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~ Destiny ~ 31-37 **** New Chapters****

Chapter 31

Sly and Liz walked around the grass lands of Ireland admiring the view.
"This is so beautiful." Sly replied. "I could just imagine living here for the rest of my life. Our own private cottage, sheep roaming the feild, and little Lizzie Webber's reaking havoc."
"I think that would be little Sly's causing havoc....I think a little Sly would be adorable. Blond hair - beautiful blue eyes, and a grin that will melt hearts."
"But of course." Sly replied. "I can't believe we're getting married Elizabeth. You and I married."
"Its going to be excellent. When do you want to get married? What are we going to do for money?"
"We can get married tonight for all I care. I want to marry you as soon as I possible can." Sly replied. "As for money right now isn't a problem. Ten years from now it won't be a problem. When we start having kids then we might have to get jobs. Other than that we can settle down whenever your comfortable Lizzie."
"Well I thought thats what marriage is? Isn't it moving in together, settling down, being safe and secure, always having someone to count on."
"It's also a lot of hard work, Lizzie." He said. "It isn't always cut and dry like that. Bills have to be paid, children have to be taken care of. We have to have time for each other to communciate. If there is no communication then we're screwed. I have a lot to work on but I want to work on it with you. Marriage can be the best times of your life but it can also be the worst if we're not careful."
"But Sly - we communicate now. We are getting really good at it - do you anticipate us getting bad at it?"
"No, no, baby I don't mean to scare you." He said. "But sometimes there could be days where you and I just don't want to talk. We have to be patient and loving with one another. You could have a long day with the kids and not want to make love to me and I have to understand that instead of getting upset. We just have to realize that marriage is marriage. Its forever and its not just a ring and a promise. Its something sacred, something wonderful, its something that I can't wait to share with you."
"Well Sly - you are scaring me? What are you expectations of me? Of our marriage? Sounds to me we should talk about this?"
"There's only one thing I expect of you Elizabeth and thats to honor the vows that we say in front of our family and friends. You can do that right?"
"As long as you dont' ask me to say the word obey in those vows." She dares.
"Have I ever asked you to obey me before?" Sly asked. "This is a union of two people, two souls uniting together in front of God, not me planning on being man of the house. I'm going to love, honor, and cherish you for all the days of my life. There ain't no obeying about it."
"Well honey I didn't know if you wanted to use the traditional vows - or write our own...obey is in the traditional ones."
"There's other vows we could use Elizabeth." He said. "What do you want to do?"
"I think we should write some vows that we both can live with for the rest of our lives."
"Do you want to write them together?"
"Yeah I would like to." Liz says getting quiet.
"Great. I would love to do that." Sly replied. "Then we start things off kinda as a union knowing we wrote them together."
"Yeah." She smiles.
"Um...there's something else I wanna ask you?" Sly said a bit nervous.
"Yeah - ask away."
"Where do you want to get married?"
"It doesnt' really matter to me - I dont' have much family to talk of so its not like I need to invite lots of people."
"Ok well I wasn't exactly talking the city. I was talking the place itself, like a building or something." Sly replied.
"Are you trying to ask me if I want to be married in a church?"
"Yeah, thats what I was beating around the bush about."
"To tell you the truth Sly - it would take a lot for me to do that." Liz knew she was opening up a can of worms with this answer but she wouldnt' lie to him.
"Do you wanna talk about why?" Sly asked.
"Do I have much choice?" She says knowing he wants to talk about it and knowing that he wants to be married in front of God.
"You don't have to get offensive." Sly said hurt. "This is exactly what I'm talking about. If you don't want to talk about it fine, I'm sorry, but don't get snippy and assume I know what the hell's going on your head Liz."
"Sly I know enough about you to know this wont' end here - it didnt' end in the church when we mentioned it - I'm not getting snippy - you have a right to know - a right to know that I dont' really like God right now. I know he exhists, I know I should love him but I don't. Not now."
"And I can't be the least bit curious about that. You think its wrong of me to ask? I'm going to be your husband Elizabeth which means I should know about these things."
"Damnit Sly I didnt' say that - you have a right to know - I never said you didn't. This is hard for me ok - I used to believe - I used to believe in every single fiber of my being. I used to believe that God was love perfected - you know. I used to believe that all things happened for a reason. Now I believe that there is no rhyme or reason to anything he does. He just decides - oh this little girl should have to deal with how cruel and mean the world is - boom lets kill her parents." Liz says lowering her head to her hands crying.
"Can you talk to someone about it?" He asked softly. "Can you talk to someone who would try and help you see that light agian?"
"Why? So I can believe in a fairy tale again - so I can beleive that he loves me - I wont do that to myself again. I dont' see how you can beleive. He took your parents too - he took my parents - he never gave me a chance to say goodbye." She says crying.
"I never got to say goodbye either." Sly said. "I never got to say goodbye to a lot of people but he did this for a reason Elizabeth and hating him for it won't let you understand the reason."
"You know what - here's your chance. My minister at the time, friends, my gram - they've all tried to convince me that this wasn't personal-- here's your chance - convince me God is good. Come on - here's your chance." Liz says, still in tears but with a very indignant look on her face - she's heard this speech before.
"Could you sit with me please?" Sly asked. "Sit down, look at me, and really really try and listen to what I'm saying. Please...for me?"
"Sure Sly." She says sitting down running her hands through her hair.
Sly took a deep breath and started to talk, thinking along the way.
"I don't know how you convince someone that God is real. I dont think you can. When this happened to me people were telling me up in heaven that God needed angels and that I would see them again one day soon. All I was thinking is if God needed angels didn't he need me to or didn't he like me enough to be one." He shook his head, thinking this wasn't coming out right. "I blamed him for so long. I hated him with an intense passion. I did things to piss him off. I cursed off my aunt, I stole things, I beat people up. Anythign that ticked God off or broke a commandement was done by Sly Eckert. As for loving him? Yeah I was far from it and I made sure he knew that too. Sound familiar?"
"I never did that much - I just stopped trying to care = stopped trying to think about this bullshit that he loves us and never gives us more than we can handle - sorry I didnt' handle losing my parents well."
"But you see Elizabeth, you handled it." Sly said. "God gives and God takes away. I don't know why he took your parents and I don't know why he took mine. I do know he did it for a reason though. Maybe it was to make you strong, to teach you how to surivie on your own, to realize how precious things were in life, and how to never take things for granted. Maybe this was his way of showing you tought love."
"Well he didnt' show me squat - he made me not care - he made me break a vow I made to myself - I vowed I'd never ever do drugs...well I did. I got so stoned and drunk for months afterwords."
"I'm sorry Lizzie your wrong." Sly said shaking his head. "God didn't make you do anything. You chose to do drugs and get drunk. He didn't put that bottle in your hand or that weed in your mouth. He didn't make you smoke it or drink it. You chose that path to hide your pain."
"Ok this is where I start to get defensive." Thats all Liz said and leaned down on her legs - elbows on her knees, defensivly, still crying.
"I'm sorry but its true." Sly said. "I did all that stupid shit before and I paid the price for it Elizabeth. I realized what I did was wrong and I asked for his forgiveness. I got it and now I'm a better person. Don't you regret what you did? Aren't you sorry for it? Aren't you sorry that you hurt God?"
"NO I'm not - cos he hurt me so much worse. He killed my parents - he left me alone and scared to love. He left a scar that still hasn't completely healed, I dont know if it ever will." She stood up, figuring that she had just lost Sly. She took his ring off and held it out to him. "Here I wont' hold you to this - I can't be the little religious wife you want." She says crying barely able to control it.
Sly looked up at her and his heart broke. He stood up not touching the ring she had in her hands.
"What did he give you Elizabeth? I know he took something away. I know theres a hole in your heart that will never heal but what did he give you that helped it heal."
"Is that it?" Sly asked. "I mean did time do the trick?"
"I'm still not healed Sly - thats why we are fighting right now - cos I can't tell you that I approve of my wedding to be in a church, cos I can't tell you that I forgive God. I don't - I'm angry - I'm bitter and I'm scared. I'm not ready to say - oh ok I believe whole heartedly again. Here Sly - I can tell you need your wife to be as religous as you and thats not going to be me." Liz reaches down with her hand and puts her engagement ring in his hand.
Sly grasped her hand with his own.
"Your parents were brought on this earth and they did something beautiful and sacred." Sly whispered, almost angrily. "They created you and you, to them, were God's gift. God gave you something Elizabeth, he gave you me, just like he gave me you. He put us together for some reason. I don't know what it is although I would've liked to talk it out, find out together. I proposed to you before I knew your religious feelings. I promised to love you no matter what and it breaks my heart and soul to have you stand her and hand this back to me. So you know what maybe your right Elizabeth, maybe we shouldn't do this. Its not because of the religious feelings though maybe its because your still too damn scared to love." He let go of her hand and dropped the ring in it. "Keep it. Let it remind you of what could have been."
"Sly - can you honestly say that you could marry me knowing that I dont' believe in God? Tell me that doesnt' bother you - tell me it won't cause problems over and over again in our marriage and I'll gladly become your wife. But Sly I don't want us to fight every other week over this."
"Have we fought over this before this day? You believe in God, you just hate him right now. I could marry you. I could marry you if you were freaking agnostic but what you just did...I mean why? Why this sudden doubt that I would fight every week with you?"
"Cos you did one of the things you promised me you never would. You told me my feelings were wrong. It was like you were laying down the law. Sly my feelings aren't wrong - I have a right to feel whatever I want and it hurt me so bad when you told me I was wrong after I told you how I feel about God. I can't marry you if you think your right and I'm wrong when it comes to my feelings. They are mine and I wont' have anyone in my life who tells me my feelings are wrong. Remember our very first fight? The eggs in Kellys - same thing Sly."
"Fine." Sly said, fighting to control his voice. "I can't do this anymore I really can't. I am so sick of fighting with you and trying to win battles that I"m not going to win. I never NEVER said your feelings were wrong!" He was yelling now, his emotions out of control. "Its over...for good. No marriage, no nothing."
"Ok." She says letting the tears fall - knowing what she heard replaying it in her mind.....(("I'm sorry Lizzie your wrong." Sly said)) she blamed God for taking away her parents and making her not care enough about her life to break her vow of staying substance free and he told her she was wrong. Maybe it was best to get this out and over with now - after all if she started to love him without reservation - the minute she did that - God would take him too.
Sly looked at her, his eyes trying to search her soul, trying to figure out why she would give him up this easily and then suddenly the thoughts that he once had come back to him. He held her tear streaked face in his hands.
"It's okay to hate him Lizzie." He whispered the tears sliding down his face. "Its okay to not now how you feel about God. Its ok to love him one minute and want to scratch his eyes out the next. I can't pretend I know what your feeling. Yeah I went through the same thing but everyone feels differently. Its okay to be mixed up. I'm going to love you no matter what your feelings about God are. I loved you before I knew and I still love you now. I'm here forever, for rich or for poor, for better or worse, if you hate God or not. I'm not going anywhere...ever."
"Really? You still want me?" She wipes a tear from her cheek.
Sly took the ring from her hand, slipped it on her finger, and then kissed it.
"Haven't you taken the hint Webber?" He asked. "I'm going to want you for the rest of my life."

Emily collapsed down on the bed in the new cottage.
"So Spencer." Emily replied. "Did you happen to notice that beautiful blond today in Italy?" She laughed at herself and at how quickly they changed country's.
"Who what? No baby - I didn't see anyone." He collapses on top of her kissing her then rolling to the side.
"Exactly." Emily replied. "I absolutely love you with every fiber of my being."
"Really???" That Spencer grin emerging..."Do tell"
"Well." Emily said sliding on top of him. "I was planning on showing you." She kissed his neck softly. "But if you rather I tell you..." She replied sliding off of him.
"Oh you are so much better with visuals." Lucky caught her around the waist keeping her atop him.
"Hmm, that's what I thought." She replied. She sat on top of him, straddling his legs, and tugging his shirt from his waist. "Get rid of this please."
"Yes ma'am." Lucky smiled as he removed his shirt.
Emily leaned down and started to kiss his neck.
"I'll never need food when I got you." She replied. She ran her tongue along his collarbone as her fingers play with his left nipple. She started to grind her hips softly against his.
"Ms Quartermaine what are you doing?" He smirks enjoying every minute of this.
"Oh, I'm sorry." She said sitting up. "I was trying to seduce you but I can stop." She looked around the room. "I know there's a toy around here somewhere."
"Oh?" He smirks. "Are you looking for the one in the front middle compartment of your backpack?"
"How about the one right here?" She asked as she reached behind her and started to massage his erection. "Or would you rather I not play with that one?"
"OH you are getting bold woman. Is that what mind blowing sex does for you? Lets you get daring and bold with your man?" He smiles at her and runs his hand into her hair - loving every minute of this.
"Oh your ego." She replied and gripped him slightly. "I never said mind blowing." She unbuttoned her top button on her jean and then played with the zipper zipping it up and then down.
"Oh ok...and I'm to assume the 6 orgasms were not enough for you? I'm sorry - next time I'll go for 10 and you wont' walk for a week." He looks at her and grabs her hand as she has her jeans unzipped. "Take them off- now." He tries to use his controlling voice - to see if she'll play along.
"Yes sir." Emily replied and licked her lips. She lifted herself off of him and disposed of her jeans. She then sat down next to his laying form running her hand up and down his naked chest.
"What do you want me to do next?"
"Oh woman dont' tempt me." He smiles closing his eyes - never having allowed himself to imagine a woman listening to him like this. He just couldnt' stand her teasing him with those jeans.
Emily ran her hand down his chest and over his jeans again. She leaned down to whisper in his ear.
"Do you want me under your control Lucky? I'll do whatever you ask. Its always been a fantasy of mine."
Lucky closed his eyes and smiled - he could feel his erection growing with her saying that. "Emily kiss me - every inch of me."
"It would be my pleasure cowboy." She whispered and moved on top of him. Emily kissed his forehead and then his nose, followed by his cheek and chin. She then kissed his lips lingering a little and licking his mouth. She moved down to his neck and laid butterfly kisses along the lenght of it. She kissed his collarbone and then down to his chest. She laid small kisses on his nipples but then decided she wanted to play a little more. She flicked her tongue against his right nipple and then circled around it. She rubbed it between her thumb and forefinger and then flicked it agian before taking it into the heat of her mouth and biting it.
"Woman - I bite back. Be gentle with your man. Wouldn't want me to have to tie you to the bed." He smiles.
Emily looked up at him and smiled.
"Did I ever tell you about the fantasy that involved handcuffs?" She asked running across his chest while moving to his other nipple.
"No but you will....when you are done thanking me for being such a wonderful boyfriend and not flirting. Emily show me how much you appreciate that." He lets his hand massage her scalp through her long silky hair.
Emily looked at him for a mere second letting their eyes link, hers brown, his the ocean blue.
"I love you." She whispered and kiss the way to the top of his jeans. She pulled the button undone and then ran the zipper down, fellings his erection growing beneath.
"I love you Emily." He smiled in anticipation.
Emily smiled and zippered him back up. She then straddled him again and slipped her shirt off of her body.
"Having fun?" She asked, a slight teasing voice in her tone.
"I was having more fun a few minutes ago - Emily finish what you started."
"Aw." Emily said and rocked against his manhood. "Your not enjoying this?"
He bucked his body up under her, trying to drive his erection into her with no luck. It was still confined and she still had her panties on. "Emily - undo my zipper and kiss me." He said confident that she would not do it if it bothered her.
"Kiss you?" Emily asked unhooking her bra. "All you want me to do is kiss you?" She slid off of him and then kissed him over his pants. She felt him throb with desire under her lips. She unzippered his jeans slowly and then pulled them off. She kissed her way back up his legs and then roughly massaged his erection over his boxers. She then pulled them off quickly revealing his manhood. She laid a quick kiss on him.
"Just a kiss?" She asked, her eyes smiling at him.
"Emily - take me in your mouth - dont' tease - satisfy - thank me with your mouth baby."
"That's exactly what I had in mind." Emily whispered. She leaned over him, her hair brushing against him and took Lucky in her mouth. Her tongue swirled around the tip of him, licking and suckling him softly, while her hand slowly slid up and down his shaft.
"Mmmm Baby." Lucky let his body enjoy her sweet torcher - she was excellent at this and she knew it.
Emily removed him from her mouth for a tiny second. She took the tip of him in her hand and laid butterfly kisses along the lenght of him. She ran her tongue down him and then back up. She then ran up tongue under him too tasting all of him and trying to please him as much as she good. She then took all of him in her mouth, as best as she could, and began to suckle him.
"Em!" He let out - she was teasing him and the torcher was so divine he never wanted it to end.
Emily placed her hand back on the end of him as she slipped her in and out of her mouth slowly. She ran her tongue under him as she did so and tried to consume all of him. She suckled him as he was back in her mouth and breathed on him slightly when he wasn't.
"Em - more- a little more" Lucky begged wanting his release so bad.
Emily slipped him in her mouth again and swirled her tongue around his whole manhood then running it up and down him. She moved her hand up and down his waist massaging it softly. Her hair was rubbing against his thighs and her tongue continued to swirl and torment from the tip to his shaft.
"Em!" He moaned. "More. Take more in your mouth." He said almost coherently.
Emily placed both of her hands on the side of Lucky's legs. She kneeled in between him and let more of him in her mouth. She swallowed and took all of him in her mouth then. She then started to suckle again clutching the sheet for support.
"EM!" He says loudly then starts to wiggle away from her pushing up on her shoulders. He didnt' feel right releasing in her mouth and he knew his release was only a matter of seconds away.
Emily forced herself down on Lucky again and was confused as to why he was moving. She swirled the lenght of him again with her tongue and then deep throated him.
"EM!" His voice in loud throaty moan as his release took over his body and spilled down Emilys throat. His body convulsed a moment and he collapsed against the bed. Moving his hands to pull Em to his open arms.
Emily smiled and nuzzled his neck.
"Thank you." She whispered.
"For what?" Lucky asks in amazement. "You did all the work."
"For loving me enough to not flirt with that blond." She said. "And the only thing I did was please my lover. Its something that in turn pleases me."
"I love that you know?" Lucky smiles running his hand over her hair.
"Love what?"
"You calling me your lover - and doing it so casually - like its a fact that you've finally accepted - its so sensual."
"You are my lover, Luck." She replied. "And you don't know how proud I am to say it."
"Good - cos I love you - Ms Quartermaine. And you are the best - the best lover I've ever had." He smirks at her then kisses her.
******************************* Chapter 32

"I"m getting married soon." Sly replied in bed with a smile. "I"m in love, I'm on the run, and I'm getting married soon. How about that for an exciting life?"
"Don't forget you just got laid." Liz laughs, running her hand over his bare chest as she cuddles to him.
"Ah yes and I was laid." Sly said draping his arm over her shoulder. "Can I ask you something else about the wedding?"
"Anything baby." She smiles and kisses his chest.
"I know this is kinda touchy but who do you want to marry us?" Sly asked. "It's up to you."
"I'd love to here it." Sly replied.
"We get married by a priest - but outside somewhere - not in a church." She hoped he went for this because she still wasn't up for a church wedding.
"Lizzie, I planned on getting married outside somewhere." Sly said. "I know you don't feel comfortable in a church and I respect that. I just want to know if you don't feel comfortable with a priest saying the vows. If now then we can fix that too. This is supposse to the best day of you life, I wanna make it a dream come true."
"Its your life too Sly - you're wedding too. I like priests they are nice people I don't have a problem with one - and besides won't we be the ones saying the vows - he'll just be there to make it official."
"The day's already going to be perfect because your going to be there." He replied. "I don't need a thousands flowers and tons of guests. I need an official, the two boneheads in the next room, and my lovely bride. And future Mrs. Eckert we have to work on those lovely vows."
"Thats what I was thinking - want to try to write them now." Liz smiled and kissed his nipple playfully.
"I have a funny feeling that in this position we won't get much writing done."
"Why?" Liz smiles looking at her fiancee with wide eyes.
Sly laughed and rolled her over on her back.
"Don't play miss innocent with me." He replied. "I know just how "innocent" you can be."
"Who me?" She laughed.
"Your so adorable when you do that." He said. "And tempting to."
"What?" She was having fun playing with him - she loved this side of Sly. The one that adored her playfulness. She bats her eyelashes at him and smiles.
Sly burst out laughing.
"You really, really, really wanna write those vows right now Lizzie?" He asked running his finger down her jawline.
"Yeah I do - cos I think we are in the perfect mood for it." She leans up and kisses him quick.
"Ugh, such a tease." Sly slid off of her and out of bed.
"Tease??? Oh no Mr Eckert- I'm a flirt not a tease- teases make promises they don't keep - I'm a flirt I make no promises at all."
"Ouch." Sly said with a smile. "That's worse than a tease."
"Get your sexy body back in this bed - but dont' forget the paper."
"I'm not writing our vows in bed." Sly replied.
"Why - we can cuddle that way?" She uses the innocent look again - "I promise to behave."
"Elizabeth, the instant I get back in bed with you vows are going to be the last thing on my mind." He said.
"Ok you sit all the way over there." She pouts playfully- stands up naked and lays down on top of the sheets with her head at the foot of the bed so that she is near him.
"You really love doing that to me don't you?" Sly asked.
"What?" She smiled. "Honey I just thought it would be easier if I was facing you when we wrote these vows. I mean after all we both have to agree to them forever."
Sly walked over towards the bed and kneeled down in front of her.
"One more time." He replied. "That's it just one more time and then we can write our hearts out."
"One more time for what honey? I dont' understand?" She smiles with her eyes too.
"I wanna make love to you, right here." He said and pulled her towards him. "C'mon Lizzie."
"But honey I thought we were writing our wedding vows?" She tried despertly not to laugh.
"Tell me you are not that cruel." He said.
"I"m not that cruel." She rolls over onto her back and pulls him up to her. Kissing him.
"I love you I love you I love you." Sly mumbled against her mouth.
"Yeah big man -- prove it." Liz dares with a smirk.
"I'm sorry I recall doing all the work last night." Sly said with a smile. "I think I should get some loving."
"Oh baby -- What do you want - let Lizzie give you pleasure." She smirks rolling over on top of him smiling. "You want oral pleasure or the whole body experiance - would you like to get kinky or be romantic - what do you need from me oh lover of mine." She is having way to much fun with him tonight.
"Are you taunting me Miss Webber?" Sly asked with a pout. "I thought you weren't cruel."
"I'm just asking what the love of my life would like - I thought you liked having control...tell me what you need tonight baby."
"Be..." Sly said. "Hmm, this is a tough one. Don't know if I want romantic tonight."
"Do you feel like getting dressed and breaking into the restraunt next door?" She smirks remembering his fantasy about doing it on the tables and bars and what not.
"Don't kid like that, that's not funny." Sly said. "Your making fun of my fantasies."
"NO I'm trying to fulfill one but you wont' let me."
"Your on Webber." Sly said. "To next door we go."
"Ok" She puts on a skirt with no panties and a tight top with no bra. Revealing just enough skin to drive him insane.
"Your crazy you know that?" Sly asked slipping on jeans. He grabbed her hands and headed for the door. "Now lets get there before I jump you in the alleyway."
"Hey if you want it in the alley - we can do that too."
"I don't know if I have the stamina to do that." Sly said. "But hell why not try on the way back. Are you going to break in for me too?"
"No thats a Spencer / Eckert speciality - I'm just going to do you on every surface inside."
"You are so fiesty tonight. I love you like this." Sly said. He turned around and faced the door that they were at. He dug in his pocket and pulled out little tools. Soon the door opened for them.
"No alarms. Are you okay with this? Because I don't want you to do anything just to please me."
She pushed him inside and shut the door. They entered through the kitchen and she backed sly up the large chrome table in the midde of the kitchen, used for prep work for the cooks. She backs him up against it and runs her hand over his erection, shocked at how ready he was just by breaking in here. "Where would you like it first honey?"
"We could start off here." Sly replied. "Work out way into the dining area."
"You got it." She pushes against his hips getting him to sit on the island table. She crawls up on top of him and with her hands inches her skirt up just a bit so she can straddle him easily. She lets her hands massage his erection through his jeans. She unbuttons his jeans then unzips them. Liz leans down and kisses Sly hard on the mouth. "When I'm through with you - you'll be whipped."
Sly laughed.
"So sure of yourself Lizzie." He replied. He leaned his head back as he felt her tiny hands on his large manhood. He smiled just imaging how much fun they were about to have.
"You'll admit it don't worry." She undid the zipper and reached her hand in and pulled his erection out and began to massage it, letting it grow in her hands. She didn't shy away, she stared at him with desire. "Sly you are so big." She smirks as she moves her body so it lines up over him and perches there - with the tip of him almost inside her, her body resting there waiting for his next move.
"Are you waiting for an inviation?" Sly asked with a smile.
"Oh so you arent' going to give me what I want this time? Ok I see how you are." She let her body slide down and take his hard manhood inside of her. Soon she was grinding her hips into him taking him deeper and deeper. She moved her hands to her shirt and pulled it over her head while still moving on him.
"Your so beautiful." Sly murmured. He reached out and caressed her breast before his mouth descended upon her nipple, bitting it softly.
"Oh baby -" She squeezed her muscles knowing that would send Sly over the edge.
"Lizzie." Sly groaned through clenched teeth. His body shuddered beneath her and he had to pulled back so he didnt bite her. Somehow, this quickly, he could feel himself build up again. He slid off of the table and held Liz's body againt his.
"Let's move in the other room shall we?"
"Lead the way - anyplace you want it." She smirked running her hand over his behind and squeezing a little.
Sly slid Liz down his body, entincing him even further, and then clasped her hand as they walked out into the dining room. He surveyed the area with a smile. He really did love her for this.
"What do you think?" He asked. "Bar, table, piano?"
"Well we do make beautiful music together." She smirked hoping she was giving him the fantasy he always wanted.
"I like your thinking." Sly replied backing her up towards the piano. "Did I tell you yet that I love you for this?"
"Yeah I think you did but thats not what I want to hear when we are done....take control Sly - tell me exactly what you want."
Sly stopped abruptly.
"I wanna screw you on the bar."
"please" Liz begged. Wanting him to know that she was into this completely.
Sly picked her up in his arms and started to walk towards the bar. He ran his hands up and down her naked back, gripping her skin in certain places. Her body was hot and starting to sweat, that turned him on even more. He pushed her back against the bar and starting nibbling on her neck.
Liz ran her hands over his back and in his hair. Moving her head to the side to give him more access. "Leave me a mark of tonight baby?" She asked. She'd never allowed hickies and thought he'd like the gesture. She ran her hands down to encircle his waist.
"Are you sure?" Sly whispered against her neck. "Cause I can keep moving my way down if you want me to." He didn't want to push her into anything, her doing this for him was enough.
"I"m sure. And you can keep moving down." She loved that he wanted permission even when she was completely submitting to him to fulfill his fantasy.
"Well." Sly said now slightly nipping on her neck. "We can work on this over at the table." His tongue slid down her collarbone and towards her breast. "Or at the paino." He then kissed her nipples softly his tongue swirling over them. "But right now." He replied kissing her stomach. "I just wanna get down to business." He then gripped her waist tightly and lifted her onto the bar. "If you don't mind."
"I dont' mind at all." She moved her legs to accomandate him between them. Letting him know that she was almost as excited as he was. She ran her hands into his hair and pulled him to her.
"Move back." Sly said. He was trying to get her to move further down the bar so he could join her up there.
Liz slid back seductively, curling her finger at him inviting him to join her.
Sly hopped up on the bar as he crawled towards her.
"You are the sexiest most sensual woman I have ever laid eyes on." He replied as he placed himself between her legs. "And I wanna screw you so much it hurts."
"So baby - take me -- come on I'm so wet for you I'm going to die." She says while moving her hands down the front of him unzipping his pants again and taking him in her hands.
Sly placed his hands on her thighs and pushed them father apart. He then slid his arm around her waist and thrusted into her hard. He hoped he didn't hurt her and yet that one movement gave him more excitement.
"Oh Sly - more." It felt so good for him to just take - and not be perfectly tender and loving. It was time he got his fantasy.
Sly placed his hands on either side of her body and held his knees tightly against her legs. He pounded into her again and against his need for her obvious. He leaned down and kissed her long and hard, teasing her mouth with his tongue. He felt her moisten beneath him and he moaned from the back of his throat.
Liz could feel her body begin to betray her and she wanted him to get his enjoyment - wondering if he'd ever let himself act like this again she arched her hips slightly off the bar. Then nibbled lightly on his bottom lip and nibbled softly on his collarbone. "more." Was all she could say he felt so great, her body felt so many things all at once.
Sly felt the things buidling inside of him. Things were happening so quickly tonight and he didn't mind at all. There was a beautiful woman, laying on top of a bar, making love to him, just to fulfill his fantasies. The thought excited him as he thrusted into her over and over sending himself over the edge and releasing deep inside of her. He squeezed his eyes shut and screamed her name out against her neck as his body shuddered above her.
Liz let her body release after she felt him. She layed back on the bar taking him with her, holding him tight. His face nestled against her neck.
Sly felt his leg slip off the bar and he laughed.
"When I fantasized this I never knew the bar was actually this tiny."
"Well honey - you definatly make good use of this tiny space. Where next?" She wanted to see if he was spent or had more fantasy to fulfill.
"Table looks enticing but I am getting tired." Sly replied. "Would you mind terrible if I submitted to just making love on the paino."
"Making love or sex Sly? You are incredible like this = this hunger inside of you is amazingly sexy." She says slowly sliding off the bar and helping him down.
"You wanna have sex Lizzie." Sly asked walking towards the paino. "We can have sex." While it was his fantasy in the end he just wanted to please her.
She stopped him before he lifted her onto the piano and held him close. "Sly what I want is for you to cut loose all of your inhibitions right now - I want you to realize that I love you with every fiber of my being, I am going to be your wife and I want to experiance all of you - hormones, fantasies, impulses everything. I want the hunger, passion, lust, love, desire, horiness, biting, licking, throbbing. I want all of you Sly." She kissed him and nibbled on his bottom lip then moved down and nibbled on his neck a little. Hoping to remind him that she is not outlawing anything tonight.
Sly lifted her body up on the side of the paino and stepped between her open legs. He took her hand and guided it down his stomach and over his manhood.
"I want you to feel me." He said. "I want you to touch me." He then leaned against her neck and nipped at it, starting to work on her rememberence of this night.
"I wanna touch you too." He whispered sliding his other hand down between her legs.
She could barely handle the sensations that he was provoking in her. Her hand went to work on massaging him. Touching and caressing him, letting his body throb against her hand. "More Sly - please."
Sly slid another finger inside of her and started to slid them in and out. He started to suck gently on her neck, flicking his tougue across it, and then biting it lightly.
"Sly!" She moaned loudly. She quickly took him out of his pants and began to stroke the length of him, she could feel the heat his mouth was generating on her neck, and the fire his fingers were igniting. "Please give me you - inside me Please!"
Sly tore himself away from her neck and groaned. The excitment her hand was giving him was unexplainable. He stared deep into her eyes and his fingers still pounded in and out of her.
"Come for me Lizzie." He whispered huskily as he went to work on her neck.
"You keep doing that and its unavoidable." She smiled teasing him with her hands but losing the thoughts from her head.
Sly pouted.
"I thought I was in control."
"You are" She says arching her body towards his.
Sly pulled back from her, letting his hands slip out of her.
"But you were just teasing me."
"Sly!" Liz almost screams wanting his body back in her - he wanted her to reach her peak for him he had to help. He even moved his mouth - not fair. She looked at him directly in the eye with a look that says, take me now. Liz's hand wrapped a little tighter around his erection.
"Do you want something Elizabeth?" Sly asked a smile tugging on his lips.
"Yes - you. Please."
"How bad do you want me Lizzie?" Sly asked pushing her back on the paino and climbing up there with her.
"So bad - Sly I can't take it - I need you - please -- you want my release please help me get it."
"You really really want me?" Sly asked as the tip of his erection touched her womanhood. He pressed his hot mouth against her neck again, licking her.
Yes Sly - please! Slide deep inside Sly." She moans as his lips touch her neck, her hips arch trying to let him inside. Her arms wrapped around him trying to urge him in.
Sly pressed himself into her slightly as his tongue slipped over her breast. He tried to slid in slowly, teasing her, but soon he felt his need over come him. He thrusted into her hard but then stopped completely.
"Remind me again how much you want me?"
"Sly I need you - I want you inside me deep please." Wanting him to slide in so she can use her muscles against him, knowing how much he enjoys that. She kisses his nipple, running her hand on the small of his back.
Sly smiled at the way she was pleading beneath of him. He started to do what he had done earlier and thrusted deeply into her. She seemed to like the rough side of him so he decided to be free with her. His hands were rubbing her breasts and his mouth was back on her neck, hitting her weak spot.
She instantly bucked against the weight of him, opening her legs more and finally as she felt him get deep inside her for the 5th or 6th time she clamped her muscles around the swell of his manhood holding him deep inside her, holding him incredibly tight. She knew this would drive Sly crazy.
"God Elizabeth." Sly moaned. He bit down on her neck as he felt things building inside of him. He was going to tease her till she was begging though. He pulled out of her slowly and then thrusted into her again. He then pulled out again, lingering at the tip of her.
"Do you want me to come for you?" She dared ask - knowing his answer.
"Do you want to come for me?" He dared back.
"You asked me to Sly." She smiled and did something she never thought she would. She moved her hand down and let it slide between them. Touching herself, letting him feel her get some liquid on her fingers, she brought her fingers up to Sly and put one on his bottom lip. "I thought you should know I did." She smirks.
Sly opened his mouth and her fingers slipped in. His tongue swirled around them and he slipped inside of her again. He started to thrust inside of her now wanting to fulfill his need and give her what she was pleading for.
"Come again." He whispered against her ear. "Come with me."
"Yes Sly." She squeezed and released her muscles as he moved in and out.
"Lizzie." Sly moaned thrusting harder. When she did that it always seemed to push him over the edge. He could feel himself about ready to lose control
"God Liz."
"Come on Baby - more." She squeezed again hoping he would finally let go and release them both from this perfectly sweet torcher.
Sly groaned as he felt himself and Lizzie climax into oblivion at the same exact moment. He almost collapsed ontop of her but managed to lay beside her breathlessly.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you Sly -" She kissed his forhead then added. "Any more fantasies you want fulfilled?" She smiled hoping he'd tell her another one - but praying he'd let them wait to fulfill it, she was exhausted.
"I have a fantasy about going back to bed right now." Sly replied. "We can talk about my other fantasies in the morning."
"OK lets go - But hold me tight - I can barely walk. And lets not forget my shirt." She laughed as they crawled off the table, satisfied that she pleased her man.
"Lizzie...didn't you say something about being whipped?" Sly asked with a smile.

****************** Chapter 33

"So Emily - are you having fun seeing the world?" Lucky smiles at her as he
brings the popcorn into the living room so they can cuddle in front of the TV.
"Who wouldn't be?" Emily asked grabbing the bowl. "We've been to Switzerland,
France, Italy, and now Ireland. I can't wait until we can tell our children
and grandkids about this."
"Children and grandkids? Ms Quartermaine are you finally starting to beleive
in our future?" Lucky asks with a smile not wanting to be heartbroken if she
says no.
"You are so not getting rid of me Spencer." Emily replied with a laugh. "It
took me four damn years to get you and now that I have, I'm not letting
"Really? And who's to say I'm sticking around?" He smiles.
"You love me and there is no one else that will ever touch your heart like I
do." She said with a cocky grin. "Besides, I'm the best lover you ever had."
"And you know this how?" Lucky smiles- eating this up. Em is finally
confident or at least starting to be.
"Oh I recall a certain incident the other day when I was thanking you and I
believe you said that I was the best lover you ever had." Emily replied. "Or
are you going to plead the heat of the moment thing?"
"How about if I plead unconditional love?" He smirks.
"See, I knew it." Emily replied with a smile. "You just love me way too much
to get rid of me and I'm smart enough to keep you around."
"Ok we were doing really well until you insluted me." She replied.
"I didn't insult you honey - I'm just thankful for this attitude from you -
its been a long time coming."
"Lucky, you have to understand that I dont think that highly of myself." She
replied softly brushing a strand of hair away from his face. "When this
gorgeous guy walks into my life and says that he wants me to be his I
"Please dont' go backwards - you had confidence a few minutes ago - I thought
I've proved I'm real - I'm in this for the long haul."
"Oh I know." Emily said with a smile. "I was just explaining why i was such a
crazy lunatic."
"You explained that too me earlier - I love you - always have - always will."
"Oh." Emily said with a laugh. "Don't tell me I'm wrong and that i'm not a
"Well .... " Lucky starts to laugh and throw popcorn at her.
Emily lunged at him and started to tickle him.
"You think I'm crazy huh? Huh? Do you?"
"Maybe." Lucky laughed and tickled back. "Crazy about me."
"I'm way beyond crazy about you." She replied. "I wanna spend the rest of my
life with you."
"You are? When did I ask you to?" Lucky laughed again.
"Ok fine." Emily said and shoved him away. "I'll just find another dashing
man to love me."
"No one will ever love you as good as me."
"Don't you want to spend the rest of your life with me?" Emily asked with a
"Maybe - you gonna stay confident in my love for you?"
Emily smiled and touched his cheek gently.
"I have no reason to doubt you and more. You told me how much you loved me
and then you showed me like no one else ever has. There will never be another
man for me Lucky. I swear that to you."
Lucky turned to her and put his hand on her knee. "Swear to me you won't
doubt me anymore. Swear to me you will trust me always - even when I tell
you you are the most amazing and beautiful woman in the world." Lucky says a
tear ready to drop from his eye. Having Emily doubt his intentions and
sincereity really hurt him - although he never let it show, it was starting
to show now.
"Lucky I love you. I swear to you that I will trust you always, I swear to
you that I will never doubt your love again, and I swear to you that I am
going to love you for the rest of my life."
Lucky breathed a sigh of relief. " I love you Emily - I swear to you - you
hold my heart in your hands - I'm trusting you with the most vital part of
"And I will never break it." Emily said smiling softly. "We've climbed the
biggest hill Lucky. There's nothing on earth that could come between us."
"Good cos I'm tired of fights - I just want to love you."
"Ok no more fights, just a lot of love." Emily replied.

Sly tapped Elizabeth on the head with a pencil.
"Lizzie dear, wake up, its time to write our vows."
"OH you better be naked or you are dead." She says rolling over and biting
his chest.
"Ow." Sly said and bopped her with the pencil. "Behave we have some writing
to do."
"Stop that - hitting me with a pencil is going to get me mad -- your first
vow - I promise to always wake Liz up with a kiss - not a frickin pencil
tap." Liz says - almost wanting to beat him - man she hated mornings.
Sly leaned over and kissed her fully on the lips.
"Mornin' baby." He whispered.
"Thats better." She smiles. "Ok lets write."
"Ok how do you want to start off?" He asked.
"Well I thought that we'd write the parts that are vows to one another - but
at the wedding I would like to say something to you before the vows...if
thats ok?"
"Depends." Sly said with his eyebrows crossed. "What exactly are you going to
"Well I was going to say something sweet and romantic but now maybe I'll just
say something about how good of a fuck you are." She smirked at him. "I
cant' tell you its a surprise. Just something about how much you mean to me.
Is that ok?"
"Geesh you didn't have to get all blunt." He replied. "But since we're on the
subject you wanna tell me how great I was last night?"
"Ah... you were ok." She smirked at him - he wasn't going to get the
satisfaction - "I thought we were writing vows?"
"Eh." Sly said pulling the paper away from her. "Excuse me? Did you say ok? I
don't think you were saying ok last night?"
"Well I dont' think you were either but you wont' tell me what I want to hear
so I'm not telling you - so if we arent' going to write our vows I can go
back to sleep." Liz smiles and rolls over - as she does so her hair moves
and Sly see's the evidence of thier encounter the night before on Liz's neck.
"That's a beautiful little love mark Elizabeth." Sly said running the eraser
top along it. He then leaned down and kissed it gently. He smiled whispered
in her ear,
"You've got me so whipped and I'm damn proud of it." He pulled back quickly.
"Vow number one."
Liz smiles huge. She turns around to face Sly. "I'm whipped too- and Sly
you were absolutely amazing last night. Vow one - fidelity."
"Oh boy." Sly said. "You will never have a problem with me wandering. My cute
little butt ain't never leaving your side. Should we put I vow to be
"Yes. I think that we should. Vow two?"
"Honesty." Sly replied. "Something about us always being honest and open with
one another."
"I vow to always be completely honest with you - and trust you with my
"That works." Sly said jotting it down. "Vow three."
"I dont' know if you'll like this - but something about giving each other
the freedom to be an individual first part of a couple second. Do you know
what I mean?"
"No, could you explain a little?"
"Well I've seen so many people who get married and lose themselves. Its like
- they are afraid to be the person that their spouse fell in love with. I
dont' want that to happen to us. I dont' ever want to mold you -- I fell in
love with Sly - just the way you are and I want to give you the freedom once
we are married to stay that way - Sly - first and formost - Lizzies Husband
can be your 2nd identity."
"You dont want anything about me to change Elizabeth?" Sly asked seriously.
"Like my temper?"
"Ok I'm not explaining this well." She sits up on the bed and pulls the
sheet to her. "OK let me see here...I love your kinkiness now - ok I loved
last night I thought it was excellent. What I mean is I don't want to say ok
before we are married you can act like that but after we are married you have
to make love to me only on the 2nd tuesday of the month in missionary
position only with the lights out- You see - thats part of you thats part of
what I fell in love with and I want to give you the freedom to express that
after we are married. As for your temper I never loved that part of you
before we got married so if you change that afterwords - great. Make anymore
sense now?"
"It made sense the first time I was just asking about my temper." Sly said.
"You talk just to here your own voice don't ya?"
"Vow number four." Sly said laughing. "I vow never to call my husband cruel
"That wasnt' cruel that was truthful." Lizzie sticks her tongue out at him.
"How bout standing by one another through thick and thin, rich and poor, that
"Well of course - that and love honor and cherish."
"Did we miss anything?"
"Read them back - like you were saying them on our wedding day lets see how
they sound."
"Elizabeth Webber, I vow to hornor and cherish you for all the days of my
life. I vow to stand by you through thick and thin. I vow to honesty in our
relationship. I vow to freedom so you can have your own idenity. I vow to
fidelity. Before these witnesses today, I vow to love you for all the days of
my life." Sly said. "Your a good screw too."
"You jerk." She tackles him tickeling him.
"Aw come on." Sly said laughing. "The first part was nice."
"I think we need more....what about a vow to keep laughter a part of our
lives and not take ourselves to seriously."
"What about a vow to never go twenty four hours without sex?"
"Oh I can picture you saying that in front of a priest. How about not using
sex as a weapon though - to win a fight or to get our own way."
"Take all the fun out of the relationship." Sly said with a pout. "I think
thats a great idea Elizabeth."
"Ok I got something else that I dont' know if I'll explain well but I'll
try...a vow about keeping our private life private...meaning in public we are
the perfect couple, respectful of each other and loving, if we are fighting
or arguing = we do that at home without involving others."
"Fair enough."
"Any ideas Sly - something you want us to stick to forever?"
"I just want you in my life forever." Sly replied. "I just want you here
every morning and night loving me the way you do right now."
"What about me jumping to conclusions.."
"Jumping to conclusions?"
"Well you told me once you hated that about me - I get an idea about
something - by listening to only part of what you say then go off on a
"Yes, I remember those times so well. I think you should listen to what I
have to say before assuming. You know what they say about assuming."
"Yeah but that works both ways - we can't put a vow in for only one of us -
do you want it in the vows sexy?"
"I know it works both ways." He replied. "Jot it down." Sly watched her take
the pen from him and scribble on there.
"Lizzie, I need to ask you something?"
"Yeah sure honey = what?"
"If this happens again." Sly replied. "What's going on now....can you pick up
everything and leave? Our children, our home...could you do it all for me?"
"Yes Sly - I could and would pack up everything and leave with you if we
needed to."
Sly leaned over and kissed her softly.
"Love you."
"I love you Sly and I will until the end of time."
"Do we have enough?" Sly asked. "can we crawl back into bed now?"
"You hormone....yes we can go back to bed now." Liz smiles at her soon to be
"And you wouldn't want it any other way." Sly replied.
"So you have enough energy?" She dares.
"I thought I demonstrated my staminia last night." He said.
"You did sweetie I just wanted to give you enough time to recouperate."
"Trust me honey I'm recouperated."
"OH then tell me another promised - I need to know if I"m going
to fulfill them." She smiles kissing him.

Next Day

Emily flipped through her Glamour magazine as she heard Lucky singing in the
"How many kids do you want to have?" She asked very loudly.
"Kids?" Lucky asks thinking he heard her right. "At least 2."
"2." Emily said and flipped another page. "2. Easier said then done." She
mumbled to herself. "Well, how do you want to raise them?"
"Baby - wait a sec let me get out of the shower = I can't hear you." Lucky
said as he shut the water off. He hurriedly dried off and walked back into
the bedroom. "OK what was that?"
"I asked how you wanted to raise them." Emily replied and smiled. She threw
her magazine open on the bed. "Do you see all these adorable little babies?
It makes me wonder what our kids are going to be like."
"Our kids are going to be wonderful and smart and our daughter will be drop
dead gorgeous like her mother - our son will be brilliant and stop traffic
sexy like his father." Lucky smiles as he holds the towel around his waist
and kisses her on the forhead.
"That's funny." Emily replied. "I never saw you stop traffic before so I hope
he gets his gorgeous looks from me."
"Oh you are really funny today - you want your toy - it may be your only
satisfaction after that comment." Lucky acts all hurt.
"I thought you liked that I was confident?" Emily asked.
"Confident yes - not totally in awe of me - no."
Emily burst out laughing.
"Well, I hope they get their confidence from you."
"Me too - whats with all the talk of kids and how we are going to raise them?
What are you really asking me Em?" Lucky sits down on the bed still in his
towel but serious now. Wanting to know what she is thinking about.
Emily shrugged her shoulders.
"I was just wondering what it was going to be like with raising our kids.
What they would look like, how they would act, how we would act, how we would
discipline them."
"Well whats your take on it? What do you think your parenting ability will
be like - how do you want to discipline and reward them?"
"I dont know." Emily replied. "I'm not that big on rewards. I don't think a
child should be rewarded for cleaning their room, or getting good grades, or
taking out the trash. Those are things that are their responsibility and they
shouldn't be bribed to do it. As for discipline, I like the sit in the corner
method. Very affective still."
"Woah- we differ quite a bit babe. I think you are right we do need to talk
about this."
"I guess your views are different." Emily replied.
"Yeah. I think the reward system is invaluable in raising a confident child.
Thats how I was raised. My dad spanked me when I was way out of line but
rewarded me for doing the right thing. Its so easy for a child to get lost
in this society and I mean emotionally lost that if you raise them -
constantly praising them they feel that they make the right choices - thus an
adult that is confident in thier choices, confident in themselves." Lucky
wasn't sure how she would take this but was happy that they are talking about
"I dont think there's anything wrong with praising our children." Emily said.
"If our child does great I'm going to tell them that but I'm not going to
give them twenty bucks for a grade on their report card and I'm sorry but i
will never want to hit my children."
"OK Em - breath. We have to talk about this and I can see you getting upset
"Its not that I'm getting upset, just maybe a little worried."
"Worried about what? We have different opinions about stuff that is nothing
abnormal with us. What is worrying you?" Lucky asked.
"If we both have very different ideas about how we want to raise our kids how
are we going to be able to raise them if we cant agree on it." Emily said.
"Why are you so quick to assume that we wont' be able to agree on something.
Emily - this is a relationship - this is how it works - we discuss things -
"Well Luck, how do you compromise on disciplining a child?"
"Well first you talk about your beliefs - just like any other topic. Why are
you so adament about refusing to reward a child for good grades on his report
card - are you equally adament about not punishing him if he gets bad grades?
Does this mean he gets neither rewarded or punished for his grades?? Am I
understanding your view on this part?"
"Oh no bad grades deserve a punishment." Emily said. "But why are you going
to reward a child for getting A's. Thats saying for every A you get you get
twenty dollars so then they get A's but what are they really learning from
it? They're just learning that if I keep my grades high enough I get money
they aren't learning the subject itself."
"Ok but by punishing them for not getting good grades we are teaching them
fear and shame - I would rather my son or daughter feel comfortable enough to
come to me and say Dad I'm doing poorly in math I need extra help. But if
they fear the consequence of getting bad grades where is the desire to try
and learn. In my household growing up - there was always a positive and
negative to every action. I want our children to know that too."
"So your going to let them slide if they fail?" Emily asked.
"No but I don't believe in any situation there should only be a negative
consequence - you see what I mean - if the child has the choice to strive
for a reward or risk a punishment- then they have a choice. They learn to
take the responsibility of thier action. If our child knows that a "d" means
being grounded for a week - but getting an "a" gets him nothing - he wont'
have a desire for the "a". My parents didn't always reward me with cash
sometimes it was a cd or dinner at the place I wanted. But I had a goal."
"Ok I have a very simple solution." Emily replied. "I bear them you raise
"Don't do that. Don't get mad at me for not agreeing with you. Talk to me -
this is the only way we will get closer."
"I only get mad at you when you assume I'm mad at you." She said. "I'm not
mad but basically we are in a no win situation. You are trying to get me to
understand something that I don't get. I dont think children should always
get rewards for things that they do. Maybe once, when they bring home all
A's, they should get some money but no not everytime. I'm sorry but I don't
believe in spanking and that is something that I'm not budging on, I
"Ok why?" Lucky asked.
"It's wrong."
"Why is it wrong - is there some like ruling from a higher power that I'm not
aware of or do you think its wrong therefore its the law." Lucky asked.
"Ok fine." She replied. "Then you punish the kids."
"I hate it when you do that? I really do." Lucky says getting off the bed
and walking over to the dresser to start getting dressed. He can see this
conversation going south quick.
"I don't see why I have to explain myself." She said. "Can you accept that it
disturbs me and say, 'Fine Em, I can handle that.' ?"
"NO I can't - because this is my life too - and you are not going to make
mandates that I am going to follow - we've went through this before - this
relationship is equal remember - if you can't discuss it now thats fine - I
accept that - but that also means that we've come to no conclusion about how
we are going to discipline the kids. For that matter if we don't talk like
adults and conduct this relationship as equal there will be no kids." Lucky
says getting upset.
"I can't stand to see children hit." She replied. "It just urks me. I'm
"Emily there is quite a drastic difference between a child being hit and a
child being spanked for a punishment. I agree with you that childern should
not be hit - but I also believe that if a child does something horrible they
should know the fear of a spanking - I dont' advocate it - dad spanked me
twice in my life - once for playing with matches and starting my room on fire
- the other time for stealing a pack of cigerettes." Lucky finishes.
"And how did you look at your father Lucky?" Emily asked. "Did you look at
him like he was your hero when you saw his hand coming around to hit your
behind? Did you think he was still this great amazing guy? Did you? Or did
you eyes flash over with fear? Did they flood with tears as the man you
trusted and loved hurt you all because you did something stupid and wrong?
Did you cry for him to stop? And did he? Or did he still hit you over and
over telling you that..." She bit her lip. "Well I guess you didn't since
your such a big strong Spencer."
"Emily - did the Qautermaines beat you? Did your real mom? Where is this
coming from?"
"Its just how I feel." Emily said softly. "Haven't you ever been in a store
when someone threatened their child. 'If you don't behave I'm going to smack
you' or 'Stop your crying or else I'm going to whomp you in front of all
these people.' Didn't you ever hear the child cry more? It was like they were
trying to get away and all you could do is stand there and hope that that kid
doesn't get hurt by someone they love."
"Emily - that isn't the type of spanking I'm even talking about - spanking
shouldn't be an every day punishment - if our son pulls his sisters hair -
I'm not going to spank him I'm going to scold him and punish him in other
ways - I'm talking about a child should know they are the kid - I knew - I
knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that dad wasn't afraid to spank me - but he
didn't do it half hearted - and Emily he cried just as much as I did when he
spanked me - but I learned - I knew not to touch matches after that. Sitting
in a corner I would have laughed and did it the next day." Lucky pulls his
jeans up and sits back on the bed with her.
"I can't hit my child Lucky." She said in a whisper. "I'm sorry but I just
can't. Because what if I get out of control and don't stop. What if my temper
takes the best of me and I really hurt them."
"Emily - your temper makes you cry - not hit. Trust me I know. Do you want
me to be the disciplinarian?" He offers wanting her to stop crying.
"I can punish, I just can't hit." She replied. "Lucky, I'm sorry. I'm not
turning out to be the wife of your dreams."
"Don't do that - don't doubt that I love you - because I do - I love you with
all of my heart and soul - but Em - I haven't even asked you to be my wife
yet - we have a long way to go before we are ready for that kind of
commitment." Lucky says touching her cheek.
"Your right." Emily said with a small smile. "Maybe I should go grab a shower
now." She patted his leg. "See you when I get out."
"Ok I'll be waiting." He says and gives her a quick kiss.
Emily climbed off the bed and slowly walked towards the shower. She shut the
door and turned the lock so she couldn't be disturbed. She then slid down to
the floor and pulled her legs up to her chin and let the rest of her tears

************************** Chapter 34

~*~*~ 2 Days Later ~*~*~

"Em come on I have a great idea to kill time." Lucky grabs her hand and runs out into the living room "Sly, Liz get dressed and come out here we are going to bond!" He sits down pulling Em on his lap.
Sly opened the door with his hair tousled.
"Lizzie and I were fine bonding in there."
"No you have to bond with us - come on its storming outside - we can't go out and play and I've got an idea."
"I don't want to go out and play anyway." Sly said plopping down on the chair. "What's youre brillant idea?"
"I think we should play a game - find out how well we know each other - you and Liz ask me and Em ?'s about each other - and see if the other one knows. Like I can ask Liz who your favorite band is - if she knows or not?"
"Thats so simple." Sly replied. "Lizzie and I know each other so well. We're gonna kick your butts."
"That's what you think." Emily replied. "Lucky and I have known each other for years."
"OK then if you guys think you rock so hard - go first." Liz dares sitting on Sly's lap.
"Yeah Luck, show them what you got." Emily replied.
"OK....Liz - what was the first job that Sly got paid for?" He smiles.
"Ok...first job. A paper route?" Liz said.
"Nope - he and I had our own business....a worm farm." Lucky replied.
"I'm sorry and you thought you were going to beat us." Emily said laughing.
"Fine - Sly stump them." Liz laughs.
"Name the first girl Lucky kissed." Sly replied.
"That's easy." Emily said. "Christine."
"Em - honey?" Lucky looks at her.
"Or I could be wrong." Emily said her smile fading. "Who did you kiss first?"
"You - when we first met. Remember?" Lucky kisses her really quick and backs away like he did all those years ago.
"No, I didn't." Emily replied. "But I only thought of you as a friend back then and there was so much other stuff I was going through. I hope I didn't hurt your feelings."
"Don't worry sweetie - Stump Sly on Liz." He kisses her neck.
"Sly's first girlfriend." Emily said.
"You Emily." Liz looks at Sly to see if she's right.
Sly shook his head no.
"You Elizabeth." Sly replied. "Emily was the first girl I kissed and that was before I left town. There was nothing ever between us and I didnt date anyone the short time I was in California."
"Opps. But I feel special." She smiles and leans up to kiss him.
Lucky makes a howling sound. "Woha cos - what did you do - turn into the human vaccumm cleaner."
"Are you jealous because you can't give your woman a love mark Spencer?" Sly asked.
"Oh I have them." Emily replied. "You just can't see them."
Lucky makes a mental note to let Em know his appreciation for sticking up for him.
"OK Liz - what is Sly's biggest turn on?" He figures the innocent stuff they obviously dont' know - lets see about this.
"A good restraunt." She smiles.
"She's right." Sly replied with his own smile. "One with a good sterdy bar and big grand piano."
"I dont' think we want to know. You're turn." Lucky says to Sly.
"What's her worst fear?" Sly asked Lucky.
"Being left alone." He holds Em's hand.
"Something like that." Emily replied softly and squeezed his hand. "'Sly, babe, Lizzie's favorite hobby."
"Depends on when your talking about." Sly replied with a grin. "Before me there was art that she painted and kept hidden on the side, then came me and now it sex. Yes I am very conceited."
"And right on the money- but you know once we get married - you aren't getting sex anymore - so it'll be painting again."
Lucky starts laughing hysterically.
"OK Lucky - Emily's favorite position?" She dares trying to shut him up. "OH man - with me on top of course." He smirks not really wanting to embarrass Em.
Emily rolled her eyes playfully.
"I hate when they think they know it all." She smirked. "On top having Lucky squirm under me."
Sly tapped Elizabeth.
"Why aren't I getting sex?"
"Cos thats the rule of marriage honey - haven't you heard - you get it all the time before the ring goes on the finger and makes it offical then - only when you're a really good boy."
Lucky laughs at his cousin. "OK who's turn?"
"I'm gonna be a freaking saint." Sly replied. "Bet your heart on that one. Yours Spencer."
"Elizabeth - What is Sly's pet peeve?"
"With other people or with me?"
"With you."
"When I wrap my mind around something and close off so he can't discuss it with me."
"Oh she's good." Sly replied and kissed her forehead. "And I even love your pet peeve's baby."
"You dont' have to suck up yet honey we aren't married. You'll still get it tonight." She laughs.
"Emily - what is Lucky's worst fear?"
"Losing his loved ones." Emily said questions in her eyes.
"No baby - wanna try again?" Lucky looks at her wondering if she really doesn't know or if she's just trying to be nice in front of everyone.
"Uh..." She swallowed hard. "Losing yourself."
"We get a freebie too." Sly cooed.
"Yeah baby thats it - ok Sly you get a freebee too- lets see. Sly - name Lizzie's biggest insecurity."
"Could you possibly be any more vague?" Lucky looks at him wondering what that comment means.
"This is where I get protective of my lover and say its personal and you are going to have to accept men." Sly said.
"Ok - your question." Lucky respects that and actually respects Sly even more for not answering him.
"Actually its Lizzie turn." Sly said.
"Em - name the one thing about you that Lucky wants you to change."
"This I know like my own name." Emily said with a laugh. "My confidence level."
"Oh she finally gets one right." Lucky laughs kissing her .
"Mmm." Emily said with a smile. "We'll see what you won't be getting tonight. Smartass. Liz, what's Sly's dream car."
"A mustang." She smiled and kissed Sly.
"Ain't she good." Sly said and kissed her. "Why don't you tell me Lucky's favorite car?"
"What kind?"
"The one that drives." Emily replied with a smile.
"Well she's right - I don't care about cars." Lucky laughs.
"Ha-ha, go." Sly replied dryly.
"Sly tell me Liz's favorite song of all time." Lucky laughs.
"Anything with Bon Jovi." Sly replied looking at her.
"Come on name the song. That is if you know your fiancee at all?" He dared.
"Pardon moi if we find better things to do then talk about musical history." Sly said. "Bed of Roses."
"Nope - sorry sweetie. Its Diamond Ring."
"Ok we have to talk about music more often obviously." Sly replied. "Go ahead Lizzie."
"Lucky - name Emily's favorite meal?" Liz smiled.
"Lemon Pepper Chicken, potatoes and corn on the cob." He named his favorite dinner hoping it matched hers.
Emily laughed.
"Does Lucky count as a meal? Cause he's actually my favorite."
"OH - do we need to know that?" Liz laughs.
"Somethings should be left in the bathroom Miss Quatermaine." Sly replied.
Emily stuck her tongue out at him.
"My favorite food or meal is chicken so he comes pretty close."
"Ok guys we are failing miserably here - man do we not know our partners or what?" Lucky asks the other three.
"Im sorry." Sly said. "But we're one ahead if not more."
"I would hope so you guys are like getting married soon." Lucky laughs.
"But they have the rest of their lives to get to know each other." Emily replied. "Who needs to know someone's song or car right now. All you need is love and honesty." She smiled at Sly and Liz with a little bit of envy inside her.
"Emily - what is that? You and Lucky love each other too - whats with the sadness in your voice?" Liz asks.
"Of course I love Lucky he's my life." Emily said as she smiled at him. "This was fun guys but I'm getting a little bit tired so I think I'm going to lay down." She hopped off of Lucky's lap and headed towards her room. She patted Sly on the shoulder as she headed off.
"I hope you still get laid when your married."
"Thank you." Sly said. He bounced Liz with his knee. "Someone cares."
Lucky looked at them, "I'm going to check on her - see you guys later." Lucky gets up and walks into their bedroom.
Emily laid down on the bed and rested her head on the pillow. She had been thinking alot recently about how much she envied Liz and Sly. They were so much in love and they seemed to overcome their problems. Lucky and her werent ready for that kind of commitment though, at least that's what he thought.
"Emily whats wrong?" He asks walking in and closing the door.
"Could we talk about it later?"
"Does it have to do with us as a couple?"
"No Lucky its me." Emily replied and turned her head away from him. She didn't want him to see her cry again. "I'm sorry Lucky, its not your fault I swear. I can deal with this."
"Ok then I'm going blading. When you want to talk let me know until then I will honor your wishes and leave you alone."
"Could you stay here?" She asked.
"Do you really want me here? Em if I stay I'm going to want you to talk to me."
Emily brushed the tears from her face and rolled on her back.
"What do you want to talk about?" She asked. "Wanna tell me your favorite meal or movie so we can beat them next game?"
"Emily." He said softly.
"Do I drive you insane?" She asked softly. "Do I make you mad all the time? Am I too immature? Is that why you don't want to marry me Lucky?"
"What? Emily baby where is this coming from I never said I didnt' want to marry you."
"Yes your right you never said that." Emily replied. "But you said that you weren't ready for that kinda of commitment, you weren't ready for me to be your wife. It just...hurt." She sat up on the bed biting her lip. "I know I should've told you right away but you know me I want to deal with things on my own first, figure them out, then usually fight it out or something. This time I'm just hurting right now and I dont want to fight you anymore, I've
lost all energy to do that."
"I said we weren't ready for that kind of commitment - honey honestly I dont'
think we are. We fight all the time. I want a solid relationship- and when
I feel we have one I will ask you to marry me. But right now - I dont' see
it. Man we never even talk things out - we fight instead."
"Lucky did you ever think for a second that maybe we arent meant to be?"
Emily asked quietly. "Maybe all we are is destined to be friends instead of
"No." Lucky answered her with a one word 100% honest answer.
"What's going to change between us in a few years?" Emily asked. "What's
going to have to change for us to be married?"
"Emily - how long have we been together?"
"I don't know a few months."
"And yesterday was the first time you actually believed that I would be here
tomorrow right?"
"Lucky that is not true." Emily said. "We had a rough time in the beginning
and I have reason to doubt you."
"What? What did I ever do to you to make you doubt me? Nothing. Not one
damn thing and you doubt me because of your own insecurities. Not because of
something I did. I've never hurt you Em and I never will."
"We fight about the same thing over and over again Lucky." She replied. "I'm
tired of it."
"See thats the problem - you get tired of it you dont' work on it until its
solved. What exactly are we fighting about now EM. Tell me please i dont
think I know."
"I doubted you because you just got out of a relationship with Elizabeth
Webber not because of my insecurities because all of a sudden after how many
years you wanted to be mine?" Emily replied. "We've been dating for a short
time but we've known each other for six years Lucky. I wanted you the whole
time. There was no one else except a casual distraction from your cousin and
your brother. That is why marriage is so simple and easy for me. Once you
said it, once you proved how much you loved me all my doubt disappeared. Now
because all we do is fight we cant be married. I don't know how much more
solid our relationship has to be."
"But you see I dont' beleive that Em- I don't believe I Do is the phrase
thats goign to end your insecurities because until our relationship is strong
enough to weather any storm and we actually solve issues rather than fight
and ignore them leaving them unresolved there will be no I Do's. I'm sorry
Em I want a confident wife."
"In a small way Lucky I"m not what you want." Emily replied smiling sadly.
"Can't you see that?"
"Emily we are working on it - we are slowly working on it. You will get more
confident with time."
Emily shook her head.
"I have, I know I have but I'm still not confident enough for you right?"
"Honestly - no. Em you finally told me you believe that I'm not leaving -
after 6 yrs you finally believe that. Its about time. Its a long road to
being a strong couple. Why the urgency? You are 18."
"I'm just the kinda person who wants forever to start now." Emily replied
softly and climbed off the bed. "I guess it is a long road. I just wish we
could take the short cut Liz and Sly did."
"What shortcut is that? I think they just started thier relationship from
different places mentally. They have different needs and desires."
"Liz was probably confident." Emily said with a small laugh.
"Ok thats it. I'm going blading ok -- I need to think."
"Don't." Emily said. "I just think I did all the thinking for us Lucky." A
few tears the rolled slowly down her face as she began to fiddle with her
"What is wrong with you today - Why are you so emotional and moody?"
"We need to take a break."
"OH so 5 minutes ago you wanted me to ask you to marry me and now you want to
break up? Em this isn't exactly a solid relationship."
"Your right." She replied. "It's not and its because of me. I have to work on
fixing myself Lucky and I'm going to do that because someday I want to settle
down, someday soon, with the right man. So right now I think that we need to
take a break from each other, head back to Port Charles, and we can both
start fresh."
"Whatever Em - I'm so fucking tired of this it isn't funny - if you want out
fine you're out." Lucky walked out into the living room seeing Sly and Liz
still sitting there. "Bro I need you." He says as he walks outside, tears
threatening to fall.
"That doesn't look good." Sly said. "I'll check on him you check on her." He
gave her a quick kiss before heading out to Lucky. He saw Lucky standing
outside staring off into space.
"What's wrong?"
"She just broke up with me." Lucky says cold and emotionless trying hard not
to lose it completely.
"Emily broke up with you?" Sly asked shocked. "What the hell did she do that
"Cos I wont' marry her tomorrow."
"Oh." Sly said. "Sorry if Lizzie and I caused some of those troubles. I
didn't mean to do that Luck."
"Its not you - dont' worry about it. IF she can't accept that I dont'
beleive our relationship is strong enough for me to ask her to marry me then
fine - she can walk away - I won't be pressured into that commitment - not
buy you and Liz being happy or by my now-ex girlfriend throwing one of her
all to often temper tantrums." Lucky couldn't hold back anymore - the tears
"It's okay man." Sly said pulling Lucky into a hug. "She just didn't deserve
your love then."
"Sly when am I going to find the one for me?"
"Am I going to get decked if I already said you found her?" Sly asked.
"Who?" Lucky didnt get it.
"The girl with the big brown eyes in the house." Sly said. "She might be
messed up right now but that doesn't mean she doesnt love you and it also
doesn't mean that you should give up on her."
"But I should lay my heart on the line - give her the fucking world and let
her walk on me and pout like a 2 yr old when she doesn't get her own way.
She doesn't have the first clue about how love really works- doesnt' have a
clue about how to be in a real relationship. I cant' let her keep hurting me
like this."
"Lucky how many real relationships has she been in?" Sly asked. "You dealt
with someone who was controling before, someone who almost used you, and then
gave you an ultimatum. You've dealt with the issues of sex and commitment
before. Em's dealt with a small peck and prick prince who left her for some
blond in Europe. She doesn't know what you know and she's scared to learn."
"Well then she never will. Sly I can't do this anymore - it hurts to bad. I
let her in- I fell in love and she walked away. I need to be alone. Will
you move my stuff to another room while I'm gone." Lucky took off running in
a southern direction. He needed to think about if he was willing to keep
trying with Em. If she gave him enough happiness to keep fighting.

"Emily sweetie whats wrong- what happened?" Liz said walking towards thier
"Lucky and I broke up." Emily replied moving towards her dresser.
"Why?" Liz didnt' understand they looked so happy earlier.
"We were arguing about marriage." Emily replied. "And it just got me thinking
that I needed time to myself to figure this out. Ask Lucky and he'll tell you
I dumped him because he wouldn't marry me."
"Well did you? Did you deep down want him to say marry me Em? What was the
argument about?"
"Yeah Liz i wanted him to marry me." Emily said. "But then Lucky made me
realize that I"m not the woman he's ready to marry. Until I am that woman we
can't get married. So I broke it off to figure out how to change myself."
"And what about Lucky's feelings? What if he's just point blank not ready to
get married - to you- to me- to anyone- did you stop to think of that?" Liz
wanted to be her friend - but she knows what Lucky thinks of manipulation and
control. Just then she heard the door to the bedroom open and there stood
"I guess you heard." Emily replied.
"Yeah, I did." Sly said. "Wanna tell me what the hell your problem is?"
Emily slammed the drawer of her dresser and threw her clothes on the bed.
"Look, you two may think you know why I dumped him but you don't. Just
because Lucky Spencer said it doesn't make it scripture."
"Well I havent' talked to Lucky so I'm going on gut instinct here Em." Liz
says waiting for Sly to join in.
"You are psychotic." Sly said. "And you've been that way since he started
dating you. Lucky gave you everything he had and you laughed in his face."
"I did." Emily said.
"He loved you and you broke his heart."
"I did." Emily replied.
"Sly honey- isn't that harsh?" Liz couldnt' believe she was sticking up for
"No I don't think it is." Sly said. "You can't exactly stand there and tell
me she's sane can you?"
"No I didnt' say that - but she's hurting too maybe we should hear her side."
Emily looked at someone who was suposse to be her friend and she didn't have
the energy to fight the tears.
"You don't even know what happened." She replied to him angrily. "All you
know is what Lucky told you. All he knows is what he wants to hear. I didn't
dump him because he wouldn't marry me!"
"Please humor me with your reason." Sly asked crossing his arms and leaning
against the wall.
Emily took in a deep breath trying to calm herself.
"I was hurt that he didn't want to marry me but then I started to listen to
him. He had really good reasons. He was right, I'm not confident enough.
Staying in the kind of relationship that we have isn't going to help my
confidence, so I have to start over. I have to build my self esteem up on my
own before I can even begin to start a strong loving relationship like you
guys have."
They stood in silence for a moment.
"Well, I'm glad you figured that out." Sly replied sarcastically. "I'm also
glad that you had to break his fucking heart to do it."
"Come on Sly I'll help you get Lucky's stuff." Liz says picking up his
"Don't bother." Emily said. "I'm heading back to Port Charles tonight." She
threw her things in her bag and zippered it up quickly.
"Sell whatever's left over for all I care. I'm sorry Lucky got hurt, I never
meant for that to happen. If we're really friends you would understand that I
have to do this. If not then, well it was a great ride." She then brushed
past them and headed towards the front door.
"Is she right?" Sly asked his fiancee.
"Right about what? That she thinks she's justified in breaking his heart?
NO she's not."
"This doesn't involve us now." Sly said. "I think we should keep it that way.
I also think its about time we all head home."
"Sure if we can find Lucky - is it safe there now?"
"Yes it is I just talked to my dad." Lucky says walking in the room.
"Are you okay man?" Sly asked.
"OF course I'm a Spencer I can handle anything." Lucky says putting on a
game face.
"'Lizbeth could you do me a favor and start packing for us please?" Sly asked.
"Sure." She then gives Lucky a hug and a kiss on the cheek and leaves.
Sly watched Liz close the door and then turned towards Lucky.
"What are you going to do?"
"Same thing I always do - get by." Lucky says while gathering his stuff.
"She wont' get in again - I won't love again. She ruined that side of me
"Fight for her, Luck." Sly said.
"Why? Whats the point she doesn't want me - and to tell the truth right now
I dont' want her either."
"Talk to her." Sly replied. "Not right now and not when we get back, but like
a week from now. Sit her down at Kelly's ask her how she's doing. Don't give
"Sly she may be your friend - but do you honestly think I want a cold,
manical, controlling, spoiled brat as a girlfriend? No I want a woman- and
she is a far cry from that. If she needed to "figure herself out" she should
have done that long before taking me to her bed."
"Would you do it for me Lucky?" Sly asked. He was peeved at what Lucky said
but he didn't want to fight with him right now. There was enough fighting
going around.
"And what do I get to do for me? Huh? Who does something for me? No one -
so Im sorry Sly - I will stand by your side at your wedding while you marry
my ex girlfriend - and I will continue to love you like a brother but I can't
and I won't be Emily's play toy. I bought her one so she can use that." He
knows that was mean but he was hurting and didn't understand why Sly thought
he had a right to tell him to basically forget his own pain and baby Emily
some more.
"Fine." Sly said. "I understand your position and I'm gonna leave you alone
right now but let me leave you with this. God put us on earth to love and be
loved. He has absolutely everything to do with fate. You cant fight God, so
stop figting fate." Sly then left to pack his own bags and get home.
Lucky packed this belongings and walked out to the car. He couldnt' wait to
get home - only so he could leave again - on his own this time - no one to
tell him who to love or how to act. Being on the run was overrated.

The roar the jets started as the plane soared into the air taking her home to
where it all started. Emily stared out into the dark night debating on
whether or not what she did was right. It didn't matter though because she
needed to do it and she hoped that Lucky understood. If he loved her enough
he would understand.

Navigate ~ ~

Chapters 35-37 * the end *