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Player's Guide to the M'shinni sector


The Mossonian sector ( the official name is the M’shinni sector) is located along the Celanon spur, on the inner fringes of the outer rim. The sector is the home of three sapient species: the M’shinni, the Skrillings, and the Hondrun. However, the sector is mostly controlled by the M’shinni. The Mossonian sector has a very peculiar agreement with the Empire, allowing them more freedom than most systems have ( in a manner of speaking), but at the same time the Mossonian sector is a hub for Imperial activity. While the M’shinni nobles live a life of luxury, hobnobbing with Imperials, while the commoners suffer under the heal of oppression.

The M’shinni

For more broad and basic details on the M’shinni refer to the entry in Galaxy Guide 12. There are approximately 350 rootlines. Each rootline controls a specific aspect of the economy. For example one rootline is responsible for education, one for sanitation, another for growing Tilweed, etc. Every rootline has a very similar feudalistic social structure. At the top is the council of elder members. The council of elders appoint Mshinil (basically lords), the Mshinil then pick Tidos (similar to vassals) to run certain parts of the land. The vassals have underlings called Lavels, and at the very bottom of the social latter are the Vilnus (serfs). For example, the Grini rootline’s profession is the making of vaporators and similar products. The Mshinil would be like the CEO. The Tidos would be the Vice presidents and upper mangers. The Lavels would be middle management and shift managers, and the Vilnus would be the assembly line workers. While there are several rootlines, there are ten major ones: Mshin, Yelnat, Grini, Yamatun, Hillem, Grigi, Minosm, Seytos, JilneY, and the Poodot. The Following is a brief description of the major rootlines.

Mshin: The Mshin claim to be the first of the rootlines. They are probably the most powerful and influential of all the rootlines. Members of Mshin tend to be power hungry, cunning, and slightly manipulative. The feeling of unity is strong in the rootline. The Mshin also have the best relation with the Empire. The Mshin are a major agricultural faction. They are expert teraformers.

Yelnat: The Yelnet are the least trusted of the rootlines, for understandable reasons. Since ancient times law and banking have been the trade of the Yelnat. Naturally, the Yelnet are rich, but not well liked. Members of the Yelnet line tend to be arrogant and full of themselves.

Grini: The Grini are powerful because of their trade not because they are political players. The Grini are major producers of agricultural technology. They do not like playing political games, and believe in hard work. The Grini are the most tight knit of the major rootlines

Yamatun: The Yamatun are a paradox. They wield no true power, but yet they are one of the most powerful rootlines in the sector. The Yamatun are in charge of the M’shinni military. The Yamatun are at the dispense of all the rootlines. However, a Yamatun is always one of the two vice-senior elders of the council on every M’shinni planet. So the Yamatun have a strong say in their military actions as well. Most Yamatun are prideful and strict.

Hillem: The Hillem is another major agriculture line. They specialize in hydroponics. The Hillem are bitter enemies of the Mshin rootline. Members of the Hillem line tend to be a determined, yet pessimistic lot.

Grigi: The Grigi are the main rivals of the Grini, and unlike the Grini they love to play political games. The Grigi mainly make hydro technology, but have their roots in all aspects of manufacturing. The Grigi often try to sabotage and deface the other rootlines. In general , the Grigi are two faced, egotistical beings who are always trying to increase their power base.

Minosm: The Minosm are easily the most wealthy of the rootlines. They are a miner line. However, since the M’shini on agricultural people, they do not to see the Minosm as having much political power. The Minosm are often stepped on and over ruled. This caused them to be very suspicious of many other M’shini and gives them a frantic drive to succeed. The Minosm are not part of the mining guild, but they are currently in negotiations. If they join the mining guild, it will most surly cause some economic hardship for the rest of the sector.

Seytos: The Seytos hold an enormous amount of political power. The Seytos are the keepers of the M’shinni religion. The religion is a pantheistic. The Seytos are probably one of the most powerful root lines despite the fact they have very little in the ways of assets.

JillneY: The JillneY are herders. For the most part, the JillneY concentrate on livestock. The JillneY have very few allies and very few enemies. Because of this most JillneY have a certainty about them. As of late the lines relations with the Mshin, and the Bynea ( a relatively minor rootline) have been becoming more hostile.

Poodot: Officially the Poodot manufacture data cards and other mundane items. Unofficially, they are the major crime syndicate in the sector. It is no secret they are involved in less than legal activities. Like all great criminal organizations they cover their path good enough not to get caught. The Poodot are a very insular rootline, and if you know something you shouldn’t there is a good chance you’ll be sleeping with the mynocks. . .

Keep in mind while that each rootline specialized in something, they do other stuff as well. So while the M’shin are mainly farmers, they also have a research and development area where they develop and produce technology. They will also have their own stores and eateries.

The Empire

The Empire has an interesting political relationship with the M’shinni sector. For some reason the council of elders decided to grant the Emperor a new position in their Feudal system. The M’shinni made the Emperor the Supreme overseerer, who has the power to turn down or approve anything that the council of Elders passes. The M’shinni recognized the Empire as a “pseudo-rootline” and granted them land on each planet (every rootline lost evenly, well almost evenly . . .). The Emperor appointed his own Governors to a planet. They now automatically serve as the 2nd vice president, a position that was before an open election (among the planetary council). The Empire has it’s military loosely organized among typical feudal lines. This was done to appease the M’shinni. The M’shinni kept the majority of the bureaucracy, military, and independence. The M’shinni pay a high price for their independence. In addition to normal Imperial taxes, the M’shinni also pay an annual tribute to the Empire. This normally ends up hurting the lower classes more than it does the aristocracy.

The Rebellion

Due to the fact that more freedom exist in the M’shinni sector than the areas that surround it, the Alliance has not had much luck starting the spark of rebellion. The Empire knows this and has started to make the M’shinni sector a major hub of Imperial activity. Such as Research & Development, shipyards, and training facilities. The Celanon trade spur runs from Duro to Celanon. Celanon is the jump point to many outer rim sectors. The rebellion needs a foothold along the trade spur, and because of the less despotic rule in the M’shinni sector it is the best spot for the rebellion to do it. The ISB knows this and has launched one of the biggest propaganda campaigns in the galaxy. They are also almost on a fanatical witch hunt for rebels. Right now the only presence the rebellion has is a few cells on the major planets, a rag-tag militia consisting of Skrillings and low class M’shinni (it is currently in hiding), and a few sympathizers who will do small parts as long as it doesn’t involve great risk. The rebellion is considering sending in a Specops team to start doing the more difficult missions, and establishing a permeant rebel presence.