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Hicnor Moden

Type: Armchair Historian

Gender/species: male/ Ishi Tib

Age: 28

Height: 1.7 meters

Weight: 192 lbs.

Physical description: Four Pointed star head, dark green skin. Large yellow eyes. Thin for his species.

Dexterity 3D

blaster 3D+2 Knowledge 4D

Beuacracy 7D+2, Planetary Systems 6D, Cultures 6D, Tactics 7D+1

Mechanical 2D+2

Repulsor lift operation 3D+2

Perception 3D+2

Investigation 6D, Search 4D+2, persuasion 4D

Strength 2D+2

swimming 3D+2

Technical 2D

Computer program/repair 4D

Equipment: blaster pistol (4D), datapad, Encyclopedia Galactica chips, comlink, 1,000 credits

Background: Hicnor was a mid-level beurocrat in the core worlds. He was fired along with several co-workers due to new order policies. While he was searching for a job he saw some of his former co-workers gunned down as they protested the discrimtory nature of the Empire. Hicnor eventually found his way to Mrllst in the Tapani Sector, where he hooked up with a rebel cell as an informant. He is currently the aide for a senior history professor at the university, and actually teaches some introductory level classes.

Personality: Dull and dry, but tactful and a little calculating. Does not lose his cool very easily.

Objectives: To earn equality and destroy the evilness of the Empire.

Quote: "Perhaps. . .that was not the best course of action."

Move: 10

Force sensitive: no

force points: 1

dark side points: 0

character points: 6