As well as rabbits and horses I own several other animals to. I have 2 dogs, satin and sam, nine cats, a donkey, 2 mini horses, three cockatails, and several chickens. At college were not allowed to have any pets except fish. So I bought 2 fish. I will get more pics of my animals as soon as I can.
This is one of my many goats, Billy. He is a pygmy goat(little large). He is the sweetest goat I have ever owned.
Isnt this kitten too cute?!
She's my potbelly pig, Sparkles. I got her for a christmas present 2 years ago.
These are a few of my chickens, we only have a few that are that big right now. Most of my chickens are now Banty's. We have sucessfully raised 11 chicks!
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