to say, is he just THAT insecure with himself???

Well that's all I have to say about Justi-Poo's hair RIGHT NOW! Stay tuned, I have about a gizzillion other pictures to make fun of!

If you have a problem with my opinions, BITE ME

or the crew
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