System: Obelila
Sector: Tapani
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Moderate
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: moist
Gravity: standard
Terrain: forest, hills, farms
Length of day: 28 hours
Length of year: 399 local days
Sapient species: Humans
Starport: standard
Population: 2 billion
Planet function: Agriculture
Government: Noble families
Tech Level: Space
Major exports: foodstuffs
Major imports: high technology
Capsule: Obelia is the breadbasket of Tapani. Because there are no mountain ranges, and no true oceans, just big lakes, the planet has no dessert areas. The entire planet is rich in vegetation life, and has incredible topsoil. Due to this fact, 75% of the land is used for farming. Noble families own farms that span sizes of small cities. There are only two major cities on the planet. Even though people have lived on the planet for many centuries there are still parts of Obelia that have never been touched by humans, this is because the noble families set up huge nature preserves. Since camping is not allowed in them, no one has ever been able to reach the interior of these great forests.