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**Ch 6
Sly stood there shirtless in front of his window. He stared at the patio light up by the
moonlight. He stood there a little while ago saying goodbye to Elizabeth. He wished her
goodnight and pushed the thoughts out of his mind that he was having of her. He couldn't
have her, he had to refuse himself her.
He was back for a visit, coming back to the town that brought him down to begin with and
put him through the hell of life and the Citadel. Sly sighed and climbed into bed thinking
of her beautiful face, her beautiful voice, just her being beautiful.

"So Sly, I had a wonderful day today, thank you for inviting me." Liz smiled at him as
they walked into Kellys.
"I must tell you the truth." Sly said. "I invited you for purely selfish reasons."
"oh really? Selfish can be good." Liz winks at Sly and smiles.
"I didn't want to have to go through the tramua of seeing Luck drooling over Em and her
trying to play it off." Sly said. "The company was nice though."
"Trauma huh? Why would that be trauma, I think they are rather cute together."
"Kinda hurts your heart when your all alone." Sly said. "Want something to eat?" He asked
avoiding a touchy subject.
"Ok why are you changing the subject Mr Eckert? And yes I'd love some fries." Liz
smiles hoping he'd actually talk to her
"I'm not changing the subject Miss Webber." Sly said. "Chesse?"
"Of course. So can I ask you something?" Liz flirted just a little with him
"When was the last time that you had a good massage from a lady?" She flirts a little
"I..." Sly Eckert was stumped. Was she offering? Could he accept that? He gathered his
"I have ever allowed a woman to massage me. It's my job to do that ma'am." That should
work, he thought, military mode.
"Can the military shell Sly - if you don't want my hands on your body just tell me that."
Liz was getting defensive
"Lizzie I would love to have your hands on my body." Sly said in a husky whisper leaning
towards her.
"Could you handle it? Or will you swing back into military mode when you get aroused?"
Liz asks.
"You have a lot of confidence, Miss Webber."
"You've obviously never had a massage from me or you'd know why I am confident." Liz
kisses his cheek and runs to the kitchen to get the cheese fries.
Sly closed his hands and remember how warm her hands felt on his bare back and chest.
He knew now why she was so confident but he realized even more why he had to stay away
from her. She is a reason to drop all of his beliefs. Sly took a deep breath and tried to
sleep but was plagued with dreams of Lizzie.

Emily climbed into Lucky's bedroom quietly and saw his sleeping form on his bed. It took
her a good ten minutes to get through the window. She wondered how Lucky always
managed to get through hers with such ease. She slid her coat off and walked silently over
to the bed. She hated to wake him but they need to talk. She leaned over his body and
kissed his cheek softly.
Lucky doesn't open his eyes he just reaches up and pulls the girl down to the bed with him
and cuddles to her closer, "Emmy" is all that is muttered.
"Luck, we have to talk." Emily said in a whisper. She didn't want anyone else to find out
she was in the house. She wanted to kiss him so badly right now..but they needed to talk.
"Ok talk, I'm listening." He says sounding wide awake but refusing to move his arm or open
his eyes. If she was here to tell him to buzz off at least he'd get to hold her for a bit
Emily pinched him hard.
"Get up dammit." She said in a loud whisper.
"I'm awake what the fuck else do you want?" Lucky says annoyed opening his eyes and
letting go of her. He was so confused by her, she sneaks in his window then won't let him
wake up the way he wants. Ugh, he thinks to himself again - how do I become a monk.
"You know I know your not such a pleasant person when you wake up." Emily said moving
away from the bed. "The least you could give me is some respect. I come over here in the
middle of the night just to apologize to you. I don't think I want to do it anymore." She
leaned against his desk and stared at him with her arms crossed across her chest.
"You came over here to wake me up and pinch me? Emily I was awake right after you first
put your foot in the window, you know I'm a light sleeper. But you didnt' have to pinch me.
" He pouts.
"Would you like me to kiss it and make it better?" Emily asked a smile appearing on her
"Yes actually I would. I can think of a few other places for you to kiss to as long as your
willing." He smiles at her. How could he ever think he could be mad at her.
"Don't press your luck Spencer." Emily said. She sat down on the bed and kissed his arm
"Sorry about all those moves I was putting on you earlier. It was wrong of me to lead you
on and then walk away."
"Why did you do it Em? Don't you want what I want? You always tell me you can't wait to
find love. Why are you pushing away someone who wants to love you?" Lucky says holding
her hand.
"I'm scared Lucky." She said softly. "You remember what I went through with Nikolas.
How I fell so hard and then he went to Europe with Sarah. I just don't want to get into
something serious and then have you take a one way trip with a blond barbie doll."
"But sweetie - I don't like blonds." Lucky smiles and runs his hand in her hair. "Brunettes
do it for me."
"Fine." Emily said. "They have brunette barbies."
"Em- lets get serious for a moment here. When have I ever lied to you? Never baby, I
want to try for something real with you, I love our friendship but I want a girlfriend.
Every girl I date I get bored with or can't hold a conversation with, or she doesn't fit in
my arms, or I feel like I'm kissing my sister when I kiss her. Em its you...yeah it took me a
while to figure it out but I did 2 days ago and went directly to you when I did."
"Are you sure your not coming after me because I'm the only girl in PC high you haven't
"Oh mean----Em I thought you were one of the nice ones...." he smiles. "Besides it not like
you have not gone through your fair share of guys."
"Hey now, I have not." Emily said. She touched his face gently with her hand. "I've dated
one, kissed your cousin, and fell head over heels with your 'mother's other son', but there
has been no one else Luck. No one else but you. Now I'm just scared that I might lose the
one thing that I've always dreamed off."
"What your sanity? I mean I know I cause you to go crazy quite often." Lucky smiles,
trying to keep himself a little protected in case she rejects him again. He couldn't exactly
leave if she did that this time, he was only wearing his boxers under the blanket. Not
appropriate attire to be storming down the street in.
"Think again Luck. I'm the one who drives your hormones wild." She said with a laugh. She
then threaded her fingers through his. "Can we try this?"
"are you serious? do you mean offically together or dating or what?"
"You look like a kid in a candy store Spencer." Emily said with a laugh. "You have to be
careful with my heart, I'm still a little iffy about this you know?"
"Baby - I'm never going to hurt you - besides if I thought about it Eckert would break my
neck" Lucky laughs pulling her down onto his bed with him. Leaving her laying outside of
the blanket.
"Gotta love Sly." She said with a smile. "Now that we talked I should go."
"Why?" Lucky asks hoping she'd stay and hold him. She hurt him worse than she'd ever
know when she rejected him earlier.
"Monica might be a tad mad when she sees a body missing out of my bed tomorrow
morning." She leaned down and kissed him softly. "It's not like I want to go." She added in
a whisper.
"I'll walk you home in the morning. Come on Em you know she won't look in on you tonight
-how many nights have I stayed at your place unnoticed? My bed is big enough for both of
us." Lucky kisses her softly.
"I'll behave too - I promise" He flashes her the trademark Spencer grin.
"Who says I want you to behave?" Emily asked with a smile. She slipped under the covers
and wrapped her arms around his naked waist.
"Can I just hold you?"
"All night long sweetie." Lucky wraps his arm around her shoulder and kisses her lips
"Night Luck." Em said with a slight yawn.
"Night Emmy." He smiles.

Ch 7
Sly came jogging back to Kelly's after two hours of running. He was still getting up at 5
and jogging till 7. It was drilled into back in the Citadel and he didn't want to break the
habit. He was hoping Ruby was in so he could grab a cup of coffee. He walked into Kelly's
with sweat pouring down his face. The place was still dark. He made his way back into the
kitchen whistling a tune.
Liz used her key to open the front door of Kellys. How could Ruby be so cruel as to make
her work this early in the morning. Once inside she turned on the lights and looked around.
Sly saw the lights flick on and grabbed his cup of coffee.
"Hey Ruby, I thought that..." He stopped when he saw the beatiful sight in front of him.
"Miss Webber, good morning ma'am." He set his coffee down and walked over to help her
with her coat.
"Why Mr Eckert, are we back to formalities? After all I've meant to you." Liz cracked
while he helped her take his coat off. Him being formal and polite was sweet but it was
really beginning to get on her nerves.
"Lizzie I just met you." Sly said. "I'm always polite its a part of me. I was taught how to
be this way. Can I get you something to eat or drink?"
"Oh dont' think I dont' like you being polite. I do - a lot - you never see that anymore -
but can we can the Miss Webber please." She smiles at him, wondering why he was all
"Can I call you Lizzie then?" He asked with a smile. "It can be my special name for you. If
that's alright with you that is."
"Yes Sly. I'd like it if you called me Lizzie. So why are you awake and better yet -- why
are you all sweaty?"
"I was out jogging." He replied and then took a step back from her. "Sorry if I smell."
"You dont' smell...too bad." Liz smiled and walked past him to start the coffee. "Why
dont' you go take a shower while I get the coffee going?" she didn't want him to see the
desire in her eyes.
"Coffee's done." He said pointing towards his half empty cup. "I could use a refill though.
I'll meet you back down here in ten?"

Liz kept herself busy with the morning tasks of opening the dinner, Ruby wasn't coming in
today thats why she was here. Two customers floated in for coffee. She didn't even care
that they were there she just couldn't wait til Sly came back down so they could talk.

He came jogging down the steps a couple seconds later. Sly walked behind the counter and
around Liz to get another cup of coffee.
"Miss me?" He asked with his winning smile.
"Oh you know I did. You're refill sir." She pours him some more coffee
"If I can't call you ma'am you can't call me sir." Sly said with a smile. "What are you doing
for the rest of the day?"
"Ok sir. I work until noon then I'm free why?"
"I haven't been to Port Charles in 5 years." Sly said. "I was wondering if you wanted to
give me a re-tour of the city."
"Oh absolutely. I wasnt' here 5 yrs ago so this should be funny."
Sly leaned in closer and whispered to her.
"You show me your secret places and I'll show you mine."
"You are a flirt aren't you? Is that a promise or a dare?" She smiled at him. She was
enjoying the conversation, she was dying to be alone with him to find out more.
"Its a promise Lizzie." Sly said. "And I never go back on my promises."
"Good I like that in a man. Want something to eat?"
"Depends." Sly said with a grin. "Are you on the menu?" He was back to being his old self
and then he remembered how wrong that was. "Eggs...whatever."
"Wait a minute, give me back the flirty guy. He was funny." Liz smiled trying to get him to
realize he wasn't hurting anyone being funny.
Sly couldn't help but laugh.
"Can the flirty guy please get some eggs?"
"Sure he can. Hold on." Liz turned around and looked into the kitchen. Tammy wasnt'
there yet. "I hope you like them scrambled cos thats the only way I can make them."
"Why don't you let me teach you how to make sunny side up?" Sly asked.
"You do realize that since you dont' officially worked here you are not covered with the
insurance program? " She smiles letting him lead the way to the kitchen.
"I'm a nephew of the owner, I'm covered just by that." Sly said. "Besides, I'm one of the
best cooks around."
"Oh please do show me all of your tricks oh masterful one." Liz grabbed an apron and
reached around Sly's waist to tie it in place.
"Now don't be tempting me Lizzie Webber." Sly said. He placed his hands over hers as
she tied his apron. "Can you behave?"
"I can try but I've never been much good at keeping my hands to myself." She laughed
"Oh really? Can my cousin attest to that?"
"No....dont' tell him but I never really wanted to touch him. Shh." She smiles while still
messing with the tie on his apron.
"Oh I won't say a word." Sly said. "Don't want to damage that already huge ego." Sly slid
his hands up her arms.
"Lizzie, I think its tied." He whispered.
"Oh." She says a little embarrassed. "So tell me about these eggs." She says averting his
"First you take an egg." Sly said. He handed the egg to Lizzie and placed her in front of
the big kitchen stove. "Then you crack it. Don't break the yolk."
"What part is the yolk again?" She smiled.
"The yellow part doll." Sly said. "Go on, crack the thing."
She hit the egg a little on the pan and she didn't break the yolk, however when she tried
to remove it from the shell her thumb ended up going right through it. "Opps"
Sly laughed. "Would you like me to make my own breakfast?"
"NO I'm going to do this....let me try again k?" She smiled having him this close to her was
driving her insane but it was fun none the less.
He watched Liz pick up another egg.
"Break it careful." He said.Sly took both her hands in his and helped her break the shell
and pull the egg apart.
"Hey I did it." She says excited.
"Let's just hope you don't burn the thing." Sly said with a smile and moved away from her
to throw the egg shell away.
"Oh ye of little faith." She winks at him. "Of course I'll burn it = thats why I"m a
waitress and not a cook."
"Back up." Sly said placing his hands on her waist and pulling her away from the stove. "I
want white eggs not black."
"So bossy." She says and gets out of the way.
"Kidding Lizzie." Sly said. "Its what we call in America as being sarcastic. Ever hear of
"Have you ever heard of lonliness? You are going to learn it well cos I'm going to wait on
my customers." She walks out not sure if she should be offended by his comment.
"Liz." He looked back at his eggs which were starting to cook. He went after her. She was
already waiting on someone. "Lizzie come on."
She looked over her shoulder at him, "You're eggs are going to burn." And continues
waiting on the customers.
"Excuse us for one sec." He said to the man at the table. Sly pulled her aside with him.
"Lizzie it was a joke, what's up with the attitude? You flip at me when I go into my this yours?"
"You're eggs are going to burn." She says protecting herself.
"I don't care if the freaking kitchen burns Elizabeth." Sly said. "What is going on with
"Not here Sly. Not here."
"Then where Lizzie?" Sly asked. "Tell me where so I can fix it."
"It'll fix itself Sly. Just let it be right now." Liz was remembering how her family always
told her she was in the way, or was doing something wrong. She knew that Sly was just
joking but it hit a nerve.
Sly groaned. He then heard Kelly's doorchime and looked up to see Tammy walk in. He
sighed in relief.
"Lizzie needs a break." Sly said. He grabbed Liz's coat and escorted her out of Kelly's. He
pulled her farther away and towards the docks, into the small alleyway of Kelly's.
"I'm not letting it be, so start talking."
"Sly if you dont' quit you are going to push me farther away." She could feel herself
closing down, she hated demanding people and thats what Sly was sounding like to her ears.
"Ok we'll do it your way." Sly said. "I'll leave you alone you'll go back to being Miss
Webber and I'll be the military nutcase. Have a nice'am."
"Sly dont' - please. I'm not saying I won't tell you I just need to sit here a second and
calm down."
Sly watched her sit down and take a deep breath. He sat down across from her and placed
his hand ontop of hers. He wanted a response for why she reacted the way she did.
She took a deep breath, a couple times before she was able to get her mind back under
"All my life." She started and looked up at him wanting reassurance that if she told him
this he wouldn't bolt.
Sly nodded.
"All your life..."
"All my life I've been treated like the bad kid, the kid that wouldnt' listen, the one who
had to be reprimanded for everything, the one who had to be scolded for everything. I
never did anything right in my parents eyes. And it hurts. It hurts to know I can never
get their praise, never get a well done, never hear my dad say, thats my girl. Well I say I
never can because they died, last year in a plane crash my mom and dad died. So I will
never ever get to have any other memories than the ones I do. Well today when you
started joking with me about wanting your eggs white not black an told me to get away
from the stove, I didn't hear you and the joke- I heard. Lizzie you are screwing up again,
go away I'll fix your mistakes. Sly I'm sorry but its part of me- I haven't completely
come to terms with it yet. I may never who knows. But I'm sorry."
Sly didn't say anything. He got down on his knees in front of Lizzie and pulled her towards
him laying his head on her chest and rocking her slowly. He knew the pain of losing your
parents, but he couldn't imagine what it was like to feel the neglect and criticisim. At
least not until the Citadel.
"Lizzie." He said. "I'm sorry." He pulled away and stared at her, brushing her hair away
from her face.
"I thought you wanted the funny guy. I was just trying to please you."
"You did Sly. It just is the one year anniversary so everything is hitting me
harder than normal."
"God Lizzie, what are you even doing here?" Sly asked. "Let's leave. Let me get you out of
here? Is that ok?"
"I figured working would keep my mind off of things. I guess I was wrong. " She smiled.
"I wonder if Tammy saved your eggs." She says and wipes the tears away.
"Let me buy you a real breakfast." Sly said and winked. "You stay put and I'll go talk to
Tammy. Is this okay with you?"
"Yeah." She said softly. Her eyes filling with tears again.
Sly stood up and kissed her forehead. He then quickly disappeared inside Kelly's and found
Tammy trying to get rid of the smoke in the kitchen.
"Sorry about this." Sly said.
"I don't even want to know." Tammy said. "Where's your partner in crime."
"She needs the day off." Sly replied. "It's kinda personal and I need to be with her. Can
you handle things by yourself? If not I'll just take her home and come right back."
"Your so sweet." Tammy said. "Go get out of here. Tell her to be here bright and early
tomorrow morning."
"Sure thing." Sly said.
"And to bring her sidekick." Tammy called. Sly laughed. He leaned over one of the tables
and picked a carnation from one of the vases. He then waked out towards Liz and
presented it to her.
"Ready to disappear for a while?"
"All day?" She asked standing up and moving to him.
"Sorry, I stole you for the whole day." He said with a smile and handed her the flower.
"Sly you can steal me anytime." She takes her flower and smells it fragerence - smiling.
"Then lets disappear." Sly said. He took Liz's hand and they walked off towards the docks
****ch 8
%%Sly's thoughts%%
I handed Liz my helmet and we climbed on the back of my bike. I didn't tell her where I
was taking her. I wanted it to be a surprise. I knew we where going to have fun today...I
just wasn't sure what kind of fun. The object was to take her mind off of her parents and
with her body tightly pressed again mine during the ride she was taking my mind off of
alot of things. I pulled up the small gravel road and stopped right before we reached the
small forest.
"Ready to escape the madness of the world?" Sly asked half turning his head towards her.
"Sure." Liz said shyly. Her, someone she barely knew and isolation of a forest...was this a
smart idea? At this point she didnt' care...she just didnt' want to feel the pain.
Sly reved up the motorcycle one more time and drove through the small forest towards a
small clearing that overlooked a small mountainous area. Sly stopped the bike and set it up
beside a tree. He hopped off and peeled his helmet off. He smiled and extended his hand
to Liz.
She held his hand and slowly slid off the bike. "This place is breathtaking. Thank you for
bringing me here Sly" She said thinking that was his surprise.
"Its all I could come up with." Sly replied. "I'll take you to dinner on the way back. Or if
you want sometime alone I can go get some takeout? Whatever you want...its your call."
"Thanks Sly....can I get a hug?" Liz asks him shyly.
"Whatever you want." Sly repeated softly. He brushed her cheek softly and then pulled
her into a tight hug.
Liz snuggled into Sly's arms. "tell me something?"
"If I can."
"Can you tell me something about you that no one else knows? It'll take my mind off
"Hmm." Sly said. "My cousin seems to know everything about me. This is a toughy." Sly
tried to avoid the invetiable. The last thing he wanted to do was talk about that .
"What about the Citidel? What was that like?"
"What was it like?" Sly repeated. "It was bad Elizabeth something that you wouldn't want
to hear about." He removed himself from their embrace and walked over towards the edge
of the clearing.
"Why?" She walks over to him, "I thought you liked it? I thought it helped you become
who you are today."
"They taught me about respect and who I should give it to." Sly replied. "But if there was
another way to learn I would've taken it." Sly sighed.
"There was a time that I wanted to jump off of this clearing. The Citadel changed that
Liz held his hand. "What happened there Sly?"
"Too much. More bad than good." Sly said. This was her day and he was taking it away
from her. He brushed some hair away that was blowing in her face. "Lizzie won't you
believe me when I say you don't want to hear this. It's too hard." Sometimes he wanted to
talk about this, get it all out, but he didn't want to do that to her. He also didn't want to
hurt himself all over again.
Liz sighed, Sly was keeping himself distant from her, she didn't want that, she wanted
honesty and he couldnt' give that. No reason to keep trying. A tear fell from her eye as
she stood up and said. "Fine - we can go now."
Sly took her hand and pulled her back to him.
"Lizzie, this is your day not mine. You have enough pain to deal with I don't want you
dealing with my pain too."
'Shit, said too much,' he thought.
"You dont' want to open up - Thats what you don't want Sly. We can go now." She stood
up and walked over to the bike.
"Jesus Christ you don't know what went on there." Sly said. "You weren't there day to day
Lizzie. You weren't put through what I was put through. You didn't go through the pain
and the sweat and the blood and the torture. But that's fine if you wanna hear about it I'll
tell all."
"I was thrown in there when I was 14. I was a kid Lizzie. I was messed up and no one knew
what to do with me so off I went." Sly started angrily. "I swear I was shipped around more
my life than a freaking freight train. t was freshman year. All freshman year. You know the
4 am wake ups were pretty bad at first but hell that was a piece of cake after the second
week. I mean they were nothing compared to the scrubbing of the floors and the
tiredless excerises and we can't forget the beatings. Nope they came nightly. It was
expected. You weren't a man if you didn't take those beatings. I didn't expect it though.
I was put in there because I was a problem child. I didn't want to be there. I was a wuss,
a sissy. They beat me for fun, they beat me just to beat me. Christ, I had welts in every
place possible." Sly laughed bitterly. "Remind me to show you the scars sometimes. So
there are a couple things that people don't know. I'm a virgin, which is good, but no in the
Citadel. And I was beat. Beat till I cried and bled. Beat until I couldn't sit or stand. Beat
until those assholes were tired of beating and sometimes Lizzie that lasted all night. So
something that no one else knows? Huh lets see? I survived but that Sly Eckert that
everyone knew, he didn't survive. He's dead. Gone and buried , like your parents and mine.
So this guy, he's not real. He's just everything that the Citadel told him. There's your
little tidbit of info." He then brushed past Lizzie and grabbed the helmet off the bike.
Liz ran after him and touched his arm tenderly, "Sly I'm sorry - I didn't know."
"I could've left to you know?" Sly asked fiddling with the helmet. "I mean, I'm related to
the Spencer's I could've hightailed it out of there but I didn't. I knew that they would
teach me things I need to know. How to respect people, how to find myself. I guess I was
also scared. Scared of what they might do to me if they found me. I never found myself
though. I mean I respect people now, I know what's right and wrong but I'm just...God I'm
still struggling."
Liz put her arms about him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you Sly."
"Well I'm glad I made you happy." Sly said. "Lets get you some grub and I'll take you
"Wait a minute. Don't do that. Dont' shut down like that Sly. You said you haven't found
yourself never will if you stay within your shell. No one is going to beat you,
degrade you. Sly let me in. I dont' want to hurt you."
"Yeah well I don't want to hurt anymore either Lizzie but I don't know how to fix what
was done." Sly replied.
"Let love heal your heart. Sly what they took from you in that place --you can replace with
love, love from family, friends, even love from a woman if you'll let her love you." Liz tried
to get him to see, he didnt' have to face his demons alone.
Sly laughed.
"I have very little family. My friends are my family. I don't know if they have that much
love to give."
"Sly I can't do this alone." Liz looks at him, trying to flirt a little, feeling like she was
being shot down left and right. Sly was not willingly letting her care for him.
"Lizzie are you offering to be my friend and give me some love?" Sly asked with his
familiar smile.
"Yes I am Sly...maybe I'll offer a little more than some love - maybe I'll over a lot of love."
She smiled back and stepped closer to him.
"You sure you can do that?" Sly asked jokingly. "I mean you just broke up with a Spencer. I
heard there pretty difficult men to get over."
"Lucky was cute - but he never had my heart so I don't think it'll be that hard."
"I'll make sure to tell him." Sly said wrapping his arms around her waist. "Maybe I can
deflate his ego a tad." He smiled knowing that someone was willling to help him and try to
love him unconditional.
"Can I be really forward about something?"
"I want you to be." Liz smiled and wrapped her arms around him roaming on his back.
"Spend the night with me?"

**ch 9**

The sun glistened the room through the open drapes. Emily felt a breeze blow through the
window and she curled up to Lucky. His body felt warm and inviting. The sound of his heart
was music to her ears and she almost went back into dreamland but she knew she had to
get home. She just wanted to stay there for a few more mintutes.
"Well if you don't want to go home we can hide out here." Lucky smiled sweetly, he knew
she was awake, he could tell by her breathing, but he didn't move his arm, he liked holding
her close.
"I wanna be with you for the rest of the day." Emily said. "But if Monica finds my bed
empty this relationship will be over before it starts. Oops." Emily covered her mouth. She
was jumping to conclusions. Lucky never said anything about a serious relationship.
"Don't cover your mouth, that would make it impossible for me to kiss you." Lucky reached
down and kissed her gently, then moved so they could get out of bed. Just as they pulled
the covers back came a knock on the door and Luke entered...."Hey Cowboy..." He shut up
as he saw his son slipping his shirt back on. "Ms Quartermaine will you be staying for
breakfast?" Luke says not trying to sound alarmed at finding them in bed together.
"Um no." Emily blushed. "I gotta go now." She got up and headed towards the window. She
blushed again. "Lucky?"
'Help me.' Her eyes pleaded.
"Dad- Can I borrow the truck and bring Em home." He says non chalantly hoping it would
calm Em.
"The keys are on the table. Bye Emily." Luke winks and closes the door.
"See sweetie that wasn't to painful." Lucky winks and kisses her.
"Speak for youself." Emily said. "This is the last time I'm coming over your house and I'm
avoiding your father for an undetermineable amount of time."
"Oh come on sweetie it could have been worse...."He smiles and takes her in his arms.
Kissing her.
Emily pushed him back.
"What's with all the kissing?" She asked. "Is this how you plan on winning my heart over?"
"Well that was the plan." He flashes the trademark Spencer grin. "But if you'd rather I
punch you in the arm to say hello like I used to - that could be arranged."
"Ugh-no class." Emily said and hopped in the truck. "Take me home please sir."
Lucky closes her door, "As you wish mi-lady." Then runs around to the other side and gets
in. He drives her home.

"Spend the night with you? " Liz chokes out- "Yes" She answers almost in a dare.
"Great." Sly said and kissed her softly on the lips. He hoped that wasn't too soon. "Do you
have to tell anyone? Ask anyone?"
"I'll call my Gram and tell her I'm staying with Tammy." She smiles, liking the look on his
"You sure you want to do this?" Sly asked. "I mean I am a complete stranger."
"I trust you Sly. I trust you won't force me to do anything I don't want to. I know that
much about you Eckert." She smiles
"Well Miss Webber what do you say I start wining and dining you?"
"I think I could really like that." Smiling from ear to ear.
"Hop back on and I promise to try my best." Sly said. "And this time I won't make you
cook my eggs."
"I think thats a good idea." Liz smiled, putting the helmet back on and climbing on the
bike behind Sly.
Sly dropped Liz off giving her the keys to his apartment. He told her she could make her
phone call and even shower if she'd like. He had extra sweatpants laying around and to
make herself at home. He made a quick stop at a local italian place and picked up some
things he hoped she would like. Sly walked upstairs carrying a pinic basket. He knocked on
the door softly.
"Come in sunshine." Liz smiled, she felt giddy and liked it.
Sly poked his head in the door and saw Elizabeth standing in his clothes.
"Just wanted to make sure you were decent." Sly replied. "Nice outfit."
"Why thank you! I thought you would like my ensemble. You'll notice me nicely decked out
in long," She grabs the legs of the sweats and pulls them up like 6 in. "Exceptionally long
grey, cotton pants." She smiles and turns around modeling. "As well as an oversized grey
cotton shirt, with the new fashion must have - the has been worn look. This whole outfit
and the person in it can be yours.....if dinner is hot." Liz giggles, enjoying feeling happy for
a change.
"Hon trust me, if dinner was cold I could definately heat it up for you." Sly replied with a
grin. He pulled the picnic basket out from behind him. "Pasta al fredo served with piping
hot breadsticks. And a bottle of wine on the side."
"Oh you are the best." Liz says as she walks over to him, trying so hard not to fall on the
"Why don't you sit down before you hurt yourself?" Sly asked with a laugh. Liz plopped
down on the floor and Sly started to set out the picnic basket. He pulled out the
breadsteaks, the main course, the small bottle of wine he managed to get, and he pushed
the chocolate mousecake aside. They had a quiet dinner in which smiles and small giggles
were exchanged and plenty of room was left for dessert.
"Now," Sly said placing the small piece of cake in front of her. "Dig in."
"Oh Chocolate...I could be easily persuaded to do things -- many things after this. Maybe
even another backrub."
"Oooh backrub?" Sly asked. He took a piece of cake on his fork and held it up to Liz's
mouth. "Bite?"
She takes the bite of cake, once she swallows it she leans in and kisses him, "Um, blackmail
will get you everywhere."
"Promise?" He asked in a whisper kissing her back.
"Yeah I do." She says taking another bite of cake. She was really enjoying this flirting.
"Lizzie can I ask you something?" Sly asked sliding another piece of cake in her mouth.
"You can ask me anything."
"If I asked you to make love to me...would you?" Sly asked softly and gently fed her the
last bite.
Liz looked at him after the kiss. She wanted to say yes to him but just couldn't. "I'm not
ready for that Sly. Not yet." She started to get a tear in her eye, affraid he'd ask her
to leave.
"Good." Sly said and kissed her again. "Great." He sighed and pulled away from her.
"Thanks for being honest with me Lizzie, that's all I really wanted." Sly got up and started
to quickly clean up the dishes.
She got up and started to tickle him, "you- I thought you were going to get mad at me."
"Mad at you?" Sly asked. "Lizzie, I just met you I don't want to sleep with you."
"Well thanks." She says jokingly jabbing him in the ribs, "You sure know how to play to a
woman's ego."
"Lizzie that's not what I meant and you know it." Sly said. "Look at you of couse I want to
have sex with you but I don't want to have sex with you right now. I just met you, I'd
rather wait, get to know you, possible love you, and then screw your brains out."

"Really...." Liz decides to test his ability to behave. "I can't wear these anymore." She
pulls the sweatpants off....leaving her in just this tshirt and panties. The shirt fell mid
thigh, she turned around again to look at Sly after taking the sweats off. "Hope you don't
mind." She smiles.
"Not a problem." Sly said with a weak smile. "Got go wash these dishes. Be back in a few."
Liz smiled as he left the room, kinda bummed that he had such restraint. It must have
been taught at the Citidel.
Sly dropped the dishes in the sink and took a deep breath. Was he crazy inviting her to
stay the night? Whatever the Citadel taught him was slowly seeping out of his mind. He
had a beautiful woman upstairs and he was in heat.
"Dishes Sly." He said to himself. "Do the dishes."
I couldn't believe Sly was able to just walk out on me. Ugh. I'll show him. Liz walked
around his room, shutting off the lights, leaving only one light on, covered by a dark shade
so that the room was barely lit. Come on Sly get back up here.
Sly dried his hands on a dishtowel and headed back upstairs. It was a long day and it would
be nice to crawl into bed and sleep. Except tonight he would have Lizzie's body up against
his own and he doubted that he would get any sleep. He pushed his door open and noticed
that the lights were out.
"Yeah Sly. You can come in, I promise I won't bite."
"Am I allowed to turn the light on or am I supposse to stumble towards the bed?" Sly
asked. "That is if your allowing me any sleep tonight."
"Here, take my hand. I'll lead the way. Besides don't I owe you a back rub."
"Lizzie the backrub can wait you know."
"Why? What did I do wrong? " She instantly feels the shadow of her childhood creep up.
"You didn't do anything wrong." Sly said. "Ok twist my arm, go nuts, give me a rub down."
Sly winked and held out his hand.
“Really?” Liz could feel herself needing his reassurance. This was not easy, caring about
someone was not easy.
"Yes really." Sly said. "But you have to lead the way. Dont want trip and hurt fall or
"Ok I'll lead the way." Liz gently led him over to the bed and looked up at him. Looking to
see how relaxed he was, how he was doing with this. She put her hands on his waist,
sliding them under his shirt then leaving them there. Not saying a word, she just looked
into his eyes.
"This wasn't how you gave me a backrub last time." Sly mumbled trying to control the
urges he was feeling from her hands on his body.
"I didn't know you at all last time. Can I take your shirt off? Would you feel
comfortable topless in front of me?" Liz tried to joke with him, for some reason she knew
he was hesitating.
"Actually." Sly said sliding his hands out from under his shirt. "I feel comfortable with
the way things were last time."
Liz sits down on the bed and pulls him down with her. "Why Sly? Does your back have
scars? From the Citidel?"
"Anyone ever tell you you listen really well?" Sly sighed. "Small scars but they're still
"No one has ever told me that." Liz smiles. She touches his thigh, and then kisses him
gently. "If you don't want to show me, I can understand, but Sly they won't frighten me
or repulse me or make me want you any less. I can kiss them and make them better. If
you'll let me."
"Are you trying to test my willpower Miss Webber?"
“Maybe I'm trying to test my own." She says in all seriousness.
Sly pulled Lizzie up towards him and pressed her back into the bed hovering over her. His
lips brushed against hers softly as his tongue escaped his mouth and licked her lips.
"Lizzie you can touch me and kiss me and do whatever you want with me and my body." Sly
said in a whisper. "I don't know why I feel like this. We just met but I'm feeling something
right now and I don't want it to stop."
"You dont' have to stop it Sly. I love this feeling." She said against his lips as she let the
kiss deepen. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, pulling him closer to her, more fully
on top of her.
"Hey, hey, hey." Sly said pulling away. "Don't be trying to get out of this backrub."
"Ok Romeo." Liz says pushing him up, she sits up next to him and pulls his shirt over his
head. "Assume the position." She winks.
Sly gently rolled over on his back still uncertain about the small scars that were hidden
for the past few months. This was a part of him that no other woman knew, no one else
"OH I get want me to start on your chest...Ok - all over body massage tonight." Liz
smiles, knowing why he hid his back, trying to not make a big deal out of it, she grabs the
lotion she had in her purse, she puts a little on her hands and rubs it together to warm it
then places her hands on his chest, near his shoulders, starting to massage, smiling at him.
"Have you had much experience with this?" Sly asked with a grin. "Can my cousin attest to
your wonderful massages?"
"No I never touched your cousins body like this. HE wasn't worthy." She started to
massage the knots in his chest, slowly working out the tension.
"Oh he wasn't worthy?" Sly asked. "Can I jot these little tidbits down? Just in case
Spencer's head gets a little..." Sly sucked in a deep breath when Liz hit a tender spot on
his ribcage.
"Yeah you were saying." She smiled as she reached down and gave him a quick kiss. She
sat back up and tenderly went back to work on him.
"Big. When his ego gets big." Sly finished. "Oh Lizzie."
"Yes Sly." She says working on his left arm now.
"Your killing my willpower Miss Webber." Sly said. He pulled her closer to him and kissed
her softly. "Totally destroying it."
"Really - Mr Eckert. I thought you were doing really well. Now lay back I'm not done
with you yet." She mock scolded, sitting back up and continuing to work on his left hand.
"Maybe we can rethink that sex thing?" Sly asked kissing her hand. "Maybe its not such a
bad idea."
"Sly - I don't want to have sex with you. I want to touch you all over though." She smiles
and moves to his right arm.
"Can we set a date?" Sly asked kiddingly. "Because then maybe I can rebuild my
"Do you need a cold shower?" Liz smiles and starts massaging his right hand.
"Oh no no no." Sly said. He flopped over on his chest not ashamed anymore. "Get to work."
He pointed to his back. "Just becareful, I'm tender."
Liz layed down on top of him and reached around and kissed him. "Should I start with
kisses or my fingers."
"Babe, you can start with whatever you want and take your time." Sly said. "But don't
tease me...I don't deal well with that."
"Sly honey, How could I possibly tease you?" Liz says as she leaves a trail of kisses down
his spine, from his neck to the small of his back.
"By doing a little of that." Sly replied and then sighed. " feel so wonderful."
"So do you. Ok prepare for pleasure in its purest form." She says as she lets her hands
find the small of his back and begins to work on the knots, not really looking at his back,
not wanting him to be self conscious of it. "So you liked my trail of kisses?"
"Hmm-mmm." Sly moaned.
"good. Now relax, tell me if this gets too deep." Liz says as she begins to move up his
back, paying attention to where she rubs. She watches her hands, reaching down and
kissing every scar she finds. When she finds a knot in his back, she kisses it, carefully
works it out. She can feel his body finally relax under her touch.
"Ok that's enough for tonight." Sly said and rolled back over. "Thank you Lizzie."
"Whats up Sly? Didn't you like it." Lizzie says as she moves her body and sits next to
"Oh no I liked it." Sly said sliding his arm around her waist. "Just a little too much babe."
He nuzzled his nose against her neck. "I plan on keeping you around for quite a while Miss
"Thats good. Cos I kinda like where I am right now." She cuddles to him closer.
Sly pulled the covers up around them.
"I kinda like where you are too."


GH's Next Supercouple