Type: Heavy Recovery Vehicle
Length: 11.9 meters
Scale: speeder
Crew: 2 (1 medic) gunners: 1
Crew skills: Ground Vehicle operation: 4D, firstaid: 5D+2, vehicle blaster 4D+2
Passengers: 4
Cargo capcity: 45 kilograms
Cover: full
Maneuverability: 0D
Move: 35; 100 kmh
Body Strength: 6D+2
Heavy Blaster Cannon
Fire arc: front
Crew: 1
Skill: vehicle blasters
Fire control: 1D
Range: 50-900/1.6/2.7 km
Damage: 6D+2
The MP 1A carries several medical supplies (including a bacta tray) and weapons, provisions, and shelter for the troops that accompany it.
(picture on page 134 of Imperial Sourcebook)