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Liz and Emily decided that it would be easier to get an apartment together instead of always dodging the questions of where were you last night. Lucky is still at home and Sly is still living in the apartment above Kelly's, which Liz frequents.

Sly walked up behind Liz in the kitchen at Kelly's and wrapped his arm around her waist.
"Morning." He whispered against her neck. "Why was my bed empty last night?"
"Because my dear, you didn't invite me in so many words, so I figured I'd give you some space."
"Ok fine then I'll get a permanant tatoo on my forehead that says, 'Lizzie come stay the night.' Will that help, babe?" Sly asked with his grin.
"You know I wouldn't want you to go to all that trouble, besides," she runs her finger over his forehead, "I kinda like your forehead the way it is." She grins and gives him a kiss. "You just missed your nightly back rub didnt' you?"
"Busted." Sly said pulling her closer to his. "Can you kill a guy for wanting his girlfriends hands on his body?"
"No" Liz smiles and runs her hands down his backside.
"Lizzie Webber we are in a public establishment." Sly said mocking her. "Can you do it again baby?"
"You are so bad. Thats it you are getting it tonight." She tries to sound like she's scolding him but its not working.
"Lizzie, don't make propostions you cannot fulfill." Sly said with a grin. "Lucky's here to see us. Can you keep your hands off of me and come out of the kitchen?"
"Oh you wait!" She smacks his butt and walks out of the kitchen in front of him. Smiling from ear to ear.
"Hey Luck! Whats up?"
"Not a lot - Good you have my goofy looking cousing in tow...we have to wait for Em."
"Sorry bout the wait." Sly said sitting down and pulling Liz into his lap. "Miss Webber here was busy fondling me in the kitchen."
"In your dreams." She smiles at him, then gives him a kiss.
"I dont' need to know your fantasys Sly. We've got business. Hey there sexy." Lucky turns to Em and stands up to greet her with a kiss.
"Hey honey." Emily said kissing him back. "Hey Sly."
"Hey Em." Sly said. Emily reached over and kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey now! Hands off my man roomie!" Liz wraps her arms around Sly protectively.
"Oh you guys, we've got something serious to talk about. Sly you are in this too, welcome back to being related to the Spencers."
"Ugh, back to that hell." Sly said with a grin. "What situation do we have to take care of? Or should I say whom?"
"NO one....we are disappearing for a while. Dad is about to cause a big problem for Helena and he wants us well hidden until it blows over. And that goes for you two to. You've been seen with us enough that Helena would know to go after you to get to us. So who's up for a little vacation from PC" Luckys says trying to make it sound light for the girls.
"Vacation?" Emily asked. "As in just the four of us?"
"Yeah sweetie just the four of us." Lucky likes her enthusiasm, she didn't need to know the facts.
"Alright!" Emily said excited. "When do we leave? Where are we staying? How long?"
"Well Em - we are leaving early in the morning like 4 am - so you want to sleep at my place. Mom and Dad know."
Liz just sat there knowing there was more to all this but she would ask sly about it later.
"Well Lizzie do you want to stay at Lucky's too?" Sly asked."I personally would rather stay in your bed." She couldnt' believe she just said that out loud.
"And you ain't getting no complaints here." Sly said and nuzzled her necks. "What do you say we get these girls packed and ready to go. You'll want to start sleep this afternoon ladies."
"Only if you get in bed with me am I thinking about sleep Mr." Liz smiles, again she can't beleive she said it out loud.
"Can we go before they jump each other here and now?" Emily asked looking at Lucky.
"Yeah lets go get your stuff. Sly I'll be by to pick you two up at 0400 " Lucky laughs, talking military to Sly was something he's never done before.
Sly shook his head in mock disgust.
"Don't even try it Spencer. There's only one sexy military guy allowed in this family."
"Ah!' Lucky sighs. Standing up and slapping Em on the butt. "You are calling my cousin sexy! Woman you are my girlfriend...did you forget." He says as they walk out of the restraunt.
"Nope I remembered." Emily said with a grin. "I just wanted to let you know that I like you just the way you are. Uniforms don't do anything for me."
"Good - cos I dont' like them. Come on." Lucky leads her into her apartment, "Pack for cold weather."
"Can I just wear shorts and you can keep me warm?" Emily asked with a devilish grin.
"If that is your wish mi lady. I'll never let you go." Lucky smiled and pulled her into his arms. Her body tight against his.
"Where are we going Lucky?" Emily asked against his chest.
"Do you trust me Em?"
"You know I do." Emily said softly. "I guess you can't tell me."
"Its safer if I don't." He looked at her hoping beyond hope she understood.
"It's fine." Emily said and gave him a small kiss. "Do I at least get a time limit?"
"Time limit? Do you want to know how long we'll be gone?"
"It could be months sweetie. Until its safe at home."
"How are we going to survive Lucky?"
"We'll be fine Em. Sly and I have done this many times. Its just best we arent' around when the bomb drops. I'll protect you.
"I know you will." Emily said. "Now dammit quit hitting on me and help me pack." Emily pulled away from him with a grin.
"Oh shot down again. Can I pick your bedtime attire."
"I don't mind." Emily said. "But make sure its not to revealing. I don't think Liz wants to see me in any sexy nightware."
"Who says you'll be sleeping with Liz? There are only 2 beds where we are going sweetie...and I don't plan on sharing mine with Sly." Lucky grinned and opened her drawer. "
"I'm sure they have a couch." Emily said. "This isn't a small place is it? I get claustrophobic."
" You little tease." Lucky runs over to her and tackles her onto the bed, his body directly on top of hers. The kiss he gives her could set any soul on fire. He has been denying his desire for so long and he just wants to fulfill it. "Em"
"Yeah." She replied kissing him again.
"Um" was all he could say, his whole body was involved in this kiss. He wanted to go farther, but was now the right time.
"Remember you can tell me anything." Emily said through their kisses. She ran her hand all the way down his backside and then back up.
"Em I want to do so much more than kiss you. But is now the right time? " He just verbalizes his thoughts.
Emily pulled away from Lucky's kiss.
"What do you mean more than kiss?" She asked a bit nervous.
"Em" He kisses her, "I want to touch you. Places I've never touched before. Not sex Em- We're not ready for that."
"Ok." Emily said still a bit nervous.
"Em -" he kissed her again. "We dont' have to. I'm happy just kissing you."
"I'm just nervous." Emily said softly. "No one's ever really touched me before. No one but you and I just...I guess I'm scared that in some way I could disappoint you."
"Baby, You could never disappoint me- but its too soon for that. It'll happen - in time." Lucky said deepening the kiss. Emily tried to ease up a bit. She wasn't sure what Lucky wanted to do exactly but she was going to let him lead the way.
Lucky just kissed Em for a bit, when he felt his body start to betray him he moved off of her, "Come on, we have to get you packed."
"Why do you do that?" Emily asked a bit annoyed.
"Do what?" Lucky asked confused.
"Start something and then end it." Emily replied. "Your the one who wanted to do more than kiss and I got what 5 minutes of kissing. Why do you do that? Ask for one thing, do another."
"Emily." Lucky inhaled deeply trying not to yell at her. "You sounded hesitant when we talked about it. I will not push you. I won't do that."
"Lucky, I eased up ok? I'm sorry I don't want to disappoint my boyfriend." Emily said. "But then again how can I disappoint you if all we ever do is kiss. But that's ok really it is. Excuse me I think I'll pack lots of tee shirts and boxers."
"Emily don't. Don't do this."
"Don't do what Lucky?" Emily asked angry. "I was willing to do a couple things about 5 minutes ago but your the one who doesn't do anything. And you wonder why I'm so insecure."
"Emily!" Lucky sat up. "Do you have any idea why I got off of you a few min. ago. I dont' want to scare you and if I would have stayed laying on top of you - you would have felt how much I want you. I don't know where the boundries are. When I mentioned it you got scared. I thought that was your way of saying, 'its to soon Lucky' So excuse me if I don't know by fuckin osmosis or something that you really do want me to feel you up."
"Where the hell did that come from?" Emily asked. "We're always so honest Lucky and every time you get turned on instead of saying, 'Em, you make me feel so good' or 'Em are you okay with this', you freaking run away and probably go jerk off in the bathroom. I never said it was too soon and you certainly never asked."
"Emily how long did I have to beg to get you to go out with me. Come on. I'm scared to death that if I do anything you will be like 'Sorry Luck - thats it back to friends only' I can't take that Em- I need to know that if I get turned on and show it, you won't cut and run. I feel so scared that I'm going to lose you if I do one thing you don't like. I dont' want to beg to keep you like I had to beg to get you."
"When you meet someone and from day one you like them and they are you entire world its awesome. Its such a great feeling but it sucks when they don't like you back." Emily said. "I went through years of that Lucky and then boom you want me to be yours. I'm sorry if I was a little skeptical but just to let you know that we're on the same level. I want you to touch me Lucky. So go ahead and touch me." She picked up his hand and placed it over her breast, trying to remain calm. "Touch me."
Lucky inhaled deeply. Trying not to piss her off again. "Emily." He fought the urge to caress her breast. "I can't switch gears that fast. I know you want me to and I'm sorry I can't but I'm still upset." He moves his hand. "I want you to know that I got your point. Its ok for me to touch you. I will - I promise but let my emotions get back under control ok?" Lucky looked at her - hoping this didn't start another fight.
"Can you wait for me downstairs while I pack?" Emily asked."Yes. I'm sorry I can't give you what you want right now." Lucky says and walks downstairs. The emotions inside of him were confusing the hell out of him.
Emily watched Lucky go. She pulled things out of her drawer and threw them in her suitcase. Lucky wasn't feeling anything right now and all she could think about were his hands on her body. She shouldn't have yelled at him. She should've been more brave. She quickly finished packing and stayed upstairs a little bit longer to try and calm herself down.
Lucky sat on the couch. Why hadn't he listened to her. She wanted him to go farther, why was he saying no. Why was he so afraid of her?
Emily came down the steps with her suitcase in hand.
"Is this enough?" She asked softly. "I'm not sure how long we'll be there but I can always buy more stuff." She looked at Lucky. He looked so confused and sad.
"Yeah thats enough. Come on. We need a nap before we leave." He walked over to her picked up her suitcase, and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was a daring move but he didn't want to fight with her.
"Wait." Emily said. "I'm sorry for that stupid fight....and thank you for putting up with my tantrums."
"I'm sorry too baby. Thank you for putting up with my stupidity." Lucky led her out of the apartment and to his parents house.


Sly nuzzled Elizabeth's neck.
"Why aren't you sleeping?" He asked softly.
"Because I have other things on my mind."
"Besides imagining my body naked what else is on your mind?" Sly asked her with a grin.
"I'm imagining how it feels to have your hands on my naked back giving me a back rub."
Sly leaned over and kissed her cheek.
"Are you serious baby?"
"Does the idea appeal to you?"
"Any idea appeals to me that involves my hands on your body." Sly said. "Would you like a back massage Miss Webber."
"Yes I would Mr Eckert." She rolls over onto her stomach but still has his tshirt on. She wants to hear how he is going to get the shirt off of her.
"I'm gonna need your help here." Sly said.
"Yes Sly?" Liz smiles into her pillow.
Sly slid his hands under the teeshirt and up her sides.
"Do you feel my hands?"
"Yes I do- feels good." she giggles a little
"Lay your hands flat out on the matress please." Sly said hoping he could accomplish this task.
"Ok." She smiled and did as he said.
Sly took the ends of her teeshirt and tugged it over her head and threw her hands.
"Ha." Sly said glad he got rid of the shirt.
" I was wondering how you were going to do that." Liz laughed.
Sly sucked in a deep breath as he admired Liz's naked back.
"Oh bra?"
"Well I was in bed Mr Eckert. Now what about my massage - or do I have to kiss it out of you." Knowing that if she rolls over to kiss him, his willpower would definatly be tested.
"How bout a full body massage?" Sly asked as he started to run his hands up and down her back. He started to massage her shoulders.
"Lizzie-baby, what's the matter?"
"What do you mean?" She says letting her body relax under his touch.
"Why are you tense?" Sly asked moving down her back. "Your body's tense Liz. What's the matter? Did I do something wrong?"
"No - " Liz swallows hard. "Sly why do we have to leave town?"
"Something bad might happen here Lizzie." Sly replied as he still kneaded her back. "I don't want you to get hurt so we're leaving to protect you and Emily and Lucky."
"Something bad? Sly I dont' understand. Why are you and Lucky so calm about this." Liz reponds, knowing nothing at all about the Spencer/Cassidine fued.
Sly sighed. He finished up on her back and then laid down next to her.
"What happened to my massage?" Liz joked trying to keep the mood light- knowing that Sly was about to lay someting heavy on her.
"We're use to this." Sly replied. "Lucky and I have been on the run for most of our lives. If we have to leave town to protect the people we love we do it, no second thoughts. We have to leave to protect you. Helena Cassidine is a very dangerous, homicidal woman. She won't think twice about killing anyone and I don't want her getting her hands on you. I guess I should've fair warned you before you got involved with me. I'm sorry I didn't, we just happened so fast."
"Well I don t understand, but I trust you - so if you say we have to go - then we have to go. "
"I'll lay my life down for you." Sly said and brushed some hair away from her face. "I'll die before something ever happens to you ok Lizzie?"
"Ok." She says, knowing that he is serious by the tone in his voice. "Can I get the rest of my massage now?" She couldn't take this- if she thought about it she'd cry.
"Can I tell you something first?" He asked softly.
"Sure." She looked in his eyes.
"I've been honest with you from the start." Sly said softly. "I felt this weird connection to you Lizzie. I told you things about me no one else knew. I've always been honest with you about the way I felt, and how its weird that we're so comfortable with each other and we just met. I think we're as close as Em and Luck and we've known each other for what three, four weeks? I just want you to know that you mean a lot to me and I would like it if we were always honest. If your scared tell me. If you wanna cry, let me cry with you. And if you just need to be held or a back massage or anything you let me know. I'd move heavan for you Lizzie Webber. And then I'd move it all the way back."
"Sly I know what you mean. I feel a connection to you too. Theres something about you that told me I could trust you, trust you with my secrets but most importantly - I could trust you with my life. I know nothing will happen to me when I'm with you - so I want to tell you - while we are on the run I will listen and do whatever you say without question. I won't hesitate. I"m going to put my life in your hands I figure I might as well- considering you already have my heart."
"Anything I say huh?" Sly asked with a grin. "Well since your putting your life in my hands why not your body?"
"Sure thing...I've been trying to get your hands on my body for weeks."
Sly sighed.
"Now you tell me." He said exasperated. "So you still want that silly back massage?"
"I thought you were done with my back" Liz looks at him longingly. "I think now my mouth needs a massage."
"Let's see what I can do about that." Sly replied. He brough his lips down on hers and let his tongue slip inside her mouth, teasing her, loving her. He shifted her body over so she was laying on her side. He moved closer to her. He was trying to resist her but he was finding it difficult. His hands stayed at her waist rubbing small circles on her stomach.
"Um. " Liz murmured. She let her hands roam on his body, not leaving the kiss. Sly was doing things to her with that kiss that he couldnt' possibly imagine. She kneaded his back with her fingertips, wanting to leave her chest available for him to touch she resisted the urge to pull him on top of her.
"Elizabeth." Sly whispered in pleasure. He couldn't fight it any longer. He leaned into her pressing his chest against hers and leaning her back into the bed. His hands traveled up and down the sides of her body. He wouldn't touch her, not without her permission.
"Would you like it if I touched you?" Sly asked kissing her neck.
"Yes Sly - yes." Liz moaned.
Sly smiled and decided he was going to have fun.
"Would you really like it if I touched you?" He brushed his hand along her ribcage right below her breast.
"Sly you are going to pay for this." She smiled and kissed his neck.
"Lizzie what's wrong?" Sly asked. "I just want to know if you would like to be touched." He gently brushed his fingertips against her breasts. Sly then sucked in a deep breath when Liz hit a certain spot on his neck.
"Oh...Mr Tease has a hot spot huh?" Liz smiled mischeivously. She pushed him onto his back and crawled on top of him, molesting that spot in his neck and moving her near naked body on top of him. Two can play at this game.
"Ok Lizzie." Sly said. He let out a small moan. "Lizzie." He said breathless. He dove his hand in her hair and pressed her body against his as she worked on his weak spot.
Liz just smiled as she kissed him, she kissed down his neck to his nipples, if he wanted her to take control, she would. She could tease - just like he does. She took his nipple in her mouth and tormented it with her tounge. Waiting for Sly to protest in some way, waiting for him to get his revenge, she couldn't wait.
"Do you know what your doing to me?" Sly asked trying to control his excitement.
"I know what I'm trying to do - but you dont' seem to be reacting so I must not be succeeding." Liz smiles as she moves down farther and starts to trace his washboard abs with her tongue. She was beginning to feel like she wasn't exciting him.
"Lizzie!" Sly called out. He didn't mean to but his stomach was his weak spot. The way her tongue traveled across it sent shivers up his spine. He could feel his desire building. "God Lizzie." He moaned again. He felt paralyzed for a second, all of his sanity went right out the window.
"Ugh. " Liz exclaimed and rolled over onto her back and looked at him. "Whats wrong with me?"
Sly's eyebrows furrowed and he perched himself up on his elbow.
"What?" He asked totally confused.
"I'm trying to do everything in my power to turn you on and nothings working? You aren't touching me back so I must not be turning you on? Whats wrong with me?"
"Lizzie let me in on a secret." Sly said. "See I was going out of my mine. My friend," He said pointing to the lower half of his body, "was going out of his mind too. When I'm nuts and he's well...anyway we have a hard time concentrating on other things. I didn't know that you wanted to be touched so badly. But I'm sure I can fix that. I mean hell I get enough pleasure out of kissing you. But touching you..." Sly moved his mouth back towards her lips and bodly slid his hand over her breast lightly caressing it.
She just smiled and slid her hands into his hair, pulling his face to hers for a kiss.
Sly sighed jokingly.
"So selfish." He said. He then removed his lips from Liz's mouth and moved his way down her neck and towards her breast. Sly slowly kissed her left side of her right breast and then the right. He then licked every bart of the area before taking her nipple in his mouth and suckling it.
"Well I'm just trying to get my massage anyway I can." She laughs, enjoying him.
Sly removed her nipple from his mouth and laughed.
"We said full body massage right?" Sly asked. He slipped his hand down the length of her body and touched her precious jewel. He massaged her gently through her boxers.
"Still want full body?"
"Uh huh" was all she could mutter.
Sly started to massage her more thouroughly as his mouth returned its attention to her breast once again. He teased and tortured her with kisses and licks and bites. All the while his hand played with her womanhood tempting her, loving her.
"No fair." Liz said trying to gain some control again. She took all the willpower she had and pushed him onto his back. She layed down on top of him kissing him, then kissing the spot in his neck that he liked so much, slowly working her way back to his stomach. Liz's hands were on his shoulders, he felt so hard, his whole body was hard and strong, she was rejoicing in the differences between thier bodies as she reached his stomach. She could feel his desire against her chest as she molested his muscled midsection. She slowly went to work on the buckle on his pants.
"Lizzie." Sly said breathless. His hand was entangled in her hair. "Lizzie what are you doing?"
"Playing." She says looking up at him with wide eyes. Kissing his stomach again. "Is this getting out of hand?"
"Is this too much for you?" Sly asked with concern.
"I'm having fun. But no sex k? I'm not ready for that with us."
Sly laughed.
"Baby when it comes to that we'll be making love." He then kissed her lips softly.
"Ok back to playing."
"Ok" Liz says excited and starts to kiss and trace his stomach again.

***** ch 15

Emily sat perched on the couch of Jason's plane staring out the window.
"I've never been to Switzerland before." Emily said excited. "I can't wait to get there." She walked over and pounced on Lucky.
"What are we doing first?"
"We're taking a nap." Sly said and pulled Elizabeth closer to him. "Can you keep it down please?"
"You two should have slept earlier. Why are you so tired Sly?" Lucky laughed.
"I couldn't sleep." Sly mumbled.
"And why couldn't you sleep? Liz were you being bad?" Lucky laughed, coming closer to them.
"NO I just got a backrub, I was the innocent party."
"You just got a backrub?" Sly asked. "Excuse I remember something about a full body massage."
"I was just laying there. Really." She tries to sound innocent.
"Elizabeth - I know you - you aren't innocent." Lucky smiles at her.
"Sly was Liz just laying there?" Emily asked.
"Yeah." Sly replied. "She was laying on top of me. As for her hands though...I kinda lost track of where they went."
"My hands??? Thats it I think I'm going to sleep alone now." Liz smiles and gets up and walks to the back of the plane to lay down on the bed.
"Woman go figure." Sly mumbled. "Now with her out of the room I might actually get some sleep."

"Ok my idea is this, couples in each room - Sly I love ya man but I dont' want to sleep with you."
"But baby I thought we were so close?" Sly asked in mock shock.
"Yeah well I'd rather be closer to Em. Ladies do you mind?" Lucky asked turning to Em and Liz.
"NO thats fine - I want to talk to Mr Eckert anyway." Liz says rather coldly. No one but Sly realizes it though.
"Ok well let's get settled in then." Sly replied not liking Liz's tone. "Lizzie lead the way."
Liz walks into the room with Sly. She puts her bags down and turns around facing him not saying anything until she was sure the door was closed.
Sly closed the door behind him and even put the lock into place. He ran his hand through his hair and sigh.
"What's the matter Lizzie?"
Liz looked at him with tears in her eyes, "Forgive me if I'm wrong but I thought a man of your military background would have more respect for
thier woman than to talk about what happens behind closed doors."
Sly felt as if he had been punched in the stomach. He remembered what he was taught about how to respect woman. He always remembered how he was taught it.
"Your right Lizzie." Sly said trying to control his emotions. "I apologize for embarassing you. It won't happen again. I could apologize to Emily and Lucky for putting you in a bad situation. Would you like me to ma'am?"
"Don't call me Ma'am damnit-" She almost screams. Then takes a deep breath and finishes. "I am your girlfriend and I hate it when you do that. Sly that hurt. I didn't mind the joking but when you started talking about my hands and where they went, I did not need my ex - boyfriend to hear that. I never touched him. It put me in a very uncomfortable position and I don't appreciate it." Liz finishes calmly.
"Fine." Sly said. "I'm sorry. I'll go apologize. You wanted the military guy you got him. You got the ma'am and the respect and everything. So while you change and get comfortable I'll be in the living room. I'll also take the couch for as long as we're here...Elizabeth."
Liz started stomping her feet. "Thats not what I want!"
"Well maybe that's the way its gotta be." Sly replied. "You broke down walls. You brought back the old me, the one everyone loved. The one I loved. The joking one, the funny one, the sexy one and now look what happened. So I'll be a gentleman with the utmost respect. I'll see you when you join us in the living room Elizabeth."
"Oh fuck it! Why do I try?" Liz starts to cry and runs out of the room past him. "Emily I need you." She says as she runs outside in the snow - without shoes, without a coat she didnt' care - she lost Sly for voicing her opinion.
"What happened?" Emily asked looking at Sly. He shrugged his shoulders. Emily grabbed her coat and Liz's and ran out after her.
Sly watched her. He just watched Liz walk out on him. He didn't care though. He hurt her and she in turn hurt him. She just didn't see it or didn't want to see it. He was back to being the Sly when he first came to Port Charles. He didn't want to ever let her into his heart again.
"Liz!" Emily called chasing her friend. "Liz what's wrong?"
"Emily I hate it here. Make Lucky let me go home - I hate it."
"Elizabeth what happened?" Emily asked trying to remain calm. "What happened between you and Sly?"
"I got mad at him, I voiced my opinion and he shut down, started using his Ma'am and Sir bullshit from the Citidel. He's being an ass and I want to go home. Make Lucky let me PLEASE?"
"Liz calm down." Emily said to her friend. "Look all you and Sly had was a little fight that's all. I'm sure you can talk it out." She handed her her coat. "Put this one please."
"No he shut down EM. Ok - Answer me honestly. If it had been Lucky talking about making out with you and where your hands were - would you have gotten upset?"
"Yeah I guess." Emily said. "I haven't been in that position before. I mean I don't think I would be that mad. I know Luck would say it jokingly and only around us. I mean Sly was kidding and we're all friends."
"Yeah but Em--- Lucky's my ex. I never touched him like that - I didn't need Sly saying that - It was disrespectful to Lucky and you and ME."
Emily smiled.
"I'm kinda glad you never touched Luck like that. Look this are you feelings and if Sly hurt you than that was wrong but its no reason to want to go halfway across the country and risk your life for it. I know you two can work this out."
"Thanks for the confidence Em. I'm going to stay out here and calm down."
"Liz can I tell you something?" Emily asked not wanting to cross any boundries.
"Sure Em."
"I just want to tell you that Sly didn't mean any harm." Emily replied. "He's changed so much within the past few weeks because of you. I see the way he looks at you. He cares about you so much. So I'm sorry that this fight happened."
"Thanks Em - But you didn't do it." Liz smiled half heartedly.

"Ok what the hell happened? Why did Liz just come out of the bedroom in tears?"
"It's called an argument Spencer." Sly said. "She'll get over it."
"Will you? You care about her Sly."
Sly shrugged his shoulders.
"Stuff happens. Maybe we just aren't working out." He walked off towards the kitchen. "Wonder if theres any food here."
"Ok enough of the bullshit Eckert. I know you - what did she say to put you in this mood?"
Sly laughed bitterly.
"Yes Lucky you know me so well. She said I embarassed her earlier. I think she said something about disrespect too."
"Earlier when? On the plane?"
"Well you were out of line." Lucky says not affraid to voice his opinion to Sly.
"It was a joke Lucky." Sly sighed. He was sick of this.
"Well it was rude. To say that shit about your woman is rude. And to say it in front of her ex.- ME and my girlfriend - Sly you were out of line - joke or not."
"Fine Lucky I was wrong." Sly said. "I apologize and I'll apologize to Emily too. If I knew you people were gonna get so bent out of shape I would've kept my mouth shut."
"You people? What the fuck is that Eckert. I'm not just anyone I'm your blood. What the hell gives you the right to act like that? I mean even without what you been through a man treats people with more respect than you are showing."
"If I hear one more thing about what I've been through..." Sly took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry I hurt her. What the hell else do you want from me? Blood?"
"No I want you to make things right with her - I know you want to. We are going to be here quite a while from what Dad said and its going to be a pain in the ass if you two are at each others throats." Lucky says and shuts up. He see's Em walk in. He gives her a hug, "how is she?"
"She's hurt." Emily said and looked at Sly. "Fix it."
"I'm going to be in my room." Sly replied. "Elizabeth knows where to find me."
Sly turned around and looked at her. Emily pulled him into her arms.
"I'm sorry." She said softly.
Sly pulled away and tried to hold back some tears.
"Yeah well I was an ass right." Sly said. "Figure I'd learn my lesson by now but I guess I havent."
"You're not an ass Sly. You're just finding it hard to acclimate to the good life." Lucky tries to lighten things up a bit when Liz walks inside. She just looks at Sly, and starts to walk to the bedroom.
"Excuse me." Sly said to Emily and Lucky. He followed Elizabeth into the bedroom. He saw her standing with her back towards him. He knocked on the door softly.
"Can I come in please?"
"Yes of course you can." Liz said calmly, rubbing her arms trying to warm up a bit.
Sly saw her shivering a bit and he wanted to warm her up but he couldn't.
"Elizabeth I apologize for upsetting you." Sly started. "I never should've disrespected you like that and that last thing I ever want to do is hurt you. Once again I'm sorry."
"Your forgiven."
"I was wrong and somethings have to change." Sly added.
"Ok = like what?" Liz says facing him. Not willing to give up on him without a fight.
"Like us." Sly replied. "When I got here I was more respectful, more curtiosy, more Citdael. Then you came into my life and helped me find the old me, the bad me. That can't happen again Elizabeth." He took a deep breath. "I think its best if we just let things go here. I can be Sly, the military man and you can be the beautiful Elizabeth. Its safer this way. We won't hurt each other that way. So you can stay here tonight. I think I'll crash at a hotel. I can talk to Lucky about finding a new place with more space. Then I'll see if I can get back to the states and help Luke so we can get out of here as kick as possible."
"Wait. I don't understand?" Liz was perplexed and about to get very angry again. "You want a girlfriend but only if she never voices her opinion or tells you when you hurt her feelings. Is that it? I could be yours if I would shut up and take whatever you dish out. Is that what they taught you in that place, shut up and take it. Well if thats the kind of relationship you want to be in - maybe its best you go. I want a man - a real man. One that can openly love me and one that I can talk to when he hurts me without having him run for the hills." Liz finishes and moves to sit on the bed.
"You want to know what I really want Lizzie?!" Sly asked screaming. "Someone who will stop bringing up my fucking past because I'm so sick of hearing about it! All I wanna do is forget and I make one fucking mistake and boom its, Sly I thought with your background. You don't know my whole background and I'm wish you would stop throwing in my face what you do know!"
"Ok Sly what if I said this....I would have thought that a MAN would respect me more. The hell with your background, I thought you were a least a man. Little boys run when things get tough, which is what you are trying to do =- So Sly tell me are you a boy or a man? Are you going to run or stay and work this out?" She dares him getting mad but enjoying the fact that they are communicating about his - it needs to be worked through.
"When the hell have I ever disrespected you?" Sly asked furious. "When have I pushed you? Or forced you to do anything? Wasn't I the one who took you out on that horrible day and made you forget about everything? Didn't I open myself up to you like a real man would? Didn't I share with you a part of me that no one else knew? Why did you do that Lizzie? Why did you have to bring that up?" He turned away from her trying not to cry in front of her. Trying to hold it all the Citadel taught him.
"You disrespected me on the plane. Thats it. Yes Sly you did all of those things. I 'm not denying that. But I need to know what you are going to do now. Sly if you haven't noticed yet. I' m not shy. If you do something I dont' like I'm going to tell you - are you going to threaten to cut and run everytime I don't shut up and take it or are you going to be a real man and work through it."
"Why do you think that? Why on earth do you think that I am upset becuase you opened your mouth?" Sly asked. "I'm glad you have opinions Lizzie. Hell it makes me more crazy about you but this is not why I'm upset. I'm upset because you brought my past into this and now you want to forget that you did and that its unimportant. I disrespect you and you made sure that I was aware of that. You hurt me and I'm telling you that right now."
Liz stops to realize what he just said. "I'm sorry Sly. I didn't mean to hurt you - I guess I didn't know that me mentioning your past to you in private would hurt you so much. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." She feels horrible.
"God." Sly said. Seeing her face so sad was killing his heart. "Lizzie mentioning it at all hurts. Theres still so many things you don't know and I"m so embarassed with the things that you do know. I don't feel like a man Lizzie. So maybe your right, maybe I am a little boy and disrespecting you is one of the ways that I showed it." Sly leaned against the wall squeezing his eyes shut forcing the tears to diminish.
"NO Sly - talking to me - opening up to me - that is signs of a man. Running from me because of what I know and the way I make you feel - thats the boy. You are a man Sly. Without anyhelp from anyone - you can be a real man. You just have to fight the part of you that wants to reject everything you were taught - just for spite."
"Lizzie I'm not trying to throw away what I've learned." Sly said softly. "I get that, its just sometimes I forget it, like today. I know how to respect people and how to listen and how to obey on command. I'm good at it. I just want to throw away the pain Lizzie. I wanna throw away the hate and the beatings and every time I try...I think I'm less of a man because I couldn't accept it. How can you accept me?" Sly slid down the wall and sat crouch on the floor.
"How can anyone accept me?"
"I can accept you Sly." Liz inhales deeply and says the next thing that pops into her head. "Because I love you."
"You love me?" Sly asked in a whisper, unable to believe it.
"Yes Sly. I love you. Thats why tonight hurt so bad. I knew I loved you a while ago - I didn't believe it at first but - the more I tried to deny it the more I felt it."
Sly got up and walked over towards her, sitting perched on the bed.
"Lizze." He said stroking her face. "I'm trouble Lizzie. I had a trouble past, I'm screwed up, we're on the run right now. Are you sure you can love me?"
"I don't have a choice Sly. Even if I did I wouldn't choose anyone other than you."
"Why did I do to deserve you?" Sly asked himself. "You know I knew it from day one. The moment you waited on me I knew that you were going to test everything I was taught. You were going to make me fall head over heels for you. God, I fell so fast. I hope you know I love you. I hope you know I've loved you from day one and that I'm going to love you forever. We're so connected everyway possible."
"Are we Sly? Can we put this fight behind us?" Liz wants him to kiss her fears away.
"Please Lizzie." He said softly. He leaned towards her and kissed her roughly and passionately pushing her back on the bed. "I'm sorry baby. I'm so sorry." He finally released the tears the he held back proving that he could be a real man.
Liz just wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. "Love me Sly. Love me always."
Sly smiled and played with her hair.
"I'll love you forever." Sly replied. "And the day after that. If thats ok with you."
"Absolutely!" Liz smiled and kissed him hard. Pulling his body closer to her.

"I think I hear screaming." Emily said as she laid on the bed in her and Lucky's room. She watched him put his clothes away.
"Yeah well - its good for couples to --" Lucky smiles "Talk loudly about things."
"Right." Emily said with a smile. "I recall you talking loudly at me just yesterday."
"Oh and did I happen to apologize appropriately for that?" Lucky says as he crawls onto the bed leaning over Em.
"I think you mumbled something of an apology." Emily said.
"Let me be more definate about it." Lucky kisses her, still leaning over her. His kiss deepens as he lays his body down mostly on top of hers.
"Mr. Spencer what are you insinutating?" Emily asked with a laugh.
"Nothing yet." He moved his lips to her ear, nibbling a bit. "If you would rather I talk about how sorry I am -I can do that. But I just figured showing you would be more appropriate." Lucky pulled back a bit waiting for her responce.
"Oh no no show away." Emily said pulling him towards her. "But do you think that I could possibly feel all of your body ontop of mine instead of just half?"
"Ok but I must warn you, the bottom half of me has a mind of its own." Lucky smiles and starts to kiss her and repositions himself so that he was completely on top of her.
Emily slid her hands down his backside and squeezed his butt, pulling him even closer to her.
"You feel so good." She whispered under his lips.
"Ms Quartermaine- your hands...." Lucky tried to act shocked. "I like it." It was no use - there was no denying what this girl was doing to his willpower. He decided not to fight it. "If I scare you - tell me its to far - ok?" Lucky asks making no motion that he is going to quit.
"Shh." Emily said. "I'm just having fun...waiting for you to keep your promise."
Lucky's hand started to move up her side. "Promise me - you'll stop me Em - I need that."
"Lucky." Emily said softly kissing his lips again. "If things get to scary for me I promise I'll tell you." Emily smiled. "Your so sexy when your protective."
"And your sexy when you are laying under me." Lucky had his permission from her and he took it. He kissed her before his hand got daring and moved to caress her breast. It was hard to do the way he was laying so he slid off of her to the side and his hand stayed put, above the clothes at first, his kiss for once, demanding passion.
"Hmm." Emily moaned under him. It felt so good to have his hand touching her, loving her. She slid her hands underneath his teeshirt and started to run them lazily up and down his naked back.
Lucky decided to give her what she practically demanded yesterday, a more sexual relationship. With one hand he grabbed the back of his tshirt and pulled it up and over his head. His other hand still massaging her breast. His kiss hungry, and his body ready for more. He let his kiss wander from her mouth, to her ear, down her neck and to her breast. Even though she had her clothes on, he bit down on her breast, not very hard but so she could feel the heat from his mouth threw her clothes.
"Lucky." She said breathlessly. "Lucky." New sensations were arising in her body and she enjoyed them. She pulled him closer to her as her back arched under him.
"Yes Em." Lucky stopped and looked up at her.
Emily started to fiddle with the buttons on her shirt.
"Can I feel your skin...against mine?"
"Yeah baby. Here let me-" Lucky smiled moving her hands, kissing her skin under her shirt, as he unbuttoned every button and pulled her shirt off but leaving her bra on. He hungrily found her mouth again as he layed on his back and pulled her directly on top of him, letting her feel all of him, as his hands reached around her back to start to remove her bra.
"Front clasp." Emily said under his lips. She pulled away and sat up, straddling him. She ran her hands up and down his sides. Her hands slid towards his chest and played with his nipples, gently squeezing. All the while Lucky was trying to discard her bra.
"Thanks." He said a little embarrassed, he reached for her front hook of her bra and looked up to her face before he undid it. He didn't see any fear or anything, so he unhooked her bra and let his eyes show his appreciation of her beauty. "You're so beautiful." Lucky said barely touching her. Her combination of innocence and desire was taking his body to places he'd never been.
"You make me feel that way." She took his hand and placed it fully on her breast. "Touch me Lucky." She said in a whisper.
He touched her, fully caressing every part of her chest before smiling. "Hey Em this is feeling rather one sided."
"I'm sorry baby." Emily said and leaned down to kiss him. "Your doing wonders to me." She breathed. Emily removed Lucky's hand and pressed their naked chests together. She then grinned her hips lightly against his as her mouth worked her way down his neck and towards his chest.
"Mmm" Lucky mumbled, he had his hands in Em's hair and he was enjoying the feelings she had been stirriing in him.
Emily felt Lucky's hands tighten in her hair. She slowly licked his nipples one at a time letting her tongue caress and lavish them. She took them in her mouth suckling them and nipping at them, trying to bring him as much pleasure as possible.
Lucky inhaled deeply, "Em - you better get up here." He said as a warning to her that he was at the brink of his control. His body was hard, and he was going to let her know but first he had to get her away from his nipples.
"Is this too much?" Emily asked still working on the hard peeks on his chest.
Lucky's hands went under hers and pullled her to his face, "Please Em - quit - I can't control myself when you do that." He was a little upset that she didn't quit instantly when he asked her too. "You want to see why I wanted you to quit," Lucky kissed her and rolled over on top of her, making sure his lower half of his body was touching her body, so she could feel his desire. "Em I want you so bad right now."
Emily gasped as she felt Lucky press against her. She never imagined that she could make him this excited. It made her feel good. She pulled him tighter against her never wanting to let this feeling go that were raging inside of her.
"You feel so good." she moaned.
Lucky laughed to himself he was trying to scare her a bit by letting her feel it, and she was enjoying it. Lucky moved his body down and took her breast in his mouth, doing to her what she had been doing to him.
Emily moaned.
"Do I make you feel this good?" She asked burying her hands in his hair.
"Even better." Lucky took her other breast in his mouth will his hand roamed downward. He quickly seperated her legs with his knee and slid his hand between her legs. Putting some pressure there to let her know his intentions.
"Lucky." Emily said trying to pull away from him.
"What Em? You feel amazing." Lucky asks, sucking harder on her nipple, grabbing her a little hard between the legs. He was so turned on, she felt so good.
"Lucky please." Emily said softly. She didn't want to upset him. "Can you slow down?"
Lucky heard what he wanted to hear from her, he moved his hand that was touching her intimatly, he put it in her waist, "What do you say we calm down a bit and try this again later?" Lucky said rolling onto his back and pulling her to him. He exhaled deeply, trying to let the cool air cool down his body.
"I'm sorry." Emily said in a whisper.
"Don't be baby, I'm not upset, I'm horny. I need to calm down so I don't make you do something you are uncomfortable with. Ok. I'm not mad - at all."
Emily sighed as she buried her face in his neck.
"Can I take a nap?" She asked softly.
"You can sleep?" Lucky asked amazed, he was much to turned on to even think about it.
"Your little lip exercises wore me out." Emily replied with a laugh. "Thanks for being so patient Luck."
"Patient? Em there was no need for patience, hell you were less scared than I was. I would say we had quite a bit of fun for our first make out session."
Emily laughed.
"This is why I love you Lucky Spencer." She said softly. Her eyes started to flutter shut not comprehending what she just said.
"Really?" Lucky sat amazed. "Did you just say you love me?"
"Did I just say that outloud?" Emily asked. She sat up and looked down at Lucky. "I'm so sorry if this is too soon. Oh geez, I didn't mean for it to slip like that."
"Slip? Em telling someone you love never have to apologize for it. Did you mean it? Or are you just in a sexually induced daze and uttering anything?" Lucky had to make sure she meant it - she had told him she loved him many times - as her best friend he had to know if she loved him romantically now.
"Sexually induced daze?" Emily asked with a raised eyebrow. "That's a phrase never used with me before. I thought you knew Lucky. I thought you knew that from day one I had the biggest crush on you. I thought you knew that no matter how many times I kissed Sly, it was always you. I thought you knew that when I was with Nikolas, I was in love with you. It was always you. Always has been, always will be. I love you with every part of me and I will until the day I die." She smiled. "Then I'm gonna love you some more in heaven."
"Thank you Em. Thank you for being honest with me." Lucky pulled her gently into a kiss that lingered.
"I love you angel. I love you." He smiled and kissed her again.

****** Ch 14

"Em - sweetie, wake up we have to go cause some trouble." Lucky smiles and kisses his beautiful girlfriend awake.
"Hmm." Emily said. "Did I hear you say cause trouble?"
"Yep - wake up a few sleepy heads in the other room. See what kind of compromising postions they got into." Lucky smiles at her. "Sound good to you."
"Lucky that's not nice." Emily said. She then grinned. "Let's do it."
"Well sweetie, I'm all for it but I dont' think I want Sly seeing you like that." Lucky looks at her naked torso and smiles.
"And how would you know?" Emily asked. "I'm sure Sly would love to see my beautiful body." She threw a tee-shirt on. "Can I go now sir?"
Lucky wrapped his arms tight around Em pulling her close to him, really close. "Woman - you drive me insane." He kissed her. "Lets go."
"Please before the teeshirt goes right back to the floor." Emily said taking his hand and leading him out of the room.
Lucky and Emily sneek across the living room quietly, "Ok when I open the door we pounce on them. K?"
"Just don't go pouncing on Miss Webber too hard." Emily said.
"No I'll save that for you. GO!" Lucky opens the door and they go running into the room.
Emily pounced on Sly but not before noticing their sleeping forms. Sly was wearing only his boxers and his arm was snaked around Elizabeth's waist. Liz was in a tiny teeshirt, that Sly was wearing yesterday and was sliding up her leg. Her head was buried in Sly's neck.
"Aw!" Emily said. "Wake up Mr. Eckert." She started to bounce up and down on the bed and tickled him.
"What the heck are you two doing?" Sly asked trying to move but finding Emily pinning him down.
"Wake up Liz!" Lucky started tickling her.
"Spencer I'm going to kick your ass!" Liz screams not even awake yet.
Emily burst out laughing.
"Two can play at this game." Sly said. He tackled Emily to the floor and hoovered over her tickling her at her sides.
"Lucky!" Emily choked out.
"Oh you want my help now?" Lucky laughs and went over to Sly and pulled him off Em. "Ok your hands on your woman - my hands on mine."
"Now hang on." Sly said. "Miss Quatermaine is this a little love mark on your neck?"
Emily's hand flew to her neck.
"Where." Emily said. "No."
"OHHHH Lucky you are suppossed to kiss- not bite." Liz laughs.
Sly laughed too.
"Em, I thought you were always the innocent one." Sly said.
"I am the innocent one." Emily said. "Lucky mauled me while I was sleeping."
"Hey now." Lucky pulled her into his arms. He whispered quietly into her ear, "if you dont' like it I'll keep my hands to myself from now on." Then he kisses her earlobe.
"Did I say I didn't like it?" Emily asked. "I just said you were the one misbehaving. I'll start breakfast." She smacked Lucky on the butt and ran out of the room.
"Well let us get dressed and we'll join you two." Liz smiles at Lucky trying to get him to leave the room.
"Nice hint Webber." Lucky laughs and leaves.
"Trying to get me alone Lizzie?" Sly asked smiling at her.
"What if I am?"
"Well why are you?" Sly asked climbing back onto the bed with her.
"Cos I think we need to make up with each other for that horrible misunderstanding last night. I can think of plenty of ways to do that." Liz smiles.
"I thought you wanted breakfast?" Sly asked softly inching his way towards her.
"Well it can't be done yet." Liz smiles and puts her hands up into his hair. Looking at him with longing her in eyes.
"Lizzie I love you." Sly whispered against her lips. "Just wanted to remind you of that."
"I love you - and I want you." Liz pulls his face down to hers and kisses him passionately.
"Lizzie..." Sly said it coming out in a moan. "Breakfast is probably ready."
"I know. I just wanted to tell you. Comeon." She moves and jumps out of bed, putting on a pair of shorts and running a brush through her hair.
Sly walked over behind her and kissed her neck.
"You are the most irrestible woman I met." Sly whispered. "And I think I'm going to kill Em and Luck for getting up this early and making breakfast."
"But why?" Lizzie laughs. "Come on sexy. We'll steal a nap later."
"Somehow, I don't think we'll be napping." Sly said following Liz out of the room.
"Took you guys long enough." Emily said placing the pancakes down on the table. "I was thinking about what we could do up here in no man's land. What about skiing?"
"Oh I'm game!" Liz starts bouncing up and down.
"Do we get to warm you ladies up after you spend the afternoon on the slopes?" Lucky laughs kissing Em's cheek.
"Isn't that why they invented hot chocolate Liz?" Emily asked her with a smile.
"Yeah but Em - men are so much better at the whole warm up process. I mean doesn't Lucky give you the warm fuzzies?" Liz laughs and kisses Sly.
"Warm fuzzies?" Emily asked Lucky. "He makes me feel something but I don't think its called warm fuzzies."
"Ok ok." Sly said with a laugh. "Let's just eat this grub and get out of here."

"Ok thats it - I've fallen down so many times I have bruises in places I'm to much of a lady to say." Liz bellows to no one in particular.
"How bout I kiss them and make them all better?" Sly asked with a devilish grin.
"OH I think something like that could definately be arranged." Liz smiled and attempted to move closer to Sly, still in her skis so she falls immediately into the snow. "UGh- Now I know why I left Colorado."
Sly couldn't help but laugh at her. He scrunched down to her and held out his hand.
"Here I was thinking it was God's plan." He replied with a smile. "Done for the day?"
"Yes and you can come with me or not but I'm going to bed." Liz pushes herself down the remainder of the hill falling at the bottom to stop.
"Well hang on." Sly called. "I wanna go to bed with you too." He then skied down after her.
"Looks like we lost our slowpokes, Ms Quartermaine would you like to tackle on of the advanced runs."
"I don't know." Emily replied hesitantly. "I'm not too keen on getting bruises on every aspect of my body."
"Oh trust me I can make any area of your body feel better."
Emily blushed and hit him playfully.
"We're suppose to be skiing Spencer."
"Well then woman lead the way." Lucky smiles at her.
"Ok." Emily said and eyed the slope. "I hope they have a nearby hospital." She adjusted her sky goggles and took off down the slope actually making it without falling.
Lucky smiled adjusting his goggles and followed his beatiful girlfriend down the slope.
"I think we ought to give Miss Webber some lessons." Emily replied. "Tired yet or you still wanna show off all your fantastic moves?"
"I dont' want to interrupt the young love birds. Lets try that one." Lucky smiles and points to another slope.
Emily started to tred over towards the other slope.
"I might be thoroughly exhausted when I get home." Emily stated.
"I'll wake you up after we relax in a jacuzzi in the room."
"What jacuzzi?" Emily asked.
"There's one upstairs...we didnt' manage to take a tour yesterday before you trapped me into the bedroom." Lucky leans in and kisses her.
"Trapped you in the bedroom my foot." Emily said. "I wasn't laying ontop of you now was I?"
"Ms Qautermaine the snow is melting waiting for you." Lucky tried to get out of trouble with a smirk.
"Mr Spencer the snow is melting because of all the hot air that's releasing from your mouth." With that Emily smiled and went down the slope ahead of him.

Sly leaned over and kissed Liz as she closed her eyes to sleep. He smiled nibbling on her ear, hoping he would get at least some affection back.
"Mr Eckert what are you doing?" Liz smiles mischieviously.
"Kissing your brusies." Sly whispered in her ear.
"Oh well in that case...please continue." She smiles.
"Just let me know where it hurts." Sly asked moving down to her neck. "Exactly where you need my loving touch."
"OH I think my shoulder hurts." A smirky grin comes across her lips.
"Really?" Sly asked pushing her tee shirt down a little. He kissed her shoulder softly, running his tongue along it teasingly. "Any place else?"
" collarbone hurts?"
Sly slinked his arm around her waist, pulling her closer and kissing her collarbone.
"Feel any better."
"Yeah I'm starting to. But you know - I feel down and hurt my belly." She smiled.
"Oh my poor baby." Sly whispered. "Let me make it better." He removed his lips from her collarbone and shifted his body a little. He started to kiss her stomach over her tee shirt but then decided what fun was that. He then slowly pushed it up and laid light, soft kisses all along her stomach and abdomen.
"Ummmm" Her grin appeared wider. "Sly. My lips got hurt too - you think you can kiss them make them better."
"I thought you'd never asked." Sly said quickly moving up to her mouth and capturing her lips with his own.
She smiled under his kiss and returned it feverishly. Wrapping her arms around him pulling him closer.
"Careful what you start Lizzie." Sly warned laying his body completely on top of hers.
"I want to start this." She pulled him closer running her hands up his back.
"Of you course you want to start this." Sly said with a laugh as his slid his tongue along her neck. "But I always end up finishing it in the bathroom."
"I'll finish it tonight - one way or another I promise." She pulled his shirt over his head.
"Let's not get in over our head, Lizzie." Sly said already feeling the familiar sensations running inside of him. He pulled her lips back to his own passionately, suddenly with this need of consuming her.
Liz didn't say anything she just moved from his lips and rolled over on top of him and started to kiss his chest with a passion built up for what feels like weeks.
"Liz." She said through clenched teeth. How did she know how to get to him like that? He hadn't been with her for that long and she seemed to know every button to push. He felt his desire for her build stronger as he entangled his hands through her hair.
"Oh Liz." He moaned.
Liz just smirked. Having Sly in this state did wonders for her ego. She slid her hand down and touched him over his jeans, she could feel his desire and it felt wonderful.
Sly sucked in a really big breath of air. When did she start making bold moves like this? He had to get out of this state. He had to stop what she was starting, but he laid there on the bed feeling paralized. He pulled Liz lips back to his own.
"Don't stop." His whispered.
"Ok I won't" Sly encouraged her and she was not about to stop just yet. His body felt so good under hers. She sat up on him so she was stradling him, cursing the clothing that still seperated them.
Sly slid his hand underneath Liz's shirt and came in contact with her creamy skin. His hands started to rub small circles on her waist. He never wanted to stop touching her and he never wanted her to stop touching him. He slid his hands up along her rib cage.
"Can you get rid of this please?" He asked with a smile.
"Sure thing sexy." She smiled and pulled the shirt over her head. She didnt' know where this courage was coming from but she was enjoying the look in his eyes.
"Your so beautiful Lizzie." Sly said in awe. He couldn't resist her any longer. His hands round the way to her bra clasped and unhooked it. Before the cold air had a chance to touch her body Sly's mouth came down passionately upon her breast.
"Um Sly - I love the feel of your mouth on me." Liz moved her body a little grinding against him, feeling his desire strengthen.
"Lizzie." Sly moaned and buried his face in her neck. He stared to move his hips along with hers, reveling in her touch. He felt the feelings inside of him build and he knew that he had to stop...he just didn't want to.
"Shh Sly let me have fun." She smiled as she moved out of his arms and moved her body back down his and started to unbutton Sly's jeans.
The mind in the back of his head was yelling at him to stop this now. Wasn't it too soon? Where things going to fast? His mind screamed yes but his body was screaming something entirely different. He just entangled his hands in her hair again and let her continue the assult on his body.
Liz moved her body and removed his jeans laying herself down on top of him letting her body feel his desire as her hand began to feel it.
That was it for Sly. A few more touches like that and he was going to lose his mind. He reached for Liz's hand and held it.
"Whoa Lizzie." He said breathless. "We need to slow down."
"Why? I thought you were going to let me finish this?"
Why was a really good question. One Sly didn't even have an answer for.
"Liz, that was a joke. I was just kidding about that stuff." He hoped that was good enough for her. "But I want to." Liz kissed his abdomen. His stomach was laced in muscles and she kissed every one.
"Lizzie, please." Sly said through gritted teeth. The truth was he didn't think it was right that his girlfriend should have to do that for him.
"Sly - let me have my fun. I want to do this. I want to tease you a little more than let me take care of you." Liz kisses his waist trying to get his boxers down.
Sly hesitantly surrendered. In a way he felt like he was taking advantage of her lover, making her do this. He shut his eyes tight as he felt Liz's hands move his boxers down his body. The things she did to him...
Liz looked shocked as his boxers fell to the floor. He was entirely turned on and she felt a huge level of satisfaction knowing that she caused it. Liz let her body lay on his and moved around on top of him, moving all the way up to his mouth kissing him with as much passion as she had.
"Lizzie." Sly moaned under her. She was torturing him and she was enjoying that fact that she was doing this. He would get her back later, when he was in his right state of mind.
Liz kissed him one last time and looked at him in the eye, "you are not making me do this - remember that - I want to." With that she slid down his body taking part of him in her mouth, satisfying him with such eagerness.
"Lizzie!" Sly screamed out in complete and utter shock. He couldn't believe she was doing this. This wasn't what he expected. He started to squirm underneath of her as his hands grasped the bed sheets.
"Lizzie..." He moaned.
She stopped quickly and looked up at him after removing him from her mouth. "Am I doing something wrong?"
"No no." Sly said with a small laugh. "Your doing everything perfectly...a little too perfectly." He didn't know how much longer he'd be able to control himself.
"Good." Liz continued kissing and torchering him and enticing his body to react like she's never seen him. She continues to smile and seduce him - waiting for his body to release.
"Oh God..." Sly sighed as Liz took him in his mouth again. He was trying so hard to fight this. He didn't want to release in her mouth. He wanted her to tease him, have her fun, but he didn't want to succomb her to that. He felt himself start to lose control as she licked and teased more.
"Liz, please, I'm gonna...." He took a deep breath. "I don't want to..."
She understood him. Without him needing to tell her again she moved her head and started to kiss up his chest. Taking him in her hand and enticing his body that way.
Sly breathed a slight of relief but his breath again as she started to slid her hand fast up and down the length of him. Sly could feel his orgasm building and he captured Liz's mouth with his own as he felt his release.
Liz could feel his enjoyment on her hand as his kiss became more intense. "Ok I had my fun." She smiles after the kiss subsides.
Sly waited till his breathing came to normal before he looked at her.
"Pay backs are so fun Lizzie." He replied. He then got up from the bed and disappeared into the bathroom before continuing any further conversation.

**** ch 15

"This is heaven." Emily said resting her head against the soft pillow in the jaquizzi. "Why didn't you tell me about this sonner Spencer?"
"Because baby I wanted to wait until we could fully enjoy it" Lucky smiles and kisses her.
Emily sighed and slid in a little deeper.
"I'm so enjoying this now." She looked over at him with a smile. "I'm actually having fun here despite running for my life. Thanks for caring enough about me to bring me along."
"Baby - I couldn't not bring you - come here let me show you how much I care about you." Lucky pulls Em onto his lap.
"What'd ya have in mind?" Emily asked in a whipser, while nibbling on his earlobe.
"You'll see" Lucky kissed her and untied her bikini top instantaniously.
"Lucky." Emily mumbled under his lips. He came out as a moan and she was a little hesitant, she didn't want to show it though. She wanted to keep Lucky happy.
"Em" Lucky says as his hand comes around the front of her and finds her breast. He pulls her a little more onto his lap so she can feel his excitement.
Emily felt the nervousness crep up inside of her.
"Lucky, what if Sly or Liz come up here?" She asked in a breathless whisper. She was slowly losing sense of the world around her as Lucky's warm wet hands worked thier magic.
"Who cares." Luckys mouth wanted more - he delved his tongue deeper, wanting more of her. His hands found her little peaks and played with her. Finally one of his hands took hers and moved it down to his erection.
"Lucky!" Emily screamed scrambling off of his lap. "What are you doing?" She hurried to tie her bikin top again.
"Come on Em - I just want you to touch me." He reaches for her again with passion still in his eyes.
"You have seen one too many movies." Emily said pulling away from him and climbing out of the jaquizzi. "I can't believe you did that!." Emily shuddered as she wrapped the towel around her body.
"What -- what the hell did I do?" Lucky didn't get it he just wanted to be closer to her.
Emily looked at him with a smirk.
"As if you don't know." She replied. "I don't know who you think I am Spencer but I ain't your blow up doll. If you want someone to do that walk yourself to the bathroom and take a look in the mirror." Emily kept the towel tightly around her as she silently cried, storming out of the room.

Liz couldn't believe he just got up after that. How could he? She had never done anything like that before and he got his satisfaction and walked to the bathroom - 'what did he have to wash me off him or something?' thats what she was thinking while looking at the closed bathroom door.
Sly sighed and opened the bathroom door. He smiled as he climbed back into bed with Elizabeth. He kissed her shoulder softly.
"Miss me?"
"You dont' honestly expect me to say yes do you?"
Sly groaned.
"What did I do now?"
A tear fell from her eye when she looked at him, "Do I disgust you that bad that you have to wash my touch off? Thanks for telling me now Sly I'll be leaving." She gets up to put clothes on.
"Whoa, whoa, Lizzie." Sly said grabbing her and pulling her close. "It wasn't that Lizzie I'm sorry. Please believe me it wasn't you." He pulled away and wiped her tears with his thumbs.
"Elizabeth, your touch was heaven to me. I would never want to wash that off."
"Fuck off. You just did. You got up right afterwords and went into the bathroom, I heard the water running. I get it I'll leave."
"That is your worst quality." Sly said now angry. "Once your mind's made up that's it. Don't even want to listen to what I have to say."
"What could you possible say Sly - its not like what you did isn't obvious."
Sly rolled his eyes at that comment.
"Are you ready to sit down and actually listen to me?"
"Sure Sly - explain this one"
Sly sighed and sat down next to her.
" 'Lizabeth, I'm sorry if I offended you, I didn't mean to you." Sly started. "You have to remember I'm pretty new at this stuff, I really don't know what I'm doing yet but I do know what I don't want to subject you too." He took a deep breath. He had never been this open and honest with a woman before on this touchy subject.
"What you did for me was amazing, to me it was beautiful, but I don't know what it was like for you. Liz, I don't want to....release myself in your mouth. I don't want you to do that just to please me. Just like I don't want you to have to lay in bed while I'm basically, for lack of a better word, dirty. I wasn't washing away your touch, believe me after what just happened here your touch will always be branded on my body as well as in my mind. I was just trying to make things less uncomfortable for you Liz. I didn't want you to still be feeling my release all over you and the bed. I'm sorry...I never meant to hurt you."
"Sly - do you realize its still on my hand, I didn't move to wash it off. Its part of you. Sex, making out, whatever is suppossed to be for mutual satisfaction, it hurt me when I satisfied you and you got up and walked away. I would have been satisfied if you would have pulled me into your arms, kissed me for a few moments -to let me know you approved of what I did. But instead as soon as you physically could move - you did. Thats what hurt Sly."
"I don't expect you to satisfy me Elizabeth." Sly replied softly. "I could go on for the rest of my life extremely happy just by satisfying you. I'm sorry that I moved away so quickly. Like I said, I'm new at this Lizzie, I don't know what you want or want makes you feel good. I'm clueless and I need your help on some things like this."
"Ok." Is all Liz says.
"Lizzie, what?"
"Nothing. I'm just stating that I heard you. I'm still angry but I understand that you didn't know I would get angry by that."
"Guess we still have a lot to learn about each other." Sly said leaning his forehead against hers. "Can I ask you something personal?"
"Yes of course you can." Liz looked at him wiping the tears away from her face.
"How experienced are you?" Sly asked softly.
"Meaning?" She raises her eyes to him.
"Meaning." Sly said swallowing the lump in his throat. "Have you ever done this before with another guy and....have you ever had sex before?"
"Yes Sly - I've done this before. Yes I've had sex before - once."
"Oh." Sly said softly. He then heard someone come pounding down the steps and a door slam.
"What was that?" He asked looking towards his closed door.
"Either Lucky or Em - Lucky would have been louder - you better go chk on her."
"Yeah." Sly said getting up. "Are you going to be okay here by yourself?"
"yeah we can talk later."
"Ok." Sly said. He gave her a quick kiss and disappeared towards Emily's room.
"Emily." Sly said knocking. "Are all men disbarred or just Luck?" He didn't hear a response, only a small sniffle.
"Em." Sly said opening the door. He saw her on the bed wrapped in the towel. Her hair was a little frazzled and her bikin top was loosely top.
"Emmy, what happened?" Sly asked rushing towards her.
"Nothing." Emily replied. "Small fight, no big thing."
"Em." Sly said placing his hand under her chin and bringing her eyes towards him. "What happened?"
"We were in the jaquizzi." She replied softly.
"And we were messing around." She said. "Just like before."
"Uh huh."
"And he touched me." Emily replied.
"Ok." Sly said.
"And he made me touch him." She whispered.
"He what?" Sly asked anger immediately flashing through him.
"Sly, no!" Emily exclaimed. "He didn't make me."
"Well, what did he do exactly?" Sly asked through gritted teeth.
"He took my hand..."
"Bastard!" Sly said and head towards her door.
"Sly no!" Emily cried jumping up. "Sly!" But it was too late he was already headed upstairs.
Lucky had finally gotten out of the jacuzzi- he was pacing the floor upstairs giving Em time to calm down. He still didn't quite get what he did wrong - its not like she'd never touched him before.
Sly searched around upstairs and saw Lucky still in the jaquzzi room. He walked in there briskly and grabbed Lucky by his neck pinning him up against the wall.
"Two seconds to explain." Sly demanded. "Starting now."
"Sly its none of your business." Lucky chokes out.
"Not good enough." Sly said and pushed him harder into the wall. "I want an answer."
"Sly I didn't hurt her. We were kissing, making out and I rushed things thats all. I shocked her - I didn't rape her or harm her in anyway."
"You wanna explain that to a tearful Em downstairs?" Sly asked releasing his hold. "What the hell were you thinking? What kind of a pervert are you?"
"Pervert? Sly its called hormones - she's perfectly fine when I'm touching her - she's fine. Now back off and go back to your own woman." Lucky states - not scared of Sly - this is his best friend, just like his brother.
Sly laughed.
"You seriously don't think that I'll kick you ass?" He asked. "You better get that smirk off your face before I remove it for you."
"Sly - go ahead hit me - you'll feel worse than I will in the morning. You arent' a violent guy - you're my blood. Emily is fine - if she is mad at me - trust me I'll hear about it from her. You do not need to be getting in the middle of this."
"I can't believe your finding absolutely nothing wrong with what you did." Sly said shocked. "You are definately your father's child."
"Sly back the fuck off - I didn't hurt her. I will apologize to Em for scaring her but stay out of this."
"What did you do wrong?" Sly asked challenging him.
"Sly are you seriously up here trying to act like a school teacher - Lucky repeat after know I never repeated after the teachers in school. Back off" Lucky says pushing Sly back away from him.
"Don't Lucky." Sly said pushing him and pointing his finger. "You ain't got a clue what the hell you did. You just wanna be a good boyfriend and apologize just so you can get your kicks again correct?"
"Sly - I heard you a little while ago - talk about getting your kicks. Maybe you should worry a little less about how I'm treating my girlfriend and a little more about how you are treating yours."
Sly laughed.
"You little..." He didn't hesitate as his fist came down hard and connected with Lucky's jaw.
"Now we'll see who's really hurting tomorrow."
Lucky grabbed his jaw and rubbed it. "Go ahead hit me again - make you feel like a man Sly? Is this what they taught you in the Citidal...if you cant' win with words. Use your fist."
"They taught me a hell of alot more than you've obviously learned Spencer." Sly snarled. "Maybe you should go there and get your ass whipped. Make your treatment towards Emily change really quickly. You'll get my fist repeatedly if you keep making flip remarks about my girlfriend and yours. You aint got no respect and if I was Emily and you did to me what you did you her you would be feeling absolutlely nothing right now in the area of "little lucky". Now, are we gonna be a gentleman?"
"Yes mom" Lucky couldnt' help it - he hated himself for what he did to Em- obviously it upset her but he didnt' think it was any of Sly's business.
"Say Em's walking down the street Spencer." Sly said walking closer towards him. "Some guy jumps out from the bushes and starts touching her. He takes her hand, forcers her to touch him, what would you do?"
"I'd kick the shit out of him - but Sly thats not the same thing"
"And the difference is..."
"#1 she was a very willing participant until I moved her hand, #2 I'm not a stranger to her and #3 if what I did really bothered her she would be up here tearing me apart and not you." Lucky says sitting down on the couch.
"Oh that's perfect moron." Sly said. "Your girlfriend's downstairs crying her eyes out probably thinking that she did something wrong because you got your kicks. Stranger or not you took her hand with the intention of doing God knows what."
"Sly Drop dead! You have no right to accuse me of anything like that. You are no longer my friend." Lucky gets up and walks towards the stairs.
Sly grabbed Lucky's collar and pulled him back towards him.
"Is that how you plan on getting out of this?" Sly asked. "Being slick and saying I'm sorry. You still believe you did nothing wrong?"
"Sly I know I did something wrong - but newsflash for you einstien I didnt' do it to you so I'm not going to apologize to you!" Lucky storms downstairs.
Sly shook his head and followed Lucky downstairs.
Emily jumped from her room and came running out.
"Sly, what's wrong?" She asked. She saw Lucky's eyes which was red and Sly's angry eyes.
"I just wanted you to know that he's an ass." Sly replied turning to Lucky. "From here on out, your on your own." Sly then hit him square in the jaw again and walked out not bothering to turn back.
Lucky just sat there holding his jaw - "Hey what the hell did you do with my cousin?" He says to Sly's back. Not recognizing him anymore. Just as he says that Liz walks out of their room.
Sly turned around and glared at him, his cold eyes quickly turning to Liz, knowing she would understand.
"Your cousin died years ago Spencer." Sly said. "Your just taking the time to realize this now." And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
Liz couldn't say anything she just ran after Sly.

Lucky turned and looked up at Em. "I'm sorry Em- I'll understand if you never talk to me again. I shouldnt' have forced you to touch me."
"What did he do?" Emily asked looking at Lucky's eye.
"He hit me - he thought he had a right to correct my actions - I wouldn't bow down to him and tell him how right he was - and I wouldn't apologize to him - I didnt' do anything to him - I hurt you and for that I'm sorry."
"Tell me everything will be okay with you and him in the morning?" Emily asked with sad eyes.
"I won't lie to you Emily - I dont' think it will. Sly hates me to the core right now - and I dont' think its about what happened between you and I. I think that something is definately off inside Sly."
"God, what did I do?" Emily asked rubbing her hands across her face and walking over towards the couch. "I shouldn't have acted like such a baby."
"NO Em - dont 'do that. You didn't do anything wrong. I did. I forced you to touch me. It was my fault. But Sly would have exploded sooner or later anyway." Lucky moves to take Em in his arms.
Emily pulled away from him quickly. She turned away and mumbled,
"I'm sorry."
"Baby - why are you sorry - I'm the ass, I'm the one who did something wrong. Not you baby."
"Look its not like I'm scared of you Lucky, I'm not." Emily assured. "I just...Lucky that didn't feel right. I wasn't ready to..." She blushed at this conversation.
"Its ok- I'm sorry I shouldnt' have pushed. I wasnt' thinking about your feelings- I was only thinking about mine."
"I'm worried about him." Emily said gesturing towards the door.
"So am I but Liz will handle him - I'm affraid if I walk into that room it'll only get uglier, not better"
"How bout a nap Lucky?" Emily asked. "Skiing kinda wore me out."
"Ok - do you want me to sleep on the floor or the couch. I'd understand." He half smiles though his cut lip and black eye.
"If you promise to leave my hands alone you can sleep with me." Emily replied with a smile.
"Can I hold your hand?"
"As long as it stay's above the waist."
"Ok I promise."


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