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The one...the only...the TOP TEN LISTS!!

Here...we not only laugh at scenarios of what the boys could act like, but also to probe future behavioristic patterns that 'N Sync could display.

(In other make fun of their teeny flaws)

Top Ten Reasons Joey is such a horn dog

10. Only so much time and so many teenyboppers
9. He is trying to outdo Justin
8. It's defiance from JC
7. The Superman is loose
6. See? There IS a reason for 'N Sync's touring!
5. His goal is to seed the world with Fatones
4. See #5, massive world domination attempt
3. He's from Brooklyn
2. All that food he eats has got to go SOMEWHERE!
1. Italian Stallian...nuff said.

Top Ten Reasons JC is such a spazzoid.

10. SOMEONE has to counteract Justin's fluidity
9. He figures it will help him get women.
8. Weight issues..he's so skinny, he can't help it.
7. The crack he's on affects his movements.
6. Lance needs a partner in bad dancing.
5. He's too tired, he needs another nap.
4. Joey eats all of his food.
3. He needs a woman.
2. His pusher is denying him.
1. Transcon Puppet.

Why Justin loves his hair dye

10. Bleach, you can use it for everything.
9. It gives him an excuse to fight Lance off.
8. He doesn't need a flashlight.
7. The ladies love it.
6. He doesn't need to do his whole head.
5. The teenyboppers swoon.
4. Lou gives him more money for it.
3. The hairstylists SWEARS that it isn't damaging his hair.
2. It makes his hair curlier.
1. Blondes REALLY DO have more fun!

Why Chris has this gripping compulsion to be funny when he's not

10. Comedy Central is waiting.
9. Jim Carrey, MOVE OVER!
8. SOMEONE has to counteract JC's stick up the ass!
7. Chris Rock, nothing.
6. Justin has the looks, someone's GOT to have the laughs.
5. He's the CRAZY one!
4. Transcon demands it
3. He's 27, he has to have SOME kind of appeal.
2. Maybe it will attract a future wife.
1. It comes with the dreads.

Why Lance plucks his eyebrows

10. Free samples from the Avon counter.
9. Danielle likes them that way.
8. Joey plucks them in Lance's sleep.
7. Someone has to look girly in the group.
6. Avon Lady, nuff said.
5. Justin forces him to by beating him up.
4. So he can give tips to the makeup ladies.
3. Transcon looked at Kevin Richardson's uni-brow and attacked Lance.
2. Easy, Breezy, Beautiful Cover Guy.
1. He's jealous of Nick Carter's perfectly plucked eyebrows.

This section by Starshine
(Thanks to Hellbent for some ideas)

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