__ Crax’s Fire III: From it’s start in the Boltrue sector, the fight in the Tapani sector, and beyond Crax’s Fire has become a legend over the years. Now, 12 years after the Battle of Endor, The last of the old, Aimee Sudan is retiring. A younger group now has taken up the flame and name of Crax’s Fire in hopes to finally bring the galaxy to peace.
__ Spec Ops: GM’s sector Sector: A special ops mission that takes place in a sector I create. This campaign could go in a million different directions.
__ Spec Ops: Mossonian Sector: Another special ops group operating in the Mossonian sector. A sector controlled by an alien species known as the M’shinni. A lot of politics involved.
__ Spec Ops: Corporate Sector: Same as the other two only it takes place in the Corporate Sector.
__ Spec Ops: Tapani II: Play a new special ops group that is assigned to the Tapani Sector after Crax’s Fire leaves. Sort of a sequel to the Crax’s Fire campaign
__ Mission Group: As an elite member of rebel intelligence you are preform covert missions to stop the empire. Like a spec ops campaign only with a James Bond feeling. Nearly every adventure would have to do with stopping the Empire or helping out the Rebel Alliance as a whole.
__ Super Heroes: In the Tapani Sector a hero is needed and a well trained noble is going to do it, with some help. During the day the characters hob knob with the elite, but at night they done their costumes and fight injustice ( a very Zorro like game)
__Super Heroes II: A bunch of misfit idealistic aliens get together, and decide to use their unique abilities by making the galaxy a better place, one crimelord (or Imperial) at a time.
__ Irregulars: The rebel alliance doesn’t have enough resources to give all of it’s outerrim cells the supplies needed to make big strikes, so the Irregulars do it for them. The Irregualrs are three or four spec ops groups that operate from the same mobile base. This is like a special ops campaign only there is more interaction (and clash of egos) with other rebels, and the adventures are more “irregular”.
__Special forces: Stand to attention Maggot! You are now the best of the best of the best. You are a member of the rebel special forces. This is a more militaristic campaign that involves a lot of combat.
__Bogey Squadron: Fly under the command of Seiben Neun as you fight the Empire one Tie at a time.
__ Tales of the Jedi: 4,000 years before the Empire the republic flourished, but a recent rise in the ancient and evil Sith threaten the peace, and it will take a group of jedi to help bring peace back to the galaxy.
__ Jedi Academy: Set in the Phantom Menace era, this campaign is centered around teenagers wanting to become Jedi at the Academy, low on combat extremely high on Roleplaying.
__ Scouts: The new republic has reopened the scouting branch. Are you brave enough to journey into the frontier and boldly go where no sapient has gone before? (This will have a Stargate: SGI feel)
__ Braveheart: Your love is murdered at the hands of the Imperial governor, and that is all it takes for you to start a rebellion. A good mix of Roleplaying and combat, with a healthy dose of tactics. However, there is only one central character, everyone else are more secondary characters (but still important)
__ Freelancers: The galaxy exist for you. You and your friends can do several different things, and you do. You travel from planet to planet on whim, and then offer your services to solve what ever problems need to be solved . . . for a price that is. You occasionally smuggle, bounty hunt, race, or do private detective work. Hey, it’s whatever floats your boat.
__ Galaxy Hopping rebels: Special ops groups are needed everywhere, but you do the best you can. You are attached to the main rebel fleet, and take missions in all corners of the galaxy as you see fit.
__ Long Live the Empire: Stupid rebels! In just a few short years they have managed to topple the best government in the history of the galaxy, but you will make sure they don’t finish the job, and you’ll reverse the tide. This is like a rebel spec ops campaign only reversed.
__Galaxy of Darkness: There are far to many dangerous things in the galaxy to worry about politics. There are things of undescribable evil that have been forgotten about, or never fully understood. If these damnable things are allowed to fester, it won’t matter who wins the war. It is up to you to stop it.
__ Deep Space : The frontier is a big place, with many new threats. The new republic is still having problems with the Empire so it doesn’t have many ships to spare. Join the crew of the Deep Space as you journey into the unknown to try to maintain the peace.
__ Earth vs. The Empire: On the edges of Wild space lies a little planet that the natives call Earth. The Rebellion has been using this planet as a safe world for years, now the Empire has discovered it. The Empire assumes the natives are willingly housing rebels and begins the subjugation of this new planet. It’s like Independence day only worse. Much Worse.
__ Invasion (had idea long before new jedi order): It has been thirty years since the death of Emperor Palpatine, and the New Republic has entered a time of peace, but he Ssi’ruk Imperium threatens the new republic and a new war has started.
__Homeland Defense: You and your family had a peaceful life, but the Empire took that. Now you and the rest of the Dresselians are determined to take it back. Play a Dresselian commando fighting for his freedom.
__Speed Racer: Live life in the fast lane as a pod racer. Go from track to track getting involved in planetary intrigue, life on the fringe, and the racer life. A mix of roleplaying and roll playing.
__Rebel Cell: You are responsible for helping the Rebel alliance and curving the power of the Empire on one planet. You start out with nothing but each other and a few thousand credits to fight your own little war. Good luck, you’re going to need it.
__Escaped slaves: The only thing you have in common with the other characters is that you recently just helped each other escape from slavery. Now you must find your place in the big galaxy. Of course, it would be easier to get along with your new comrades if you all spoke the same language...
__rebel: Time change: One of the other rebel campaigns set after the death of the Emperor
__Beginning of Rebellion: The death star hasn’t been built yet, and the Empire hasn’t exactly proven itself to be all that evil, except on your homeworld. This is similar to several of the other rebel campaigns only there is no rebel alliance yet, and the Empire is more new.
__Alternate reality #1: Han Solo didn’t save Luke Skywalker from being shot by Darth Vader. So Luke died, and Yavin 4 was destroyed. Chewbacca overcome with grief breaks off his life debt and becomes the leader of the rebellion along with General Gram Bel Iblis. Now it is up to a smaller but more determined rebel group to bring freedom to the galaxy.
__Alternate reality #2: Luke Skywalker joins Darth Vader instead of jumping in cloud city. Now Vader and Luke rule the galaxy as father and son. Jedi Master Yoda has come out of retirement to help defeat the new Emperor and his son.
__Perguine’s nest: You joined the rebel group of Gram Bel Iblis when he broke away from the main group. Your fighting your own little war against the Empire with even less resources than the rebel alliance has.
__ Privateers: The life of a pirate is the life for you; A ship, open space, and money. Only problem is that silly conscious of yours. To solve that problem you become a privateer for the rebel alliance. That way you get to live the life you want and fight the evil empire.
__ The last jedi: You aren’t really jedi. You are just minor force users, or perhaps a Padawan that didn’t finish their training. You have bound with others like you. You won’t join the rebellion, there is to much risk with spies in it. The Empire is hunting you, and you plan to take it out and re establish the jedi knights before the Empire takes you out.
__ Lab Rats: Something went wrong with the experiment. You awoke and escaped before it was completed. You can’t remember much about your past life. All you know for sure is that what ever is happening to you was caused by the Empire and you can’t trust anyone but the people who escaped with you. This campaign’s feel will be a mix between X-Files and X-men.
__ Private eyes: Your small private investigator company was going quite well. That is until she showed up at your door asking for help. Now you and your associates are caught up in something that is over your heads and you can’t get out. This is a very in depth campaign.
__ Droids: An experimental programming that grants droids full sentience is installed in you. You now have full emotions, dream, and the ability to love. This very low action campaign follows a group of droids on a quest to become more human.
__ Bounty Hunters: The hunt and money is all you really care about. Fortunately, this little civil war between the Empire and the rebels has created a great amount of bounties. Unfortunately, there are many beings trying to collect. So you banded together to work with other young hunters. You will work together and share the profits equally. At least that is how it is suppose to work in theory . . .
__ Tapani Nobles: You are born of high blood. In a few years you are to inherit your parent’s position, but until then you are going to live it up, build a power base, and get involved in court intrigue. After all, the galaxy does revolve around you.
__ Smugglers: More than anything else you value freedom. Second, is money. That is why you live the life of the smuggler. You get to ply the space ways, go where you want to go, and see the galaxy in your ship. Well, it will be your ship as soon as you pay that gangster the 20,000 credits you owe him.
__ New Republic security force: It is 12 years after the battle of Endor, and the Republic is still bringing the galaxy back to order. Due to this crime has risen incredibly. It is your job to stop this and bring criminals to justice. Picture the FBI or U.S. Marshals in the Star Wars Universe.
__ Tie jockeys: You proudly serve the Glorious Emperor by saddling up in a Tie Fighter and vapeing those stupid rebels. You’ll show them that real pilots don’t need shields!!!!
__ Battle for Tapani: After the Battle of Endor much of the galaxy still lies in the hands of the Empire. One of these places is the Tapani Sector. Join Baron Lance Carleon as he returns to the Tapani Sector to rid it of the Empire once and for all.
__ Lost in Space: It was just a routine cargo job, that is until you found out that it was a rebel spy you were carrying and attacked by the Empire. As you jumped to hyperspace a last second shot hit, totally killing your nav computer and locking the hyperdrive on. By time you shut it off you were totally lost in the middle of the unknown regions. Now you have to try and find a way home.
__ Bureau 4: Bureau 4 is located on Coruscaunt, and looks like an office branch of several other typical New Republic Security Force offices. However, this one is different. Whenever there is a problem of utmost importance to the security of the New Republic bureau 4 is sent in to make sure the problem is taken care of. A very, very James Bond like campaign.
__ Flashpoint! Brak Sector: A special ops campaign using the information outlined in the book. The campaign will be much more diverse and allows the characters to make a real difference.
__ Freedom Fighters: Set in the Tales of the Jedi time period, the freedom fighters are the unsung heroes. They are a sect of people who have devoted their lives to the force and helping the jedi. They may not be able to manipulate the force themselves but they are competent enough to get the job done.
__ Galactic Senate: Play a senator in the final days of the republic. Perhaps you are sided with the likes of Bail Organa or Mon Mothma and are trying hard to save the republic, or maybe you are there for the money and don’t want the “do-gooders” to mess with what you’ve got going on. You might be an aide or trouble shooter who does the dirty work for your employee, or a you are there to lobby a cause or protect someone’s interest. Naturally this campaign has a very muddled line of bad and good. Intrigue will run high.
__ Hackers: On a highly connected core world planet, a group of teens and social deviants team up to fight the Empire the only way they know how: as a ghost in the machine.
__ Idealistic Youth: This campaign is the saga about a group of young adults from a back water planet who want to help bring down the evil Empire. They naively take a few possessions and head to the local star port. However, they find out that just finding the rebel alliance is more than an adventure in it’s own.
__ Procurement Specialist: Your job doesn’t get much hype, glamour, or prestige but it is one of the most dangerous jobs in the rebel alliance. Your continuing mission is to get the supplies the rebel alliance needs as fast as possible, and anyway necessary.
__ Big Business: By a stroke of luck, you and your friends have just won a mining complex in a game of chance. Now, fully unqualified to run it, you have to quickly figure it out. Because in the world of RawMats it is sink or swim. This campaign is for those who like to manage stuff, accumulate wealth, and have a burning desire to be like Lando Calrisian.
__ Rebel Diplomat: You are part of a group who seeks out small, independent rebel cells, and try to convince them to join the alliance. Of course, carrying out “acts of goodwill” for them normally involves more than diplomatic functions. . . .
__ Gladiator: Live life in the slave pit. To live you have to fight whether you like it or not. It is all about survival, and you don’t want to end up dead. Despite this fact you can’t help but to make friends with some of your fellow gladiators. Maybe one of these days, you and your friends might be able to escape. While fighting this is high on roll-playing, while not fighting it is high on role-playing.
__ Imperial specialist: You are the best at what you do, though what you do isn’t very nice. Not every member of the Empire commits horrible atrocities, but you do. Play the people who are responsible for making sure the Empire rules supreme!
__ Imperial Star destroyer As a crewman aboard an Imperial Star destroyer, you do your duties to the best of your ability; whether you are a sensors operator, gunner, tech, pilot, or cook. A campaign for those who are fascinated with capital scale warfare, and life aboard a star cruiser.
__ Darkstryder: Set four years after the battle of Endor ,the war continues. In the remote and distant Kathol sector the Capital has just fallen, but Moff Sarne has escaped and he possesses Darkstryder technology. Now a token force on the Farstar has to continue the fight. Players will play a multitude of characters in an incredibly fleshed out and pre-designed campaign setting (if you have the boxed set that is)
__ Mercenaries: You are the best of the best and completely loyal . . .to the highest bidder. A bit like a rebel special forces campaign only a bit more gray.
__ Vigilantes: The Empire can not be trusted. They allow crime, slavery, and corruption to flourish as long as it does not effect them or their precious tax money that much. This is unacceptable to you. You and your friends will bring justice back to the galaxy, by being judge, jury, and executioner of those who prey on the innocent.