Type: Scout/enforcement vehicle
Scale: Speeder
Length:12.2 meters
Skill: repulsorlift operation: scout vehicle
Crew: 2 gunners 1
Crew skill: Repulsorlift operation 4D, Blaster 5D
Cargo Capacity: 100 kilograms
Cover: full in cockpit, half in back, 1/4 at gun.
Manuverbility: 1D+1
Move: 35; 100 kmh
Body Strength: 4D
1 Heavy repeating blaster
Type: 1 man heavy repeating blaster
fire arc: turrent
Scale: character
Ammo: unlimited
Range: 3-75/200/500
Damage: 8D
The GRDr S2 scout craft has a very sophisticated communications array that is capable of boosting comlink signals 10 times. It can also receive and filter in non-imperial signals, it can also jam all communication equipment in a seven mile radius. One of the crewmen operates this and the guns power supply while the other pilots the vehicle.
(Picture in the planet section of the Thrawn Trilogy in the planet section)