You Were Missed

weeks have gone by now
and I wonder what you think
I wonder if you could know how
much I've had to drink

the only thing I remember today
is the sound of your voice
the way you play
I recall it all, I have no choice

I used to tell friends we'd been together before
now I wonder, if I'll see you again
a million mistakes, I've made, I'm sure
but you've the forgiveness of a hundred men

Regardless, my love, I'm thinking of you
wherever you may be this afternoon
and tonite, under the same sky of dark blue
my dreams will come perfectly timed with the moon

If I should hear from you in the days to come
I will hesitantly let you read this
and hopefully it will ease your heart some
knowing that by someone, you were missed

For my Keepr, upon his return.
(2-24) Dedicated once again to some Slave's Keepr,
"I guess I'll see ya next lifetime, no hard feelings."