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ISB enforcer

Craft: Kuat Drive Yards ISB enforcer

Type: heavily armed transport

Scale: Star fighter

Length: 20 meters

Crew: 2

Crew Skill: varies

Passengers: 10

Cargo Capacity: 1 metric tons

Cost: Not available to civilians

Hypperdrive multiplier: x1

Hyperdrive backup: x10

nav computer: yes

space: 7

Atmosphere: 350; 1,00 kmh

Hull: 4D+2


Passive: 30/1D

scan: 60/2D

search: 75/3D

focus: 4/4D


2 laser cannons (fire linked)

fire arc: front

skill: Starship gunnery

fire control: 3D

space range: 1-3/12/25

Atmosphere range: 100-300/1.2/2,5 km

Damage: 5D

1 ionized torpedo launcher

fire arc: front

Skill: Starship gunnery

Fire control: 2D

ammo: 5

space range: 1/3/5

atmosphere: 50-100/300/500

Damage: 7D

2 light ion cannons (fire linked)

fire arc: front

skill: starship gunnery

fire control: 3D

space range: 1-3/7/36

atmosphere range: 100-300/700/3,6 km

damage: 4D

Capsule: The Enforcer has a rectangular shape with a sloped nose and three wings on it's backside (in the same fashion of Lambda class shuttle, though the wings on the enforcer are more pointy). The enforcer is the shuttle of the ISB. It's job is to transport ISB officers (and their prisoners) from system to system. It also is well armed so it can also be used to do some policing and subjucating of those stupid rebels.