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The Cognizant difference between an Anti website and a HUMOR website.

Okay class, today we will learn about websites. The difference between the two major catagories. Remember, read carefully and there will be a test at the end of the week.

On my several humor webpages that I have come into association with, there are ALWAYS e-mails that query the origin of our liking. This section is here to clear up that little discrepancy.


1. An Anti-site - These are the sites that HATE the band in reference. On this case, we refer to 'N Sync. They are CLEARLY labled ANTI. If you LIKE 'N Sync, then DO NOT go into an anti site. You will be offended. You will NOT agree with their opinion. You will send idiotic hate mail that they not only are NOT offended by, they also love to post and make fun of. This is NOT a good thing. So..if you love 'N Sync, STAY AWAY from Anti-sites! They are BAD.

2. Humor websites - These are the sites that love to make fun of the band in question. This reference being refered to the band of 'N Sync. They do NOT hate the boys. If they did, they would lable their site Anti. Humor sites actually LIKE the bands. They just have senses of humor and are willing to point out the person in question's flaws. If the person in question happens to be a member of 'N Sync, then they have many flaws to point out.
The innocent webmasters of the HUMOR websites are simply servants of the people. They put these websites up to give other members of the human population a moment of joy in their day. Once more...hate mail is regarded as rediculous and actually quite funny and will be put up for others like them to laugh at.

So what have we learned kids?

1. Anti = Hate
That's right kids, it's a simple equation. It balances out. Combining English AND Math, who knew?

2. Sending Hate Mail = You being rediculed and thought of as an idiot.
Once again, another equation. You'll be into college algebra before you know it!!!
3. Humor = laughter = good
WOW!! A triple part equation! If you guys keep this up, I'll enroll you in trignometry tommorrow!

Next Week's Lesson: How to distinguish a teenybopper from a REAL 'N Sync fan

And that's Professor Starshine dismissing class for this week kids. Remember, read the next five chapters in the book and have your homework ready for next week! Have a good weekend and I'll see you bright and early Monday morning!

This section by: Starshine
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