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Hi my name is Tina and the picture at the top of the page is of me and my son Neumond. This bundle of joy graced my world with his presence on March 20, 1998, and has been my pride and joy since.

My life pretty much revolves around my son. I have always been an at home mom since he was born. Now that he is reaching the age of two, I have decided that it is time for me to return to school and make something better of myself.

I have decided that I will be going back to school to become a Court Reporter. I never was very good in school, but I have decided that if I put my mind to it I can do anything. If you would like to find out what classes I will be taking and a short description on them you can go to my Classes page. There will be each class that I will be taking and a description on that class. Maybe this will help you to make a descicion on what you would like to do.

I made this descision based on the fact that I need to make something of myself so that I can plan better for the future.

Now this is for all of the abused women in this world. I have something that I want to tell you, no matter how much you think you can't survive trust me you are stonger than you think. I know I have survived alot of junk in my life and I still go on day after day just believing that I am stronger than anything that has happened to me. I am not going to bore you with my stories of heartache and hurt but I will tell you that I too have dealt with it and that is why I hold the Survivor link on my front page.

So no matter how bad you think it is just look at the better side of things and maybe, just maybe that will help you to survive also. Best of luck in all you do and always follow your dreams remember, you only live once so make it the best.

If it was not for my family and everyone that supported me whole heartedly I am not sure how things would be for me today, so I want to say thank you all and I love all of you.