In my first attempt at a Star Wars campaign, I created the Boltrue sector. I did not put a terrible ammount of thought into the sector and really did not write a lot down about it. Maybe out of the information here you can get some ideas . . ..
There are several main trade routes through the Boltrue sector. In fact, the most direct way to Tatooine is through the Boltrue sector. The Boltrue sector consit of 30 systems, and 20 of them are know to be habited. The Boltrue sector is small by comparison Moff Lete is in charge of both Trax and Boltrue sector. There are only three Hutt controlled systems. The sector only has a population of 45 billion
Zaltrac- Zaltrac at one time was a fort in the early days of the old republic. The fort was then converted to a Hutt dept prison, but was soon deserted. After the rise of the Empire, the alliance converted it into a base. It is the only true rebel base in three sectors.
Nal Boque- is located in the HUTT VII system, and is a haven for scum. The only imperial presence is a Customs officer on a Hutt payroll. Of course, the only rebel presence died along time ago...
Elknew System- There are only two inhabitaed worlds in the Elknew system. Elknew V and Elknew III. Elknew V is an Ag world, while Elknew III is a zoo.
Tolkeen- Tolkeen is home to the Frawds. An alien race that developed almost identical to humans except the world's gravity is two times that of standard. Thus, they are short, stocky, and Strong.
Plesure Island- Pleasure island as the name implies is a tourist planet. There is only one land mass. For the right price ANY thing can be gotten there.
P'norpom- P'norpom is the capital of the Boltrue sector. There is a Kuat drive yard located on the planet. The planets current population is 2 billion.
Nosilla- Nosilla is a fruitful world that was against the empire. A major battle was fought there. The rebels won, but only delayed the inevitable. COMPNOR came, and took the world by storm, winning many of the youth. The known Rebel sympithisers were captured and "reducated". The small rebel cell on the planet is known as the Outcast.
Zona- In the early times of the Alliance Zona was one of the major bases. A decent sized battle was fought there, where rebels starships held out agianst greatly over whelming odds. After the battle the base was abandoned.