Destiny --- The Conclusion
Chapter 35
Emily dropped her files and briefcase onto her bed and head towards her desk. She slipped her shoes off before plopping down in her chair and pulling her right foot under her body. She picked up her pen and bit on the top of her pen. She pressed play on her stero as her favorite song came over the radio. She then opened her book and brought her pen down to write her various thoughts.
You're angry when you're beautiful
Your love is such a tease
I'm drowning in your Dizzy noise
I wanna feel you scream
"Hmm-mmm." Emily hummed along with the tune.
Dear Diary,
Yet another busy day at ELQ. I swear Grandfather wants me to learn everything in one week. It looks like I'll be having dinner in my room once again this week. I would go out but I dont have the time to do it anymore. Its not like I have any place to go though. Its been a week since we can back from our little adventurous and I haven't heard from anyone. I can't say I blame them though. I miss Lucky. I'd be a fool if I didn't. I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and expect him to be next to me. I then cry myself to sleep when I realize that he's not there and that he might never be there again. I question myself daily asking if what I did was wrong. I cant seem to come up with an answer though. I am doing much better now in life. I have a steady job, I'm starting college, and I went out and bought some new revealing outfits. I have a hard time seeing little children though. I have a hard time seeing couples pass me on the street. It only reminds me of what I could've had and lost. Being away from him taught me alot, lessons I needed to learn on my own but Lucky didn't understand that. No one understood that in order for me to gain some self confidence I had do it on my own. I have to learn to really love myself before I let someone else love me. I was late in doing that though. I let Lucky love me, I let him touch me, and I let him make love to me when I shouldn't have. I should've waited I assume. Thats what Sly and Liz told me anyway. I didn't know though, everything was new to me and some things still are. I miss him though. People ask me what's a good looking girl like me doing home working. I tell them that someday I just might be with the one. I don't know though. I hurt him, I hurt him really bad and that's something that I can't just take back. I don't regret what I did but I do regret breaking his heart. If I could turn back time for Lucky Spencer I would. He is my life, he's the other part of me, and one day I will win him back. I'm just giving him time first, the same time that I needed.
<3 Emily
Sly laughed as Liz struggled out of the car with the blindfold on.
"Ok we're almost there, but you can keep this thing on if you want." Sly replied teasing helping her along.
"You brat-- where are we going?" Liz smirks.
"See now you keeping that on." Sly said stopping abruptly. "We're here. Aren't you excited? Tomorrow we're finally tying the night in this lovely place that I picked out and you trusted me with this huge decision and I'm so excited."
"Sly let me see!"
"Are you absolutely positive you wanna see?"
"Sly Eckert if you don't take this blindfold off you are not getting laid tomorrow night."
"It's off, it's off!" Sly replied ripping it off. "No need to get drastic." He smiled and stepped aside so Liz could see the view. They were standing at the place he took her too all those months ago on the anniversary of her parents death. The small hill were they were connected to each other and brought together.
"Do you like?" Sly whispered,wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Sly its perfect -are we really getting married here?"
"Yeah." Sly replied. "This was the first place where I opened up to you and let you into my soul. I thought it was only right to get married here and let you know that you are my soul."
Liz smiles and almost starts to cry. "I love you Sly I love you so much."
"Baby I know." Sly replied. "You've told me, you've showed me in a thousand different ways, and now tomorrow in front of everyone we're going to tell the world just how much we love each other." He leaned down and kissed her softly.
"I love you Lizzie."
The Next Day
"I would like to propose a toast to the bride and groom. May you always find happiness in each others arms, a wonderful friend in each other, a loving support system in your marriage. To Sly and Elizabeth." Lucky says as he raises his glass.
"To Sly and Elizabeth." Emily said and sipped her glass. She was sitting at a table with strangers who she didn't care to mingle with. She didn't blame Elizabeth or Sly though and she was glad that she was still invited. She smiled as she saw Lucky across the room. She ached to touch him but she knew she wouldn't be able to. She thought it was best to stay where she was.
The night progressed, there was food and dancing and then there were the goodbyes that needed to be said. Lucky walked up to Sly and Liz as they walked off the dance floor. "Can I talk to you guys for a minute?"
"Sure." Sly said. He and Elizabeth followed Lucky as they walked to a conered area near the door.
"I just wanted to say goodbye. I'm taking a vacation from life. I didn't want you to come back from your honeymoon and wonder what is happening - where I went so I figured I'd let you know up front."
"Lucky is this solely about Em?" Liz asks.
"Not entirely. But there is some things that I need to sort out and being in a town where I can run into her any time doesn't help."
"We're understand man." Sly said hugging him. "Take all the time you need but your ass better be back in PC for good when you return."
"Elizabeth do you think you can teach him some sublety while I'm away."
"Sorry Luck - I'm with him - dont' be gone long ok. We love you."
She smiles shyly.
"I love you both- I really do. You're wedding was beautiful and I only hope that someday I can find the kind of love you two share - unconditional. Bye." Lucky hugs Sly then laughs. "Can I hug your wife?"
"Yeah man just be quick about it."
Lucky smiles and gives Liz a hug. "See you found a man to love you the right way. Take care of my brother ok?"
"Always Lucky. Always." She smiles at him wiping a tear as he walks away.
Emily watched from afar as Lucky said goodbye to Sly and Elizabeth. There was something different about the goodbye, something she knew so well. She wanted to run up and stop him She wanted to yell and plead and beg him to not leave but she knew that she couldn't do that. She didn't have the right to do that. She watched him disappear out the door and possibly out of her life forever. She then decided it was time to leave herself. She started to feel sick all of a sudden and she wanted to go home and cry in bed. She platered on a smile and walked up to the happy couple.
"Congrats." Emily replied.
"Thank you for coming Emily." Liz said almost formally. She loves Em dearly but she broke Lucky's heart- after he tried so hard not to break hers.
"Thanks Em." Sly said smiling sadly.
"I wouldn't have missed it." Emily replied. "You two have the kind of life everyone dreams about."
"It takes a lot of work Em - but its worth it in the end." Liz smiles trying to encourage Em.
"Well some of us are boneheads." Emily replied trying not to cry. "We let love slip right by us. I'm glad you guys didn't. I'm sure I'll see you around after your honeymoon. I hope you have a good time." She smiled again and then sniffled before she rushed out of the door. Sly looked at Liz with pain in his eyes.
Lucky walked away from the reception without looking back. Everyone that needed to know he was leaving did. He needed to but distance between him and Emily or he would walk up to her and start screaming at her for hurting him so. Distance will heal my heart - he thought as he walked to the bus stop.
Chapter 36
~*~ 2 wks later ~*~
Lucky found his way back to Canada, back to the Triple L Diner he and his parents used to own when life was simple and girls didn't matter. He got a job as a waiter and kept to
himself. His thoughts were jumbled and painful. He lost himself in the day to day
exhistance, he surrounded himself with peaceful beauty and happy memories of this place.
"Hi there stranger." A beautiful raven haired girl says sitting down next to him on a bridge.
"I'm sorry I'm not in the mood." Lucky says back noticing her beauty.
"In the mood for what? A good fuck or a good conversation, either one or both will help -
I gaureentee it."
"Listen. I'm sorry whats your name?"
"Clarissa - I'm sorry - heaven help me I'm not the type of guy that goes for one night
stands - God I should be - its easier and less painful but I don't." He lets a tear fall and
looks back to the water. "I'm stupid, I go for the fairy tale, long beautiful relationships,
deep conversations, long nights holding each other."
"So you got burned huh?"
"Yes - hard core. I fell in love with my best friend of 6 yrs. She told me she loved me and
wanted to be my wife. Then we made love - I was her first. she told me that I made her
feel more love than anyone ever has, we talked, we fought, we fought some more. One
afternoon she came up with the getting married thing again and when I said we werent'
ready - she flipped - she broke up with me - breaking my heart in the process."
"Was she ready for any of it?" Clarissa asks.
"She said she was. Thats what pisses me off, thats what hurts the most, not only did she
let me fall in love with her, and broke my heart but she lied to me about her feelings. She
wasnt' ready = why the fuck did she lead me to beleive she was. Why couldnt' she just say
- no Lucky I'm not ready to be your lover yet, I'm not ready to tell you I love you heart
body and soul, I'm not ready to promise forever. Why did she fucking lie to me?"
"Because maybe she wanted it so bad she lied to herself too."
"Thats no excuse....I mean would you take your best friends heart and walk all over it for
fun...thats basically what she did. She took being in a committed, sexual relationship out
for a joy ride. I've heard from my brother and sister -in-law that she's sorry - that she
never meant to hurt me. How can I ever believe her again - she told me she loved me and
that was a lie."
"How can you not believe her? Can you picture your life without her in it? Thats what you should look at. Stop for a minute - step outside of the pain and ask yourself, will I be me if there is no we? Can you see your tomorrow without her in it? Do you know the real
reasons behind why she walked away? If you can answer yes to those questions truthfully - then walk away - let your heart mend and dont' look back. But if the answers no - go back to her - let her say she's sorry - let her earn your forgiveness and fight for her with all you've got because if you dont' you'll always be in pain."
Lucky stops for a moment then turns around, "Thanks Clarissa" He says that as he looks
for her - she's gone. In the blink of an eye she disappeared.
He knew - though from that short conversation with an angel that he needed to confront Em - cos he couldn't answer those questions with a yes. His heart still hurt but his head was starting to get over the pain. He was healing and it was going to take time He decided to venture to places from his childhood that he remembered. Anything with a happy memory and anonymity, a life without a future or a past was what he needed right now, little by little it led his heart on the road to healing.
Port Charles
Emily tapped her pencil against the papers that were sitting in front of her. She was at work, it was late afternoon, and she was getting nothing done. All she could think about was Lucky Spencer. He had left the night of Sly's wedding and now he was gone with no hope of returning. She stared once again at the picture of them on her desk. She kept it with her, although she didn't know why, it was a torment to remind herself what she gave up. She was now in running for CEO of ELQ. AJ was in Michingan at another rehab and Ned was off touring with Lois and L&B. Grandfather wanted her to take control and there was a meeting tonight to rectify that. She sighed closing the file folder and putting it away in the drawer. She wasn't going to get any work done today so she might as well pack it up and head home. She picked up her breifcase and looked at the picture once more. Tears filled her eyes as she recalled the good times and the bad.
"I love you Lucky." She whispered. She then hurried out of the office and someplace else. Someplace where the memories wouldn't be so hard.
*~*One Year Later*~*
Lucky crawled up the water pipe to the roof outside his one time best friends window. She's told him a million times not to use the window as a door but he wasnt' in the mood for the Q's. He just needed Emily to make him feel like the world would be ok. He needed her to give him answers.
*knock *knock*
"I don't care when Edward told you to have those reports done I want them on my desk by tomorrow morning Edward's not CEO is he?" Emily rolled her eyes as she listened to some bafoon babble on the other end of the cell phone. "Look, I just..." She stopped dead when she heard the familiar knock on her window. It couldn't be. She stood up mechanically and made her way there. His eyes shone like a light through the darkness and he hadn't changed from the last year.
"Lucky." She whispered.
"Hello Emily. Can I come in?" He says crouched outside her window.
Emily clicked off her cell phone and threw it on the bed not bothering to say goodbye. She stepped back from her window to allow him to enter.
He crawled in the window - something he's done a million times but not feeling 100% comfortable doing it. He didn't say a word he just looked at her. Taking in her beauty.
She felt her lip tremble. She had wanted this for so long, she had dreamed about it. He would walk in her window, into her arms, and everything would be okay. She knew that things weren't going to be just okay though. She couldn't help herself and before she could stop herself she was in his arms crying, hoping he could soothe her.
"I'm missed you." She whispered against his chest.
Lucky peeled her arms from around him. It took all of his strength to do so, when all he wanted was to hold her. But he needed answers first.
"I want something only you can give me."
"Answers." She said softly, already knowing what was on his mind.
"Yes - give me answers. Why Emily? Why did you hurt me so bad?" Lucky said backing up a step and leaning against her desk like he used to
Emily sat down on the bed, swinging her feet, her head down.
"I thought I had a good reason to leave you." She said in a whisper. "But no reason is good enough for breaking my friend's heart."
"So why did you do it? Why did you lie to me and say you were ready for a relationship- an adult relationship then take off running. You know how much I hate lies Emily. That was a lie - sleeping with me - under the pretence that we were in a committed solid loving relationship was a lie. Why didn't you tell me it was just sex?"
"Do you think that I didn't love you?" Emily asked. "Do you think that I don't love you now?"
"Yes - I do think you dont' love me Emily. How could you love me then walk away? How could you lay in my arms at night and talk about the future with me, make love to me in the morning and then walk away? You dont walk away from love Emily - you and I both know its too fragile, too precious, too beautiful....you dont' walk away from love - so you must have lied." Lucky was starting to get teary but fighting them. He needed to hear this.
"I don't know!" Emily exclaimed jumping up from the bed. "I thought I knew. I thought I had a damn good reason but no reason will ever be good enough. I broke your heart, I hurt you and in turn hurt me. I did it because I thought that I wasn't good enough. That's all I was hearing Lucky. You wouldn't marry me because I wasn't good enough for you. I know that's not true, I know it now but I didn't know it then. So I left to change myself, to make myself better, and you know what? I did a little I guess, because now I run Edward's company, now I'm more secure in myself, but I would give it all up in a second because I did the most assinine thing I could ever do in life. I walked away from you. Believe me if I could take that back I would. I wake up crying because your not next to me. I fall asleep thinking of you, tears streaming down my face because I'm not in your arms listening to your soft voice telling me that I'm beautiful and perfect. During the day, when I'm suppose to work, all I see is your face. Your picture's on my desk and I can't tell you how much I touch it, hoping to reach out to you. I love you now, I loved you then, and I will always love you Lucky. No matter what happens with us the love I have for you will be neverending." She walked over towards the window turning from him, her tears not stopping. She wrapped her arms around herself, she just beared her soul, but none of that matter. It only mattered if it would get back the most precious thing that she lost.
"So?" Lucky wanted to ask her if he could trust her again but he didnt' have the strength to take the chance with his heart. "Are you happy? Are you better now?"
"Am I better now?" Emily asked. "I have more confidence, more strenght. God I run a multi-million dollar company. But am I happy? No. Will I ever be? No, not unless...."
"Unless what?"
"Not unless your back in my life." Emily whispered. "But any and all rights that I had to you I gave up a long time ago. I don't deserve you Lucky, I know I don't, but I'm being honest here. Some say I have it all but it means shit because I don't have you."
"Prove it Em. I dont' believe you right now. Remember when I asked you out all that time ago and you made me prove that I wanted you? Prove you want me- prove you won't fuck me and leave me again. Use your body, your money I don't care what but prove to me I can trust you again." Lucky says with tears threatening to spill.
"How Lucky?" Emily asked walking towards him. "How do you want me to prove it to you? I'll do anything, I'll give up anything. Just say the words."
"NO prove it - you put me through hell when I came to you and finally admitted how I felt. You torched me and made me jump through hoops - I'm not helping -- Prove you love me Emily. Prove you wont' hurt me again." Thats it - looking at her eyes Lucky lost his fight with his tears.
Emily walked over towards Lucky and shakily took his hand.
"You once told me to have confidence in our love." She replied softly. "I have that confidence." She then took his hand and started to walk towards the bed.
"How do you know that I'm not going to reject you?" Lucky questions - hoping she answers this right.
"I'm confident that you still love me as much as I love you." She said softly.
"Really? How did you come to this assumption?" Lucky smiles loving that she got the answer right.
"Something about Spencer men only loving once in a lifetime." Emily replied with a soft smile. "And you loving me forever, just like I will love you forever."
"Are you ready for forever this time? Tell me now Emily. Don't fuck with my heart again." Lucky warns getting leary of her.
"I am so ready Lucky." She replied. She reached up and caressed his cheek. "I love you."
"Prove it. Emily give me a backrub." He smirks wondering if she'll do it. He's missed her hands on his body.
"Ok." Emily said. "Get rid of your shirt, kick off your shoes, and climb on the bed."
"You got it - but please control yourself, my body has changed some since you last saw it." He smirks. He takes his shoes off then turns and looks at her as he pulls his t-shirt over his head, revealing perfectly sculpted abs, a rock solid chest and when he climbs onto the bed and lays down face first, his muscular back is revealed to her as well.
"Shit." Emily whispered as she stood by the bed. Her body betrayed her as her eyes roamed over his body. Just looking at him, on her bed, was getting her seriously turned on.
"Whats wrong Emmy?" He smirked.
"Nothing Spencer." Emily said and climbed on his backside. This was going to be extremely hard. She took a deep breath and then started to massage his shoulders.
"It looks like you've been working out."
"Ive been working construction for the past year." Lucky whispered starting to lose his train of thought with her hands on him.
"I would've loved to see you in a hard hat." Emily replied with a smile. She then ran her hands slowly up and down his back before using the tips of her fingers on his back.
"You should see my tan lines." He laughs.
"I wish." Emily mumbled and then dug her hands into his sides.
"Hey don't bruise the merchandise." Lucky whispers almost asleep.
"Of course not." Emily replied as she moved down towards his love handles. She could hear his breathing even out and she knew he was falling asleep. She smiled softly glad that he was here.
"OK get into my arms woman before I hold it against you." Lucky whispered only opening one eye.
"Gladly." Emily replied. She slid off of Lucky and climbed up the bed towards him. She then laid next to him and slinked her arm around his waist.
He wrapped his strong arms around her pulling her tight to him, wanting to be incredibly close. Wanting to make love to her and claim her body as his once again but not having the willpower to risk his heart just yet. "Dreams of Gold Emmy."
"Dreams of Gold Luck." She said and kissed his nose. "I love you." She knew he wasn't quite ready to risk everything but just having him hear to say those words to meant the world to her.
Chapter 37
Lucky woke up and quickly realized he had someone in his arms. He didn't even have to open his eyes to know it was Emily. He kissed her head and held her tight.
Emily struggled to open her eyes when she felt something brush against her forehead. She yawned and stretched a little hitting something. The events of last night came back to her.
"Lucky?" She asked groggily.
"Is that a question or a statement?" He smiles at her.
"How bout Lucky did I hurt you?" She asked. "I didn't mean to hit you."
"Don't worry sweetie you only hit my shoulder. Do you have to work today?" He moves a piece of hair from her forhead.
"I'm calling in sick." Emily said with a smile.
"Do you have a fever?" Lucky feels her forehead playfully.
"No." Emily said. "But I really don't feel like getting out of bed."
"Ok you sick girl call in, I'll be right back." Lucky gets up and walks to the bathroom.
Emily smiled and picked up the phone dialing it quickly.
"Come on." She said. "Liz?"
"This better be important" Liz smiled.
"Ask me what I'm doing." Emily replied with a smile.
"Taking over corporate America at way to early." Liz rolled into Sly's arms.
"Eh wrong." Emily said. "Ask me who's in my bathroom and was just in my bed."
"Who? Please dont' tell me its that weasle from the office." Liz asks.
"Jake?" Emily asked. "No, it's Lucky. But Jake? I don't think Jake's that bad. Maybe something to think about. You really think he's a weasle?" Emily teased.
"Sly honey - Emily's gone delusional - she thinks Lucky was in her bed." Liz jokes back.
"So did you get any?" Liz teases more.
"That's not funny." Emily said. "Lucky's here. He held me all night long. We had a talk."
"She call you this early for this?" Sly asked. "She'll call you back." He then started to kiss Liz's shoulder.
Lucky walked out of the bathroom and stood there as Emily talked to whoever on the phone.
"Sly quit - Ok Em I want details." Liz ordered.
"Oh I'm sorry I have to go." Emily said. "Talk to you later." She hung up the phone and looked at Lucky smiling. "Didn't get a chance to call work yet."
"Oh and I wonder why? To busy calling and disturbing my cousin and his bride." Lucky joked as he laid down on the bed.
"I'm sorry." Emily said. "I couldn't contain my excitement. I'll call right now." She said and picked up the phone again.
Lucky decided to make it difficult for her, he kissed her ankle.
"Lucky what are you doing?" Emily asked as she covered the mouth piece. "Susie hi. Can I speak to Jake please? Thanks."
"Nothing." He moved up her leg leaving a trail of kisses.
"Lucky stop." Emily whispered. "Stop! Jake oh no not you. Sorry. I'm calling out today. I don't feel very well. What's wrong? Well to tell you the truth I can't even get out of bed."
Lucky licked behind Em's knee.
"Lucky!" Emily exclaimed. She swatted him away. "Its my dog. Bad boy." Emily said throwing Lucky a look. "I know about that meeting. Yeah I just...no no don't not." Emily sighed and looked at Lucky. "He just transferred me to Grandfather so please behave."
"Sorry dont' know how. I'm a bad dog remember." Lucky laid her down and kissed her stomach.
"I said bad boy." Emily replied with a smile. "Hi Grandfather. Yes I know, I'm feeling a little...hot this morning. I don't know what came over me. I'll be in first thing on Monday. Yes I know." Emily rolled her eyes and smiled at Lucky, blowing him a kiss.
Lucky kissed her stomach again letting his tongue dip into her navel.
"Grandfather, I gotta go." Emily said shakily. "Yeah, uh huh, bye." She quickly hung up the phone and closed her eyes. She then picked up a pillow and waked Lucky with it. "Don't you ever do that again!"
"What? You are backtalking me? You are telling me what to do?" Lucky dared.
"No, Lucky I was kidding." Emily said.
Lucky looked down - he wanted her to stand up for herself to prove she had confidence now - even if it meant disagreeing with him. "Oh ok." he nibbled on her stomach some more. Letting his hands hook on her waist band of her panties.
"What are you doing?" Emily asked.
"Teasing." he kissed her navel playing with the belly button ring she had in.
Emily giggled a little. His tongue was tickling her.
"Ok Romeo I have to use the bathroom now. I'll be back." She said sliding off the bed.
"Ok but I'm not a patient man." He let her go.
"Patience is a virture Spencer." Emily said. "So you better make yourself comfortable."
"Women." He sighed as he rolled over on to his back.
"Men." Emily said as the door closed behind her. She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She then stared at her complection quickly. Her hair was notty and her work clothes that she slept in last night. She looked around and found her tee shrit and boxers sitting on top of the hamper. She quickly changed and tied her hair back in a pony tail deciding not to fight with it. She walked out of the bathroom with a smile.
"Viola. Emily al natural."
"Beautiful." Lucky says honestly.
"That is something that I have learned over this long torterous time away from you." Emily said and climbed back on the bed. "Beauty isn't on the outside. I could be gorgeous on the outside and be a toad on the inside. So now I'm more laidback. Kick off your shoes, throw your hair up, and grab a bowl of popcorn kinda girl. Unless I'm workig that is."
"Tell me more. Tell me more about this Emily." Lucky held her to him.
"This Emily threw way too much time into her work." She replied with a laugh. "But when I wasn't working I was helping Ruby when she does her soup kitchens which is now bi weekly. I also do some pediatric volunteer stuff at the hospital. Helping people makes me feel a lot better about myself. I did way too much shopping after I got my first ELQ paycheck but I got nice clothes. A few more bikinis, midriffs, shorter skirts, anything that showed off the body that I now love." She laughed. "I think that's it."
"Wait - is there any part of the old Em in there?" Lucky says shocked - she sounded like an adult now - someone confident in her own skin. Lucky was getting turned on.
"I still love to eat purple sno cones with my best friend." She replied softly. "Still fun loving, caring, incredibly sexy."
"Egomaniac?" Lucky looked at her.
"I am not." Emily said and smacked him playfully. "Girl gets a little confidence and you call her an egomaniac. What do you call yourself Spencer?"
Emily laughed.
"I know your Lucky and I'm Emily. I think I missed the point to that one."
"Get over here." Lucky pulls her into his arms. Pulling her on top of him.
Emily laughed and looked down at him smiling.
"Can we stay this way for the rest of our lives Lucky?"
"I don't know = you're the one the has the job - Can you straddle my hips still Em?" He knows his body has gotten wider- the past year has really changed his body.
Emily straddle his hips, but found it a little more difficult.
"Your just trying to get me into a sexual position aren't you Spencer?"
"Well if you dont' want to be." He pushes her off of him and back onto the bed. "Wouldnt' want to force you." He smiles.
"Aw come on Lucky. Take the fun out of my life why don't you?"
"Show me what you want Emmy?" He smirks.
Emily ran her hand up Lucky's chest. She smiled as she looked at him.
"I don't want to rush things." She whispered.
"Are you scared?" He looks at her. "Are you saying that you can't kiss me? Can't touch
me? or Can't make love to me?"
"No Lucky I'm not scared to touch you at all." Emily replied brushing her hand lightly over
his pants. "I just don't want to rush this."
"We dont' have to have sex baby - I've missed you I just want to touch you."
"I've missed you too." Emily said softly. She didn't waste anymore words. She pulled his head down towards hers and kissed him with all the passionate she had hidden these long months without him.
Lucky let himself fall into her kiss and pulled her closer, he wanted to claim her body as his again but he knew it was to soon. She may not mean it and he couldnt' go through that again.
"Do you wanna touch me baby?" Emily asked softly as she ran her finger down his jaw. "Touch me."
"Do I wanna touch you? Is that a retorical question?" Lucky smiles.
Emily laughed.
"If you really don't want to I understand. I think I have my toy around here somewhere."
"Have you used it since -" He didn't say it just looked at her.
"No." Emily said firmly. "Things probably got dust on it since I haven't touched it. That little piece of plastic doesn't compare to you Lucky Spencer."
"Really?" He raises his eyebrows. "Tell me more."
"Trying to get an ego boost Spencer?"
"I deserve it after what you did to my ego by leaving me." He says coldly.
Emily pulled back from him.
"Lucky I was just teasing you." She said softly. "I meant what I said. That stupid of plastic does nothing for me. No one else does anything for me. The day I walked away, the day I made the biggest mistake in my life, was the day I shut my heart down. There was no one else, there will never be anyone else, and I don't plan on wasting my time trying to find someone else. Its you Lucky and its going to be you for the rest of my life. I love you, I'll only ever be able to love you."
Lucky rolled over onto his back. "How can I beleive that Em?"
"I don't know how you can." Emily said. "I lost your trust and I don't ever deserve to get it back. But please know that I would do anything to make it up to you."
"You know when I was gone - I met someone." He stated.
"Really?" Emily asked and swallowed hard.
"She made me think long and hard about you - you know what she told me that made me finally come back?"
"What?" She asked softly.
"She actually sat me down and said, step outside of the pain and ask yourself, will I be me if there is no we? Can I see my tomorrow without you in it? Do I know the real reasons behind why you walked away? She told me that if I could answer yes to those 3 questions I should turn and walk away from you and never look back. But if the answers no - go back to her let you say your sorry - let you earn my forgiveness and fight for you with all I've got because if I dont' I'll always be in pain"
Emily looked at him, willing the tears not to fall from her eyes.
"You know why I walked out." She said softly. "The stuipdest thing I ever did in my life. Can you see tomorrow without me in it Lucky? Is there a you without us?"
"I dont' know if I can give you those answers right now - but I'm here so obviously I couldnt' answer them all yes. You hurt me to the core Em. I think part of the reason that it hurt so bad was it was after you tormented me and made me prove I wanted to date you- It was after all the fights and being on the run - most people would walk away before that."
"I thought that it hurt to much to stay." Emily replied. "Then when I walked away I realized how wrong I was. Now I wanna come crawling back."
"I want so much to beleive that - but its so hard - cos I believed you the first time. Look where that got me."
"I know." Emily said. "Lucky I know. I trusted you so much. I love you with everything that I am and its tearing me apart sitting here with you and knowing that you can't say those things back and knowing that I did this."
"It hurts me too Em, I want to trust you again but my heart is screaming don't do it." Lucky pulls her to him.
"Lucky I don't want to lose you again." Emily said crying against his chest. "I'm sorry. God, I'm so sorry"
Lucky just held her, as much as his heart was screaming at him to not give in - his mind and body were telling him Emily was the one - the only one for him. He held her close and fought the urges inside him to forgive her completly. "Kiss me." He figured he'd lose himself in her kiss and not talk.
Emily leaned up and pulled her face to him and kissed him with all the love she had in her.
Lucky laid in her arms for quite some time kissing her, loving her with his mouth. "Emmy."
"I missed hearing you say that." She whispered and kissed his mouth softly.
"Be mine? Completely." Lucky whispered forcing his heart to accept what his mind wanted.
"I will be yours...completely." Emily said staring into those dark blue eyes. "Always and forever." She was secure now, she knew this time. Lucky was hers he was going nowhere and now neither was she.
"Promise me something?" He kissed her again.
"Anything." Emily said.
"When we fight...we keep fighting until it gets resolved - we dont' just give up and leave it for us to fight about again."
"Deal." Emily said. "I have a feeling alot of those fights are resolved though."
"Really? Which ones? What do you think this solved Em?" Lucky sat up he had to know.
"What we fought about Lucky was mostly my insecurities." Emily replied. "I didn't want you flirting with other woman, I didn't think you loved me enough, it was a lot about me and some things that I wasn't ready for. I know now Lucky that there is no other woman for you besides me." Emily blushed a bit. "And that sounded really cocky too."
"We'll see - the first time I flirt with some sexy waitress I'll wait to see you want to claw her eyes out."
"Of course I'm gonna wanna claw her eyes out." Emily said with a smile. "A sexy waitress
shouldn't be looking at my man, but then again I don't blame her."
"Wow - remind me to hold you to that." Lucky smiled running his hand up her torso to her shoulder.
Emily took his hand and kissed his palm.
"I missed your touch too." She whispered.
"Oh really? Do you think you deserve my touch right now?" He smiles.
"I don't think I deserve it all that much." She replied. "But does it help any if I say I
really really want it?"
"Acutally it does help." Lucky pulled her shirt over her head. It was useless to fight his
body so he figured he wouldn't even try to.
"God Lucky." She whispered as she ran her hand down his now sculptured body.
"What baby?" Lucky kissed her neckline.
"I didn't think you could get more beautiful." Emily whispered.
"Flattery will get you everywhere but save if for when I say no." He smiles.
Emily pulled back and smiled at him.
"Are we going to make love?"
"Is there a reason you need to ask?" Lucky didn't get why she was asking.
"I just wanted to make sure that you were sure." She replied. "Because I've been hoping and praying the past year for this moment."
"I'm not exactly planning on it getting that far but if it does and you want to stop thats ok." Lucky didn't need to make love to her tonight to know she was his again.
"We'll see where it leads." Emily said and kissed him again. "I just wanna be with you."
"Me too." Lucky kissed her deeply, pulling her on top of him.
Emily massaged his tongue thoroughly with hers. She was trying to give and take at the same time. She couldn't believe she was here and he was in her arms. She knew that she never wanted this moment to end. She ran her hands through his hair, just raking it through her fingers.
Lucky rolled her over on to her back and moved her legs apart with his knee. He wanted to lay between her legs, he want to get in a position where she couldnt' tell exactly how much she was affecting him.
Emily pulled Lucky closer to her and wound up straddling his thigh with her legs. She started to grind her body against his thighs. It was at that moment when she felt Lucky's desire. She closed her eyes revealing in the feeling. She missed feeling him like this. She gently ran her hand over him.
"Lucky." She whispered.
"Tell me what you want Emmy? You know I'll give you anything." Lucky whispered while attacking her now bare nipple.
"I want this moment to never end." Emily whispered. She then moaned slightly and arched her back off the bed, pressing her nipple into his mouth. "I want to make love to you so bad."
"You sure? I'm holding you to that commitment this time Emily. If you make love with me - its forever. No turning back."
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life." She said softly. "Let me promise you forever."
"Forever." Lucky takes her nipple in his mouth and torments her, nibbling while his hands searched for the clasp. He moved his body up so that Emily knew his desire completely.
Emily let out a small whimper and grinded her body against his. She reached around and quickly undid the clasp to her bra, eager to get it off. She wanted all of him right now but she loved the sweet torcher. She ran her hand down his chest and massaged his manhood through his jeans.
"You know better than that." Lucky quickly scolded wondering if she'd remember the game.
"Sorry." Emily whispered with a small smile. "Want me to rehook it?"
"Thats not what I meant?" He looked down at her hand.
Emily pouted and slowly removed her hand, running her finger nails along him before she did.
"As you wish."
"You forgot the game-- you must be retrained." Lucky smirks and rolls onto his back. "Emily remove my jeans." He smirks at her. Knowing she likes what she sees, his desire for her very evident.
Emily smiled as she slowly unbuttoned Lucky's jeans and pulled the zipper of his arousal. She then slowly started to tug his jeans off. She leaned down and kissed his desire, ever inch over his boxers. She then pulled the jeans off of his ankles and sat back on her knees waiting for his next request.
"Your skirt." He smiled at her.
"Its lovely isn't it." Emily replied teasingly.
"Woman you are pushing it." He tried to scold.
"What?" Emily asked innocently. "Is there something you want me to do with my skirt?"
"Yes - and you know what that is. Don't make me spank you." He tries despertly to scold her and has a difficult time holding back the laugh.
"Spank me?" Emily asked and let out a small laugh. She swallowed it and smiled. "You just might have to because I'm afraid I don't know what you want me to do with my pretty skirt."
"Thats it woman." Lucky pulls her down onto the bed and hits her bottom playfully. "You will remove your skirt upon request." He smacks her bottom again.
"Is that what your requesting?" Emily asked trying to squirm away from him.
"Yes you little brat." He tickles her unmercifully.
"Ok, ok!" Emily cried out laughing. She reached behind her giggling and unzippered her skirt slowly. She then slid it off her naked legs and kicked it too the floor.
"Now I dont' think I want to anymore." He playfully rolled away from her.
"What?" Emily askes shocked. She picked up a pillow and started hitting him with it. "You little..."
"Little?" He looked at her and raised his eyebrows.
"Big, very very big tease." Emily replied.
"And are you sorry for disobeying me?"
"Very sorry." Emily said.
"And you are going to make this up to me correct?" He turns to face her.
"I'll do whatever you say." Emily said with a smile.
"Thats better." Lucky smiles and kisses her hungrily once more.
Emily kissed him back and kept her hands at her side She wanted to touch him, hold him, but she wasn't going to do anything until he told her.
"Let me feel your need Em." Lucky smiled giving her permission to let her hands roam.
"With pleasure." Emily said. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his body towards hers. Their chests came crashing together, her nipples brushing against his own. She started to wonder if it ever felt this good.
"Are you sure you want this?" He smiled kissing her ear.
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life." Emily whispered. "I wanna make love to you. I want you to make love to me. I want to promise forever."
With that Lucky made the clothes disappear and moved his body on top of hers. Looking into her eyes one last time. He began to move forward but stopped before making them one.
"Are you trying to drive me insane?" Emily asked with a small smile.
"Do we need a condom?" He asks calmly.
"No." Emily said. "I'm on the pill." She laughed nervously. "I always wanted to be prepared in case my dreams came true."
"Awkward time to ask but has there been anyone but me?"
"No." Emily said softly. She wasn't sure if she wanted to know if there was someone else with him. It wouldn't have mattered to her. He was with her now.
Lucky looked at her with tears in his eyes. "Promise me you wont' break my heart again. Before I make you mine again promise me." He says and a tear drops from his eye.
Emily reached up and wiped his tears away with her thumbs.
"I promise you that I will never break your heart again. I love you Lucky Spencer. I swear to you I will never break it again."
"I love you Emily." He says as he moves his body so that he and Emily are one body, one soul. Moving slowly in and out of her he covers her face and neck with kisses.
Emily didn't think she would ever hear him say those words again. She held onto him tightly as she silently cried.
"I love you Lucky." She whispered.
Lucky whispered his love continuously as he took them both on a journey with thier bodies. Moving deeply within Emily he heard her moan his name as he touched the right spot. "I Love you Emily. For now, for always." He moved a little harder and they both went over the edge.
Emily opened her eyes and stared at the celing. She couldn't believe this was real but it was. She quickly moved over and into Lucky's arms kissing his chest lightly.
"I love you." She said still out of breath.
"I love you too Em." He held her tightly praying that he didnt' live to regret giving her back his heart, but knowing deep in his soul he wouldn't.
Emily smiled as she felt herself drifting off to sleep.
"Tomorrow I'm going house hunting." She replied. "I don't want you climbing in my window every night."
"How about we go househunting. A married couple should have a home." Lucky moved up onto his elbow. "Emily Bowen Quartermaine- Will you marry me?"
Emily shot straight up in bed and looked at him with her jaw dropped.
"Did you just....was that a....what?"
"Oh so you are still paying attention to me - kinda." He smiles.
"Lucky!" Emily exclaimed.
"Emily - tonight in this room I gave you back every part of me you ever had, my trust, my love, my heart, my body, and my soul. Now I would like it if you would take my name too. Will you marry me for now, for always?"
Emily took his hand as the tears started once again.
"Having you back in my life was what I dreamed about but this....this takes the cake." She smiled. "Yes, I will marry you Lucky Spencer, for now, for always."
"I'm going to hold you to that." He kisses her tenderly. Taking her face in his hands and her lips with his.