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Teenyboppers Heaven

Well no one can do a 'N Sync humor page without talking about the funniest part. Tennyboppers!
This section includes 3 parts. How to be a perfect teenybopper, how annoying they are, and how much of 'N Sync's fans are made up of them.

1. Sign your name everywhere as Mrs. Timberlake, Mrs. Chasez, Mrs. Fatone, Mrs. Bass, or Mrs. Kirkpatrick.
2. When you go to an *NSync concert wear every piece of merchandise you own and make a sign for every single member.
(Starshine's Note: Which they will NOT SEE OR CARE ABOUT!!!)

3. Scream at the top of your lungs, "I love you (place name of fave 'N Syncer here). Will you marry me?"

4. Buy every single magazine that has a picture of them, even if it is a tiny little one.
(Starshine's Note: *raises hand* guilty)

5. Scream when they come on your television.

6. Wear ANYTHING with baby blue on it and max out your parents credit card on Superman shirts.

7. When you do to get your tickets for your concert, sleep outside for 3 days beforehand so that you're first in line.

8. Tape very single show that they appear on. No matter when or what time it's on. Even if you have to kick your brother out of the room because he's watching TV.

These are going to somewhat go along with being a perfect teenybopper.

1. How can you call yourself Mrs. (last name of fave 'N Syncer here) if you dont know them, and they don't know you. You have to at least have met once to get married.

2. There is no need to wear an 'N Sync shirt to an 'N Sync concert, they do not have memory loss, they know who they are and I am figuring that they hope that you know who they are too.

3. DON'T BRING SIGNS!!!!!! You annoy the people behind you, who cant see the concert because of boneheads with signs.
(Starshine's Note: I'm personally a victim of this. To those other victims of this tragedy, a little advice. Bring some trash, dead batteries and half-full cups seem to work and chunk it at the back of their heads, works like a charm every time)

4. Don't tell them that you love them. That scares them away. If someone came up to you, and you didn't even know them and they said "I love you", you would be scared. Don't ask them to marry you, they will politely worm out of it.

5. Don't scream when they come on TV, not only can they NOT hear you but you are making the people in your household deaf.

6. Don't buy every magazine, they basically have the same pics and you are wasting your money.

7. Wearing baby blue and Superman stuff is a big no-no. They all say that they dont like fake people and most of you who wear baby blue or Superman are fake. Even if you liked it before. If you had half of a brain you wouldn't wear it to their concerts.

Go home
