The Entao come from the Dessert world of Taoixto. The planet has one continent, with two mountain ranges to the north and south. Due to the planet's tilt weather patterns run North and South. This makes the interior of the content a vast dessert. While the extremes north and south are Tundra, so the whole planet is very barren by usual standards. However, life still found away. The Entao are evolved from a scavenger species. Since nearly all species on Taoixto are omnivores, there was always an abundance of carcasses for the Entao. However, this also meant that the Entao have an abundance of predators. To combat this, the Entao developed several things including enhanced hearing, natural armor, and intelligence. Many Sentitologist estimate that the Entao have been sentient for quite sometime. Unfortunately, since they have to fight so hard just to survive, they have not developed much technology. However, the Entao are excellent survivors and are well honed to their environment. The Entao are locked in a hunter and gather society, who live in villages for protection. There are no leaders, whenever there is a dispute all members of the village vote. Their societies are very communal. The Entao are bipeadal humanoids who's skin color is always a darker color. They are covered by overlapping scaleish natural armor. They also have small, slanted eyes and 30 cm long pointed ears that shoot straight back.
Attribute dice: 13D
Dexterity: 2D/4D
Knowledge 1D+2/3D+2
Mechanical 1D/3D
Perception 2D/4D
Strength 2D/4D
Technical 1D+2/3D+2 size: 1 meter-1.4 meters
move 10/13
Special abilities:
Natural Armor: +1D to all physical attacks
Enhanced hearing: +1D to perception rolls that involve hearing
Primitive society: can not start out with any "modern" technology or knowledge skills.