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Type: Terrestrial

Temperature: Hot

Atmosphere: Type I

Hydrosphere: dry

Gravity: standard

terrain: dessert and Oasis

Length of day: 18 standard hours

Length of year: 100 local days

Sapient species: humans

starport: standard

Population: 2 million

planet function: mining

Government: noble houses

Tech level: space

Major Exports: raw materials

Major imports: food

Information: Shandra is located in the Shindra system in Melentha Province, which is located in the Tapani sector. Shandra is a dessert planet. Due to the odd geology of this planet, there are several huge underwater lakes that rise to the surface as springs creating lovely and refreshing oases. Due to a combination of sink holes, caves, and other natural phenomenon, all water on the planet eventually drains into one of these lakes. Naturally all of the civilization areas are built in these oases. The Oases are quite spread out, so a means of conveyance was needed to go from one settlement to another. “Whistlers” were the answer. “Whistlers” are high speed mag trains that make a whistling sound when they travel. Passengers on a Whistler have to set in inertia chairs to help compensate for the G-force. A whistler can travel around the planet in just over six hours. Another slower means of transportation is the luxury monorail. The monorail takes three day trips from Shadan to Yieldan. Normally, just the galactic elite and tourists who have saved for years ride the monorail.