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The lirquel come from Torfes which serves as a border between the outer rim and wild space. The imperial scout ship that landed on this planet did not realize that the Lirquel were there. This is because the Scout Ship landed on the plains, and the Lirquel live in the huge forest, which are too dense to land a ship in. The Lirquel made first contact with the Kyat Hellions merc unit, and signed a treaty with them. The treaty stated that the mercs would not reveal the Lirquel homeworld, and that they would provide protection for the species. In return, the Lirquel would supply the mercs with troops. The Lirquel chosen to fight with the mercs consider it a great honor and our proud to leave. The Lirquel our humanoids. Their bodies are covered with fur, and they have a bushy tail. Lirquel have pointed ears which stand straight up on the top of their head. The most unusual thing about Lirquel is their fur. It is naturally camouflaged, and is patterned similar to camouflaged fatigues. The Kyat Hellions has spilt, and one part has joined the rebel alliance. Because of that there are several Lirquel in the rebel alliance.

Aveage Lirquel-Dexterity 2D+1, Knowledge 2D, mechanical 1D+2, Perception 3D, Strength 2D, Technical 1D

Gamemaster notes: an adventure could be designed around the players keeping the empire from finding out about where the lirquel come from.


Attribute dice: 12D

Dexterity 2D/4D+2

Knowledge 2D/3D+2

Mechanical 1D/3D+2

Perception 2D+2/5D

Strength 2D/4D

Technical 1D/3D

Special abilities:

Camouflage fur: Provides +2D to sneak in a jungle or forest environment.

Climbing Claws: The Lirquel's climbing claws add +2D to climbing, they can also be used as weapons causing Str-+2 damage

Hearing: Lirquel get +1D when searching by hearing

Story Factors:

Protectiveness: The Lirquel are protective of their homeworld and where not reveal its location, even under torture.