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Walking along the docks he felt that nothings changed. Nothing in Port Charles that is. It
was still the city that never seemed to quiet down. Car bombings, explosions, fires,
muders...anything could happen in this town. He ws living proof and yet he didn't know why
he was back. This was the town where his father was murdered, where his best friend
lived, and where his sould died. Sly didn't know why he was back, he just knew that he felt
he had to come back. Settle things once and for all. That's what the Citadel taught him.

"Elizabeth. I think we need to talk." Lucky pulls her down to the bench at the docks.
"What Lucky." Liz can feel the smell of doom in the air. She should have known that it
wasn't working. She should have known that she and Lucky wouldnt' last.
"Elizabeth, this isn't working. I'm trying to be a good boyfriend to you but its not
"I know Lucky. I feel it too. I mean I like you and all. Dont' get me wrong we have fun
together. But when we kiss" She lowers her eyes, how could she say this and not hurt him.
"I know. When we kiss. I don't feel what I think I should. Elizabeth you are beautiful.
Please don't doubt that. But there is no reason for us to keep this going if its just not
"Lucky I feel the same way. You are hot, any girl would be lucky" she smiles. "Sorry about
that. Any girl would be honored to have you for a boyfriend. You open doors, give flowers
when you aren't in trouble. You are great. I just don't feel anything like that." She
smiles shyly - happy they are on the same page.
Lucky gives her a hug. "Come on Elizabeth, I'll walk you home." With that they take each
others hand out of habit, then look at each other and let go. Lucky and Liz walk back to
her Gram's talking about school. When they get there, he doesn't kiss her good night,
instead he gives her a hug and tells her he'll see her tomorrow.

Lucky turns from Liz's house and walks to his safe place....Emily's house.

Liz sat on the ledge out side her window. She gazed out at the black sky and the millions
of white stars that covered it. Why couldn't she find someone that she could love with all
her heart? Lucky was great but he wasn't the one. She knew she was young and she knew
that she had time but she didn't want time. She wanted someone's arms around her,
someone whispering sweet nothings in her ear, loving her with their whole being. Liz sighed.
Some day she'll find him. She saw a shooting star and smiled. Some day soon.

Lucky crawled up the water pipe to the roof outside his best friends window. She's told
him a million times not to use the window as a door but he wasnt' in the mood for the Q's.
He just needed his best friend to make him feel like the world would be ok.
*knock *knock*

She looked up from her magazine and saw a looming figure by her window. She climbed off
the bed in her boxers and tee shirt and walked over to the window. She opened it and
stood there with her hands on her hips.
"We have a door." Emily replied.

"Sorry babe, not in the mood for Q's" Lucky states as he walks in and plops down on her

"What's the matter Luck?" She asked sitting down next to him. "Did they run out of your
favorite hair gel at the store?"

"Why do I come here. Why do I even try. Thanks anyway Em....I think I'll go get hit by a
bus its more comforting than my "best friend" - best friend what a joke." Lucky gets up
and starts to walk to the window again.

"Hey, hey Luck, I was kidding." Emily gently touched his arm. "What's the matter? You
know you can tell me."

"Do you really care? " Lucky stops from crawling out the window. Looking at Em - really
needing her to tell him it'll all be ok.

"You know I do." Emily replied softly. She then pulled Lucky into her arms instinctively.
She was glad that he came to her. Now she could help him like he'd always helped her. She
pulled away and looked at him.
"What happened?"

"Liz and I broke up." Was all he could say before he started crying on her shoulder.

"It's ok Lucky." She said softly as she ran her fingers through his hair. "Everythings
okay." Her best friend's heart was breaking and she couldn't do a damn thing about it.
Emily felt helpless.

"Emily. Why me? Why can't I find love, the real kind, like my parents have? Will I always
be alone?" He let Emily hold him.

"Luck your not always going to be alone." She said. "Your such a loving guy. I don't know
why any girl wouldn't want to be with you. Your sweet, and considerate, and caring, and
cute. Like you haven't noticed the girls at school falling all over you."

"Em" Lucky smiles at her. She always could make him feel better. "Will someone love me?
Someone as wonderful as you."

"Well I don't know if they can be as wonderful as me but I'm sure someone will love you."
She said with a smile.

Lucky looked up at her. She was not only his best friend but she was beautiful too. He
moved so that he was eye to eye with her. Why didn't he ever see how beautiful her eyes
are? Lucky took a deep breathe and kissed her. He kissed her deeply.

Emily was a little taken back. Lucky was kissing her. The Lucky that she had dreamnt
about for many nights and the Lucky who was there for her through her drug addiction and
her mother dying. The Lucky who just broke up with Liz. Her brain kicked in.
"Lucky what are you doing?" She asked pushing him away.

Lucky opened his eyes, "Kissin you. I thought that was obvious."

"Why are you kissing me?"

"Because you are beautiful, loving, sweet.....and my best freind." Lucky quickly realized
that he was risking their friendship. "Em - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel

"Well you kinda did." Emily admitted honestly. "Lucky you just broke up with Elizabeth."

"I'm sorry. I'm going to go Em. I didn't mean to mess with our friendship. See you later
Em." Lucky quickly flew out the window. He was careful not to say he was sorry he did
it....because he wasnt'. He felt something kissing Em. But it would take him a while to
figure out what it was that he felt.

Emily watched her friend disapper through the window and into the night. She had wanted
him to kiss her for God knows how long. Why did she push him away? Emily sighed and
crawled into her bed. She knew exactly why. She refused to be second best.

#~#~#~#Ch 2

Lucky's mind was not on walking, it was not on Liz surprisingly enough but his mind was on
the girl he just kissed, Emily. His mind was also on his stomach which was telling him to
detour to Kelly's before home. He opened the door to the diner, not even looking around
he walks right up to the bar and says, "Aunt Ruby what does a Spencer have to do to get
food around here." Smiling at his aunt as she came out from the kitchen.
Sly stuck his head in the door and looked around. The place hasn't changed one bit. He saw
a familiar face sitting at a table.
"Spencer's should learn to get their lazy butts up." Sly cracked.
Lucky didn't even turn around right away- that could only be one person. "Sly" He stood
up and turned around pulling Sly into a hug without consulting him. He needed a friendly
face after the day he'd had.
"Hey Ruby, you're other wonderful nephew is here." Lucky hollared looking at his cousin.
Boy had he grown up.
"Hey man I missed you." Sly said while hugging Lucky. "How are you? What's been going
"Life sucks but thanks for asking." Lucky says motioning for Sly to sit down.
"How's your mom and dad?" Sly asked. "And Lulu? They all okay?" He wanted to see if his
family had anything to do with why he seemed so gloom.
"Oh yeah the family is all intact. Lu is beautiful. She's just wonderful. Mom and dad still
dance at the drop of a hat. Its women! Ugh why they were ever invented is beyond me."
Lucky laughed as Ruby came out and pulled Sly out of his seat into a bear hug.
"Hey Aunt Ruby." Sly said hugging his aunt. She was one of the reasons he was glad he
came back. "How are things with you? Everything okay in the back there? Need any help?"
"No Sly - I have plenty of help. Boy you look good. You are staying here right?" She
almost demands and Lucky laughs. Finally someone to take 1/2 of Ruby's fiestiness.
"Ma'am I don't want to impose on you. " Sly said standing with his hands pulled together
behind his back.
"You could never impose you are family. Here let me get you a key." She says and walks
"Woah...Sly where have you been??? Ma''re sounding awful formal."
Lucky asks.
"The Citadel." Sly replied sitting back down. "It's a military school my Aunt Jenny sent me
to. I shaped up and now I'm just back to see some family."
"Military school?? Whoa sounds like a drag...were there any women there?"
"No Lucky." Sly said. "And I didn't go there looking for women. I went there to learn a lot
of things and find respect for myself as well as others."
"Cool...did it work? I mean do you regret going - I mean did it accomplish what you wanted
it to?" Lucky was keeping the converstation on Sly for a reason.
"NO reason." Lucky smiles and eats more french fries.
"You might as well come clean with me now." Sly said. "I don't want have to drag it out of
"I told you - no reason. Man can't a guy be interested in his cousin without getting the
third degree?" Lucky says. Getting up bringing the dishes into the kitchen and giving Ruby
a kiss on the cheek thanking her. He walks out, tosses Sly the key to Kellys and leaves. He
didn't need this. Even if Sly wasnt' being a dick, he just needed to escape what was going
on in his head. The thought that the only thing he wanted to do right now was go to Em's
and hold her all night. How could he tell Sly this...I mean he and Em shared thier first kiss
- a million years ago.
Lucky was definately acting weird, Sly thought. He got up and pushed the chair behind him
following Lucky to wherever he went. Sly finally caught up to him at the docks.
"Hey Luck, come on, it's me. Tell me what's the matter." Sly said trying to bring some
friendliness in his voice. Trying to bring a little bit of the old Sly back.

"Sly I kissed Emily tonight." He didn't know what this was going to do...Sly still liked Em
when he left.
"Shit thats right you dont' know....Ok heres the jist of everything. After Em's mom died,
and you left town, she and I became the best of friends, she got addicted to drugs and I
helped her after she got off of them...long story short we've been through hell and back as
friends. Well this morning I broke up with my girlfriend and went to Em's for comfort and
ended up kissing her. She pushed me away and now I think I not only lost my girlfriend but
more importantly I think I repulsed Em."
"So you kissed Emily without her consent?" Sly asked trying to get all this right. "And you
broke up with your girlfriend for what reason?"
" No Em kissed me back...but it was really bad timing on my part. Elizabeth and I broke up
quite honestly because there was no chemistry."
"Well good. I hate to see you stick around with a women for no good reason. Back to Em,
she was kissing you back?"
"Sly is this uncomfortable for you? I know you and Em kissed before? You liked her
before you left - whats the situation on that?"
"Luck when I kissed Em I was a boy." Sly replied. "A little 11 year old curious and having a
crush on his female friend. Right now I'm a man, just looking for a job and life that's right
for me. Whatever happened between me and Em was in the past. Are you going to try and
make a future with her?"
"Well right now I'm a little mixed up I dont' know what I want. I know Em will be in my
future I just don't know in which way. She's my other best friend Sly. I can't lose her."
"Then don't rush things but doing something stupid." Sly said. "You have your whole life in
front of you Luck and if you and Em were meant to be things will happen naturally."
"Did they teach that at the Citadel? Doesn't sound like the Sly I knew?" Lucky says
laughing at the memories.
"They taught me a lot of things." Sly said. Basically how to forget and move on, he
"How? I mean Sly you carry yourself different. I know walking comes from those
starched uniforms but something inside you clicked into place. How did this change
happen?" Lucky asks hoping something could click for him.
"It just did." Sly said hoping to dismiss the conversation. "They teach you things like how
to respect woman, the proper stance, how to fight. Respect, knowledge. You think , Hey I
already know that, but trust me you don't. The Citadel didn't make anything click for just helped along with the process." He walked over to the waters edge and stared
into the black night. He wanted to forgot somethings that he was taught.
"Hard lessons to learn huh cous?" Lucky understood something about Sly's silence and
hesitation to talk. "Hey listen I need sleep - you want to crash at abode ala spencer or at
"I'm going to stay at Kelly's." Sly replied. "I don't want to impose on your family. I'm
sure I'll see you tomorrow."
"Ok but do me a favor? Don't call Em - I want to use you as an excuse to get her to see
me again. That is if she's mad at me." Lucky laughs.
Sly laughed back.
"I'll try to avoid her at all costs, Spencer."
Lucky laughs watching Sly walk away.
"Hey Eckert"
"Yeah man."
"I'm glad you're home." Lucky smiled. He really missed him and he didn't care who knew
"So am I, Luck." Sly said returning a small smile. "So am I."

~#~#~#~Ch 3~#~#~#~

"Hi there stranger, Can I get you something?" Liz asked this good looking guy that she'd
never seen before.
"Yes Ma'am." Sly said. "May I have a cup of black coffee?"
"Ma'am - you must not be from around here. Sure thing be right back." She turns to walk
away and Lucky walks in.
"Hey Lucky."
"Hi Elizabeth. -- Hey Sly have you met yet?" Motioning to Liz.
"She's our waitress." Sly said standing up and extending his hand. "Sly Eckert."
"Elizabeth Webber. Lucky be nice." She smiled and walked away. Surprisingly it doesn't
hurt to see him. She kinda wanted that Sly guy though - he's cute she thought. And
Polite. She poured two cups of coffee. One black and one with 2 creams and a sugar for
Lucky looks at Sly as she walks away. "She's my ex."
"Wow." Sly said slowly. He then shook his head trying to ban those thoughts. No time to
be falling in love Eckert, he scowled himself.
"Did you talk to Em?"
"Yeah I called her this morning and told her it was highly important that I see her at
Kelly's right away. She's going to die when she sees you."
"Here's your coffee's. Black and the regular Lucky. Where's Em?" Laughing at the
thought that even though she had been his girlfriend Lucky had always spent a lot of time
with Emily.
Emily saw Liz from the door and came bounding into Kelly's.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late." Emily said out of breath. "You try and walk out of the door at
the Quatermaine mansion and.....Oh my God!"
"Em." Sly said standing up.
"SLY!" Emily screamed and jumped into his arms. Tears of joy flowed down her face. "God,
I've missed you."
"So Em am I forgiven for scaring you this morning...I totally had to see this reunion."
Lucky laughs. Hoping she isn't mad at him or uncomfortable around him.
"You should've told me." Emily said playfully hitting him. "I can't believe your really here."
"I am." Sly replied. "It's good to see you Em."
"Are you staying?" Emily asked.
"Yeah." Sly said. "For a little bit anyway. I was hoping maybe we could do something today.
Like old times?"
"Well I'm going to let you guys catch up. It was nice meeting you Sly. Go easy on Lucky
Em - he was just being himself." She smiles and walks away.
"Excuse me guys." Sly said getting up from his chair. "Miss Webber?"
Liz smiles, "Yes Mr Eckert."
"Would you like to join us today?" Sly asked. "I don't remember alot of the places around
here and I'm going to feel out of place being with Luck and Em. I mean they've been here
bonding and I've been...away."
"Thanks for the invitation Sly...But ... well Lucky and I just broke up yesterday so that
might be a little wierd...but mostly the reason I have to decline is - I'm working."
"We can fix that." Sly said eagerly. "Luck!" Sly then turned back to Liz. "That is if you
don't mind going with Lucky?"
"not at all" She smiled
"Yeah man what do you need." Lucky answered
"Miss Webber needs to get out of work so she can join us." Sly said. "Think we can talk
Aunt Ruby into it?"
"How could she resist the both of us. Aunt Ruby can we see you please." Lucky laughs.
"Watch this ladies." Lucky says to Liz and Em picking up the way Sly talks.
"Yes - what did you two need now. Sandwhiches to go?" Ruby laughs.
"We were thinking more like a waitress to go." Sly said with a grin. "How bout it?"
"Sly Eckert...hitting on your cousins' girlfriend." Ruby says shocked and obviously
"No Aunt Ruby. Liz and I broke up...but we really need her with us cos you see...we want to
go to the amusement park...and you know how all the rides have seats for 2 people." Lucky
starts knowing Sly will pick up the story.
"And you can only get discounts with two people." Sly said. "Aunty Ruby, you wouldn't want
me to ride all alone on the ride and miss out on saving money would you?"
"OH you two...I have a feeling Elizabeth isn't going to be working many of her shifts this
summer. Go ahead hon...but be warned these two together can be dangerous to a womans'
heart strings." She scowls or tries to but looks at Sly and Lucky and laughs.
"Let's get out of here." Em said with a smile.

Ch 4

Lucky laughed. He was having a great time being back with Sly and Em. Liz just completed
the circle. In between the jokes and laughter Lucky was caught in his own thoughts,
hoping Emily wasn't upset with him. Arriving at the gate to the park. "Two please." He
paid for his and Em's ticket, then turned to hand it to her. "Your ticket miss." Smiling
hoping she would smile back.
"Your money sir." I replied with a grin.
"Yeah my money what about it? Here's your ticket come on." He took her hand laughing.

Liz reached into her purse to find some money, she couldnt' expect Lucky to pay and she
wouldnt' dare be forward enough to think Sly would.
"Two please." Sly said into the window. He turned back and grinned at Liz.
"Sly - I couldn't ask you to pay. I barely know you." Liz blushed digging for money.
Sly touched her hand gently to stop her from prying further into her purse.
"Don't worry about it." He said. "Lunch is on you." He added with a laugh.
Sly touched her hand gently to stop her from prying further into her purse.
"Don't worry about it." He said. "Lunch is on you." He added with a laugh.

Liz smiled. Hoping that Lucky didnt comment. He had a habit of doing that even when she
didnt' want him too. However she looked ahead and realized he was too busy talking to
"Em I'm sorry if I put our relationship in an awkward place last night.. I never meant to. "
Lucky needed her to know that he didn't just blow it off.
"Look don't worry about it." Emily replied. "We can talk about that stuff later. Now we're
here to have fun. So..." She said swinging their hands back and forth. "Where we going
first Luckster?"
"Yeah." Sly asked coming up from behind them. "Where we going first Luckster?"
"To the Demon drop of course." Lucky laughed knowing that Em would love it...that was
always thier favorite ride...Sly's least.
Liz smiled hesitantly..."Demon Drop? Em help"
"With what?" Emily asked beaming. "I love that ride. Hey Sly remember when Luck got
"Yes all over the lady in front of us." Sly said. He and Emily started laughing.
"Ok we dont' need to be talking about such disgusting things Ms Quartermaine...come on."
Lucky dragged her away before she could embarrass him any more.
Sly looked over at Liz who seemed a little worried about the "Demon Drop".
"Are you okay?" Sly asked. "If your not up to going on the ride we can sit this one out."
"Oh no you don't Eckert. Get your puny butt up there. Liz can handle it - she's not
chicken like you." Lucky admonished him.
"I can do this....its a good thing I haven't eaten anything today." She smiled.
"Are you sure?" Sly asked Liz with questions in his eyes. He could care less what Lucky
had to say.
"Yes I am Sly. Thanks for caring though. Come on." Liz smiled. He was so sweet.

Lucky jumped into the seat and smiled at Em getting in next to him. She looked like a
little kid in a candy store. Full of excitement.
"Its been forever since I've been on this thing." Em said as the belt came down over her
chest. "If you feel sick lean towards Sly."
"Hey!" Sly called from the back of them.
"So Miss Webber, would you like to tell me about yourself?" Sly asked while munching on a
corndog. Emily and Lucky were in line for purple sno cones.
"Mr Eckert...after all we've been through we are still being formal?" Liz laughed taking a
bite of her corndog. Those were some outrageous rides this morning.
Sly shrugged.
"I'm just use to it I guess." He said. "I apologize."
"Actually I find it rather sexy." She decided to be a little flirtaous and see what happens.
He was too cute for his own good. There had to be something wrong with him. There
always was when Liz found someone to care about.
"Well...Miss Webber." Sly replied with a grin. "I'd do anything to please a lady."
"Better watch it Sly...I might like comments like that." She said smiling at him. He was so
much like Lucky, but so different. She loved it. This was turning out to be a wonderful
day. "So Mr Eckert..what do you want to know?"
"Whatever you would like to share. I would just like to get to know you better." Sly
replied. "I can see the beautiful person on the outside, now I want to know the beautiful
one on the inside."
"Sly that is sweet. But come on I can't talk aimlessly about myself. I can tell you the
basics though. I'm 18, the youngest of 3, I have a much older bother named Steven, he's
like so old like 25 or something. I haven't seen him for like 8 yrs. Then there is Sarah.
She's 20 and we dont' get along to well. We were always compared to one another I think
thats why. I was never the well behaved one, or the pretty one, or the quiet know
always felt like I had to conform to fit in. She and I get along ok now but thats cos we
are on differnt continents. She's in Europe. What else do you want to know?"
"I can't imagine you not being the pretty one or the smart one." Sly commented.
"Trust me - thats what I was told most of my life. So tell me something about you?"
"I"m 18 and I just moved back to Port Charles from Virginia. Luck's my cousin. Em's my
best friend." Sly replied. "Anything else ma'am?"
"yeah something other than the readers digest version." She smiled. Knowing that there
was more to him than 'Lucky cousin, Ems friend.
"That's the only version I know." Sly replied.
Liz didn't say anything. He had his gaurd up, she recognized that stance from a million
miles away. She wasnt' about to try - if wasn't willing to give at all she wouldn't risk her
heart. Friends would be fine.
"Are you ready to catch up with Em and Luck?" Sly asked quietly.
" done eating for a bit?" Liz smiled.
"Trust me beautiful, I've gone days without eating." Sly said. "Luck's the one you gotta
worry about."
"I remember." Liz stood up and looked for Lucky and Em.
"So what do you think's up with Sly and your ex?" Em asked licking her sno cone. She
hoped she wasn't crossing any boundriaes.
"I think its cool. Gives us a chance to talk. Em - about last night." He starts then bites
into his sno cone to take a sec to figure out what he wants to say.
"What about last night?"
Lucky took a deep breathe, she was his best friend he had to tell her what was on his mind.
"Em - I know I crossed a boundry last night. But I'm not sorry I did it. I'm not sorry I
kissed you. In fact, I want to do it again."
"Last night you were vulnerable." Emily said. "As far as I'm concerned you still are. You
just broke up with Elizabeth."
"Em - I never loved Elizabeth. We broke up friends, there was never any chemistry there.
This is not rebound talking. Yes you are right last night I was in a bad place mentally.
However, I am perfectly sane today. I know what I want. I want to wrap my arms around
you and kiss you. In the light of day, in front of the world. Em its you I want." Lucky
couldnt' believe he was saying all this. Thank God Em appreciated his honesty.
"Lucky..." What should she say? What could she say? "Lucky, I'm not ready for this."
"Thats ok Em." Lucky felt his heart break all over again. "I just needed you to know the
"Lucky, I appreciate you being honest with me, it's just..."
"Hey guys ready for some more rides?" Sly asked coming up from behind.
Lucky couldnt' take her rejecting him. "Yeah lets go." He walked away fast. Liz running
up to catch him.
"Lucky what's wrong?"
"Nothing Liz." He answers unable to talk about it now. "What ride do you want to go on
" That one." She points to haunted house kind of ride. They walk towards it without
saying anything.
"Something wrong Emmy?" Sly asked nudging his friend. Emily sighed.
"Can we talk later?" She asked and then her eyes looked towards Lucky. "I need one of my
best friends to talk to."
"Sure thing." Sly said and slipped his arm around her. They then hurried to catch up with
Liz and Lucky.
"Is this a new ride?" Sly asked having never seen it before.
"Must be - Liz found it come on lets go." They got in line. Lucky fully intending to sit with
Liz on this one his ego couldn't take Em not clamping on this arm during the scary parts.
"Miss Webber care to sit with me?" Sly asked with a smile.
"Mr Eckert...since you asked so politely. Yes I would love to sit with you." Liz smiled. She
got into the seat with Sly.
Emily looked at Lucky and feigned a smile. She sat down next to him, maybe a little to
close. The ride started and she looked straight ahead.
"Are you mad at me?"
"How can I be mad at you for speaking the truth? You dont' feel the same way about me
as I do about you. Its how you feel I can't be mad about that." Lucky kept looking at
anything but her, he didn't understand his feelings for her and why he was finally noticing
them but it hurt that they were not mutual.
"Lucky I need time." Emily said softly. She didn't want to confess her true feelings, in her
mind Lucky was still vulnerable. She needed to make sure of somethings first. "I need time
to figure out what I want and what's right for us. Your my best friend and I dont want to
lose that."
"You wont' ever lose that Em....even if you never realize I'm the best...the best there is."
He had to lay it on thick, that way she would laugh and the tension would be broken finally.
Emily rolled her eyes and laughed.
"Can your head get any bigger Spencer." She said with a smile. "I don't know how PC's
gonna last with both you and Eckert in town."
"Sly!" Lucky bellowed. "Em is bashing us." And so the afternoon went - with laughing and
talking. Four friends having a great time

Ch 5

"Did everyone have fun today?" Sly asked standing outside of Kelly's.
"How could we not Sly - seeing you made it all worth while." Emily layed it on thick, her
and Elizabeth giggling.
"Well," Sly said sliding his arms around both girls. "I know I'm just so damn attractive."
"Oh please Eckert." Lucky laughs at his cousin.
"Your just jealous we love Sly more." Emily said with a laugh and kissed Sly's cheek.
"Ok ladies you dont have to start a fight over me." Sly said with a smile. "I'm going to hit
the sack. I'm sure we'll meet up tomorrow."
Liz wanted to talk to Sly more, "Yeah Sly I'll come in with you I have to talk to Ruby."
"Well then allow me to walk you in ma'am." Sly said and held the door open. "Behave Luck."
He said and elbowed his cousin.
"Eckert - get some sleep your getting delusional." Lucky laughs. As he watchesSly and Liz
disappear he turns to look at Em.
"Come on Em- I'll walk you home."
"Let's take the long way." Emily said as she causally slipped her hand into Lucky's hand.
Lucky smiled as Emily held his hand, he didn't really know what to say so he figured he'd
let her lead the conversation. "What you thinking about Em?"
"Today."' Emily said and turned toward him with a smile. They walked on the docks and
she walked over towards the river. "I can't remember the last time I had that much fun.
We were just all hanging out and having a good time. And tonight...tonight's just so
"So are you" Lucky couldn't stop himself before he said it.
Emily sighed.
"Lucky..." She turned to tell him that she needed time but when her eyes met his she
"Your not so bad yourself." She said with a smile on appering on her lips.
"Am I scaring you? Am I throwing this all at you to fast?" He asked her smiling back to
her, hoping she would welcome his advances.
"Life scares me Lucky." She got lost in his eyes. Why did she want to kiss him? Why did
she want to hold him till she wasn't scared anymore? She realized her gaze from his eyes
and down towards his lips.
Lucky moved on instinct, not asking her permission, he just pulled took her into his arms
and held her tight.
"Lucky." Emily whispered against his neck. Her mind was jumbled and she couldn't prevent
what she was trying to prevent. He smelled so wonderful. She started to wonder what he
tasted like. Emily pulled away and just pulled his lips towards her own.
Lucky let her kiss him, responding the moment he felt her lips on his. She felt so
wonderful in his arms, she tasted like cotton candy, she smelled like home. He felt safe in
her arms, and he kept his desire in check so she would also feel safe.
His lips, his hands, his body, everything felt so wonderful to Emily. This was her best
friend in her arms but this was also Elizabeth's ex boyfriend. He just broke up with her
yesterday. Emily pulled away quickly.
Lucky instinctively knew what was on Em's mind, "Damnit Emily I know who I am with, I'm
not thinking of her at all. Please don't pull away from me."
"What do you expect me to think Lucky?" Emily asked. "You just broke up with her." Emily
moved farther away from him. "God, what am I even doing here?"
"You were kissing me. You were letting yourself feel for me what I feel for you. Emily
have I ever - ever - ever lied to you? About anything?"
"I don't know Luck have you?" She asked. "I mean how long have you felt these 'feelings'."
"You honestly want to know how long I've wanted to wrap my arms around you and kiss you
til you can't breath?" He smiled - hell if she wanted to know he'd tell her.
"Was it before or after Elizabeth Webber?"
"Emily it was so far before her - I'm talking years before her." He says waiting to see her
trademark blush start.
"There's your answer to your own question." She stated.

"how is that an answer to my own question? My question was have I lied to you? Have I
ever told you something that was not true? No I have not. Did I want you when we first
met? No I was 11 girls were not an issue. Did I want you before 2 days ago? Oh yeah.
Emily I couldn't tell you then - we both needed a friend more than anything - we were
both going through our teen years and needed someone on our side. We were that for each
other - we still can be. All you have to do is say 'Lucky I have no sexual or romantic
feelings for you whatsoever' if you can look me in the eye and say that to me - great, I'll
apologize for thinking there might be something else and we'll be only best friends. Can
you do that Em?"
Emily looked at him, her mind was telling her to say that, her heart wouldn't allow her.
"Why did you wait so damn long?" She choked out through tears. "Why now?" She asked in
a whisper.
"Why not now? " Lucky looked at his friend, he was very determined to get a answer from
her tonight. "Can you say it Em? Do you want me to give up? What do you want from me
Emily, tell me I'll do it. I want a chance to love you - love you more than my bestfriend
kinda love. Will you let me?" Lucky had tears flowing from his eyes too and didn't care.
Emily looked at him. His perfect face and deep blue eyes pleading with her for her love.
Love that she would have given him willingly but now she wasn't so sure. She didn't want to
be the rebound. She walked towards him again and kissed his lips softly, gently brushing
her own against his mouth, then his cheek then his mouth again. She could feel his tears
mix with her own. She pulled away from him with her hand still playing with his hair.
"I can't let you Lucky." She said in a whisper. "Just let me go." She pulled away slowly
and walked towards Kelly's again looking for her other best friend Sly.
Lucky reached out and grabbed her arm. "Emily say it - and I will, say what I need to hear
to believe you and I'll give up."
"Lucky I can't!" She screamed. "Can't you just give me time? This is killing me!"
"Why? Why is it so hard for you to believe I care about you and I want to care more?
Thanks Em- you dont' trust me do you? After everything we've been through you still look
at me as the typical guy. Thanks" Lucky swallows hard, inhales deeply. "Come on lets go -
I'm still walking you home." He takes her hand and starts up the stairs in front of her
crying horribly, he'll never find love and now he's made a complete ass out of himself in
front of his best friend.
"Just go Lucky. You've done enough tonight."
Lucky didn't answer to that. He pulled her to Kelly's. Opened the door and screamed,
"Sly come take Em home!" Thankfully there was no one in the restraunt. He closed the
door as he saw Sly walk towards the door. He didn't say a word to Emily, just walked

"Em, whats the matter?" Sly asked rushing towards his best friend.
"Lucky..." She choked out.
"Lucky what?" Sly asked panicked. He brought Emily over to a table and sat her down.
"Lucky what Em? Did something happen to Lucky?"
"Lucky wants me more than a friend and I don't know what to do anymore." Emily
said. She then broke down into sobs. Sly pulled her closer and held onto her as she
dampened his shirt with her wet salty tears. He pulled back after a few minutes.
"What happened tonight?" Sly asked gently.
"I guess I started it." Emily sighed. "I kissed him."
"Wow." Sly said with a half grin. "Your a quick worker Miss Quatermaine." Emily laughed
"Sly he means so much to me." Emily said. "But I don't know what I want."
"How could you not know what you want?" Sly asked. "Do you want Luck as more than a
"God, yes." Emily said. She then clamped her mouth shut. Sly laughed.
"Em, its me." Sly said. "You don't have to hide anything from me."
"Sly I've wanted him ever since I moved to Port Charles." She said.
"You mean our kiss meant nothing to you?" Sly asked shocked. "I'm hurt Em, I'm really
hurt." Emily punched him.
"Stop it." She said laughing.
"I'm making you feel better." He replied. "You want Luck and Luck wants you. Where's the
"The girl you were drooling over today." Emily said. Sly shook his head.
"I wasn't drooling over her." Sly said. "That's another conversation for another time.
What about Lizzie? She doesn't want Luck."
"He just broke up with her..."
"Because they had no chemistry and Luck realized that she wasn't the one. You were
sweetheart." Sly said. "Em, why you so scared of Lucky?"
"I'm scared he's gonna hurt me Sly." Emily said. "He's so perfect in everyway that I'm so
scared I'm going to lose him again to another Elizabeth or some pretty blonde."
"Em, your beautiful." Sly said. "I don't think Spencer has eyes for anyone but you. Cut him
some slack, let him take you on a date."
"A date?" Emily questioned.
"That usually happens before the kiss." Sly said with a smile. "You guys kinda jumped into
things." Emily laughed.
"I don't want to get hurt." She said. "I don't want to lose my best friend."
"You never will." Sly said. "No matter what happens Lucky and you will always be best
friends. He'll never hurt you."
"And if he ever does." Sly said. "I'll break his neck." Emily smiled softly.
"Thank you Sly." Emily said and kissed him. "I'm glad your back Eckert. Love you."
"Love you too Em." Sly said. "Want me to walk you home?"
"I'm not going home." Emily replied.
"Where are you going?" Sly asked.
"I'm going to surprise Lucky like he always surprises me." Emily replied. "See ya tomorrow."
"Yeah and you better be in your bed." Sly replied. Emily laughed and left Kelly's.

Lucky stormed into the club, looking for his dad. Hating Emily at this moment. "Dad where
the hell are you!" He screamed, opening the door to the back rooms.
"Cowboy where's the fire!"
"I hate women, how do I apply to be a monk?"
Luke starts laughing at his son's outburst. "What did the female race do now?"
Lucky picks up a pool cue and shoots at a ball on the table.
"I hate them. They suck. All women want is for you to open up to them, lay your heart on
the line and then they walk on it. I'm going to be a do I do that?"
"Lucky being a monk is no good - you have to wear a brown dress, not cool. Talk to me -
Elizabeth isn't it?"
"No dad- catch up - Liz and I broke up two days ago- Emily is the one I hate tonight."
"Emily is your best friend - other than me I mean, what could she possibly have done?"
"She doubted me."
"What? Is she got some Q brain defiency? What happened?" Luke wanted to help his
son, he could tell he was in pain over something, he'd missed every shot he'd taken.
Lucky then told his father about kissing Emily, telling her that he wanted to be more than
her friend, and subsequently having her shoot him down. Right after he told him, he looked
at his dad and said, "never again. Women are not needed - they are just cruel."
"Cowboy, I know it hurts but trust me you'll change you mind about women a 1000 times
before you find the right one. If Emily is to chicken to take a chance you've got two
options....keep after her, lay the Spencer charm on. Or walk away and find someone who
appreciates you. But whatever you decide, lets do it tomorrow. Come on - your mother and
sister are probably waiting up for us." Luke puts his arm around his son's shoulder and
they go home.


GH's Next Supercouple